This is from my friend James Strait, an 
independent tending toward conservatism.
He's responding to the piece by Heather Gerken, sent out earlier (and which I
headed, "Hey, social scientists--WAKE UP!").


We sooo need to get back to basics...

Mark, while you may choose to disagree, you and I 
have observations that run parallel more often 
than divergent. The first time I took notice of 
you was when you promoted your twelve steps to 
elections integrity. I had been stating eleven of 
those steps on the radio for at least a year 
prior. For me, your voice is meaningful in the EI 
movement because you have seen through, around, 
and beyond the I believe I do.

You and I have been able, I believe, to 
promote simplified and logical elections 
structure because we referenced guiding star 
concepts. The problem within the EI grassroots as 
a whole is that they are swept up in countless 
skirmishes that occupy their focus and prevents 
them from stepping back and creating on their 
own. The EI community is always counter 
punching...when they should to be on the attack. 
But ya gotta know what you believe to formulate 
an effective offense.

No meaningful elections reform can take place if 
those seeking such act without belief in 
foundational precepts. Precepts that once 
converted into law will withstand the test of 
centuries because of their sound logic.

I see it every day, have conversations about it 
every day, and like Bev Harris rightly points 
out...the EI movement is on a hamster wheel. I 
believe the hamster wheel is fueled by the lack 
of concensus amongst our own. The goal as I see 
it is to find a mechanism to bring about common 
agreement within the EI world that conforms to 
your and my elections structure.

Machines, software, and all esoteric voting 
methods and procedures are forever incompatable 
with transparency of process. Transparency being 
defined as a process where the average literate 
voting citizen may be randomly culled from the 
population and then be able to perform any 
function within the elections process.

That is my standard...and it is a hard sell 
because it is simple. Modern people have come to 
believe that sophisticated equals complex and 
shiny, when in reality elegant processes 
are always a function of accomplishing specified 
work with the fewest actions.

Can the EI world embrace elegant thinking? 
Honestly, I'm dubious. But unless they/we do, 
then we are doomed to see an inscrutable 
elections future, at the peril of orginal intent 


James Strait

"It would be bitter irony to own a transparent 
vote, to then choose from only the moneyed elite"

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [MCM] Hey, social scientists--WAKE UP!
From: Mark Crispin Miller <><>
Date: Fri, April 03, 2009 3:41 pm

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ul, #wmMessage ol, #wmMessage li { padding-top: 0 
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We Have the Facts and We're Voting Yes

Friday 27 March 2009

by: Heather K. Gerken  |  Visit article original @ The American Prospect


     We cannot achieve meaningful electoral reform 
until we can quantify exactly what is wrong with 
the system.

     Last December, Heather Gerken made the case 
for the creation of a system that ranks states 
and localities based on how well they run 
elections. Her new book, "The Democracy Index," 
published by Princeton University Press, expands 
upon the idea, arguing that clear data about the 
electoral system could stimulate productive 
competition between localities and thereby 
improve the voting process.

     In the following excerpt adapted from "The 
Democracy Index," Gerken considers the practical 
effects that voting data - and lack thereof - has 
on ordinary citizens and the implementation of 

     Spencer Overton doesn't fit the stereotype of 
an election reformer. Polished and professional, 
it's easier to imagine the Justice appointee in 
Armani than Birkenstocks. Overton draws his 
idealism from a civil-rights background, and he 
is capable of talking about the right to vote in 
stirring terms. But with his Harvard Law degree 
and measured baritone, it's as easy to imagine 
him relating to corporate executives as to public 
interest lawyers.

     People have written a good deal about the new 
generation of reformers. Entrepreneurial and 
pragmatic, they eschew old political divides and 
attack problems with the hard head of a corporate 
executive. They look to a variety of institutions 
(the market, administrative agencies), not just 
the courts, for solutions. They are as likely to 
appeal to business-minded ideas - accountability, 
competition - as progressive values like 
participation and empowerment. Overton, who once 
taught law at the George Washington University, 
perfectly embodies this new style.

     Overton's problem is that he is fighting for 
change in a world without data. Indeed, he found 
himself in the middle of one of the biggest 
election reform battles we've seen in recent 
years - one that made it all the way to the 
Supreme Court - and lost in large part because he 
didn't have the data he needed to make his case.

     The fight was over voter identification - the 
requirement that voters show a government-issued 
photo ID when they cast a ballot at the polls. 
Voter ID has been a significant source of 
contention in election circles. Conservative 
commentators insist that an ID requirement deters 
fraud. Liberal commentators counter that the 
requirement is a disguised effort to suppress 
(largely Democratic) votes. The rhetoric on both 
sides of the issue has been quite heated, with 
one side talking about stolen elections and the 
other side equating ID requirements with vote 

     Overton became embroiled in the issue when it 
was taken up by the Commission on Federal 
Election Reform, chaired by former Democratic 
president Jimmy Carter and former Republican 
secretary of state James Baker. Though most of 
the members of the bipartisan commission had 
strong political ties, it included a handful of 
academics, including Overton. The Carter-Baker 
Commission eventually staked out a position on 
voter ID that looked an awful lot like a 
political deal. It roughly tracked the compromise 
that would emerge if a prominent Democrat and a 
prominent Republican sat down to work out 
something both sides could live with. The 
commission blessed the ID requirement (something 
Republicans usually want) while demanding that 
the state take affirmative steps to distribute 
IDs (something that Democrats would want if 
forced to accept an ID requirement).

     Deal or no deal, the main problem with the 
commission's position was that it was utterly 
unsupported by empirical evidence. A pure 
political compromise can be produced without 
coming to grips with the empirics; a sound 
decision cannot. Although the commission did an 
excellent job of amassing data on how our 
election system is run in many areas, this was 
not one where it managed to find much. As the 
commission itself stated, there is "no extensive 
evidence of fraud in the United States." To the 
extent there is any evidence of fraud, it is 
almost entirely due to absentee voting scams or 
ballot-box stuffing, not the type of fraudulent 
in-person voting that photo ID is supposed to 
deter. The only other justification that the 
commission offered for its decision was that a 
photo ID requirement would enhance public trust 
in the system. That claim, too, was unsupported 
by empirical evidence (and may have been 

     Overton did his best to persuade the other 
members of the commission not to endorse an ID 
requirement. Most advocates contesting voter ID 
have simply invoked civil-rights rhetoric. 
Overton called upon that tradition, but he mainly 
focused on the kind of cold-blooded cost-benefit 
arguments that conservatives stereotypically use. 
Working with the Brennan Center, he tried to 
amass data on the effects, good and bad, of photo 
ID. When he failed to change the majority's mind, 
he published a forcefully worded dissent. I saw 
Overton a day after the fight went public. I've 
never seen anyone more exhausted.

     The reason Overton faced such an uphill slog 
is that the data were haphazard and inconsistent. 
As he discovered, "No systematic, empirical study 
of the magnitude of voter fraud has been 
conducted at either the national level or in any 
state to date." Nor were there any good studies 
on an ID requirement's effect on voter behavior. 
Overton pulled together some basic numbers (how 
many voters lack ID, how many fraudulent votes 
might have been prevented by an ID requirement). 
Based on these numbers, he argued that it would 
be a mistake to endorse voter ID at this stage 
because the commission could not show that it 
"would exclude even one fraudulent vote for every 
1000 eligible voters excluded." But Overton 
candidly admitted that his data, standing alone, 
could not tell you what would happen if an ID 
requirement were enacted.

     Overton and the Carter-Baker Commission as a 
whole had the same problem: they were fighting 
about reform in a world without data. The 
Carter-Baker Commission justified its conclusions 
with the only evidence available: anecdote. 
Overton believed that anecdotal evidence led the 
commission to overestimate both the problem of 
fraud and the likelihood that an ID requirement 
would solve it. Overton did not spare his allies 
criticism, either. He rebuked opponents of voter 
ID because they "regularly recite talking points 
about threats to voter participation by the poor 
and minorities, but often fail to quantify this 
assertion." Overton's frustration about the 
debate remains palpable: "I'm an academic," he 
says. "I believe in facts."

     The same year that the Carter-Baker 
Commission released its report, the 
Republican-dominated Indiana legislature passed a 
photo ID requirement in a straight party-line 
vote. The state conceded it was not aware of a 
single episode of in-person voter fraud in its 
entire history, and the legislature failed to do 
anything about the security of absentee ballots 
(the one area where Indiana had recently had a 
fraud problem). "Let's not beat around the bush," 
wrote one of the lower-court judges reviewing the 
case. "The Indiana voter photo ID law is a 
not-too-thinly-veiled attempt to discourage 
election-day turnout by certain folks believed to 
skew Democratic."

     When the lawsuit challenging Indiana's law 
worked its way to the Supreme Court, Justice 
Stevens, writing for the plurality, upheld the 
requirement. He concluded that photo ID was a 
reasonable strategy for combating fraud and 
building voter confidence. What evidence did 
Justice Stevens cite in support? A funny anecdote 
dating back to Tammany Hall, the fact that one 
person had voted fraudulently in a Washington 
gubernatorial election ... and the Carter-Baker 

     The problem is obvious. The Supreme Court 
didn't have much evidence to cite for its view 
that in-person vote fraud was a problem. So it 
cited the Carter-Baker Report, which in turn 
didn't have much evidence to cite. The Supreme 
Court had no evidence to cite for its intuition 
that an ID requirement boosts voter confidence. 
So it cited the Carter-Baker Commission, which in 
turn had no evidence to cite. It's turtles all 
the way down.

     The debate over voter ID is part of a larger 
story about reform in a world without data. The 
story has an obvious moral - whether your 
intuitions are closer to Justice Stevens' or 
Spencer Overton's, surely you'd prefer the 
decision rested on data. But it also gives you a 
flavor for what reform debates look like in a 
world without data.

     Note, for instance, what kind of reform 
proposals get traction in a world without data. 
Most reforms never see the light of day, as I 
discussed in the last chapter. The rare proposals 
that do get traction are those with intuitive 
appeal, like an ID requirement. Middle-class 
voters are accustomed to showing ID to get on a 
plane or pay with a credit card, so it's easy to 
frame the issue in a way that they can 
understand. (Think about the only other issue to 
get traction in recent years - paper trails for 
voting machines. It's another issue people can 
wrap their hands around.) There's no reason, of 
course, to think that intuitively appealing 
reform is the right reform. But the best strategy 
for defeat mistaken intuitions - testing them 
empirically - is impossible in a world without 

     Worse, in the absence of data, reform debates 
are completely at the mercy of politics. The 
reason photo ID got passed in Indiana is because 
it aligned with partisan incentives and the other 
side couldn't build a case against it. (Lest you 
think I'm picking on the Republicans, I should 
emphasize that Democrats are similarly inclined 
to oppose photo ID because of their own political 
interests. Remember, the Indiana law was passed 
without a single Democratic defector.) Similarly, 
when the Carter-Baker Commission announced its 
position on voter ID, it had no empirical basis 
to think it was announcing good policy. All that 
the Carter-Baker Commission could offer was a 
position that both political parties could live 
with. Here again, there is no reason to think 
that "change the parties can live with" bears any 
resemblance to the change we need.

     Just think about how hard it is to referee 
this fight. There are lots of accusations and few 
facts. The Republicans and Democrats shout about 
partisanship. Reformers hint darkly about voter 
suppression. Whether you are a voter or a Supreme 
Court justice, it's hard to figure out who is 
right unless you subscribe to Lev Tolstoy's wry 
claim that "among coachmen, as among us all, 
whoever starts shouting at others with the 
greatest self-assurance, and shouts first, is 

     Finally, and most importantly, note that the 
ultimate referees of this fight - members of the 
Supreme Court - were hungry for guidance. The 
Court encountered the dilemma we all face in the 
elections context: distinguishing between 
legitimate efforts to regulate the election 
system and illicit attempts to hijack it for 
political ends. The justices were plainly on the 
hunt for a yardstick to evaluate the Indiana law. 
Justice Stevens wasn't the only one to rely on 
the Carter-Baker Report. The dissenting justices 
did so as well. Unfortunately, it wasn't a very 
good yardstick for the justices to use. The 
Carter-Baker Commission had nothing to go on 
except atmospherics and anecdote. All it could 
offer is a compromise that smelled like a 
political deal. The voter ID fight makes clear 
just how powerful a yardstick can be in election 
debates. Even an imperfect baseline - a 
bipartisan compromise unsupported by empirical 
evidence - was enough to sway the Supreme Court. 
Imagine what a better metric could achieve.

     The story of the photo ID looks a lot like 
the story of election reform generally. Reform 
battles take place in a world without data. We 
know more about the companies in which we invest, 
the performance of our local baseball team, even 
our dishwashers, than we do about how our 
election system is working. The institutions that 
administer our election system - the linchpin of 
any democracy - don't give us the information we 
need to evaluate how they are performing. The 
limited data that exist are often undependable, 
unverifiable, and too inconsistent to allow for 
comparisons across jurisdictions. It is 
remarkable that we spend so much time arguing 
about which direction election reform should take 
when we don't even have the data we need to map 
where we are now.


     This essay is adapted from the new book, "The 
Democracy Index," by Heather Gerken, published by 
Princeton University Press. Copyright © 2009 by 
Princeton University Press.


     Heather K. Gerken, the J. Skelly Wright 
Professor of Law at Yale Law School, is an expert 
in election law. Her book on election reform, 
"The Democracy Index: Why Our Election System Is 
Failing and How to Fix It" (Princeton University 
Press), comes out this spring.




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