Observers Shut Out of Pima Recount

Attorney General's "criminal investigation" 
procedures break ballot custody and make 
meaningful public observation impossible

RTA Recount Situation Report: 3:00 p.m. Monday April 6th
(aka: "The Official Chronicles Of The Bored To Tears, Part One")
by Jim March


A total hand-recount of what are alleged to be 
the ballots voted in the 2006 Pima County 
Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) bond 
measure election is being conducted as I write.

Eight teams of three people each (all Maricopa 
Elections Division employees) are doing the "sort 
and stack" method to pile ballots in three piles 
for each ballot question. It's impossible to 
overstate how tightly the information flow is 
controlled here, or how "nontransparent" the 
process is.

  The "short form" is that the preliminary counts 
are matching the official final totals from 2006, 
in broad strokes.

"Ballot forensics" is going to be a factor here, 
and the chain of custody of these ballots (read: 
could they be fake?) is open to serious question.


For those just joining us: This bond measure of 
May 2006 involved $2 billion worth of 
transportation contracts, which in turn affected 
"housing boom" issues.  We now know there was a 
ton of fraud in the late lamented real estate 
boom; the question now is, was there also fraud 
in setting the preconditions for that boom, such 
as the RTA bond measure?

There are a number of reasons to suspect the RTA 
race was rigged.  In brief:  The audit logs 
looked very funky; similar bond measures had 
failed repeatedly in years past; Pima elections 
officials had illegally "peeked" into early 
voting results by printing tallies of the 
scanned-in mail-in ballots; the election 
department's chief systems operator was spotted 
referring to a Microsoft Access advanced 
programmer's manual while using the Diebold 
central tabulator; and much more.1 (See 
articles documenting this investigation).
Long-distance photo taken through a window with optical zoom, by Jim March

Red circles indicate voters' marked ballot selections.

  AZ Attorney General Terry Goddard finally took a 
serious role by declaring the hand-count.  But 
the way he handled it violated every standard 
possible in election transparency, and continues 
to do so.

Goddard will tell you that he doesn't need to be 
transparent at all because this isn't an 
election-related recount.  He's partially right: 
this recount is connected to a criminal 
investigation aimed at the people who run 
elections in Pima County.

But the problem is, in order to treat these 
ballots the same way he would if, say, he raided 
the documents inside a crooked bank, he has to 
take sole control over the very engine of 
Democracy.  He's set himself up to be the sole 
judge of what the people's will was in a real 

No one person can ever be allowed to take that 
control with zero oversight or observation.  It 
leads to horrible dark places.  Governments have 
murdered literally millions of people in order to 
gain that kind of sole control.2  When a single 
government official takes control over the 
processing of election information, even in this 
kind of situation, it's a step towards literal 
hell on earth.

So What Has AG Goddard Done?

1.    Over a month ago Goddard seized control 
over the ballots, taking them to points unknown 
and storing them in unknown conditions with zero 
oversight from any other government body, 
political parties or citizen observers.  We still 
don't know where they "vacationed".

2.    They're now being counted by the Maricopa 
elections office in conditions designed to 
prevent observation -- most particularly 
preventing any independent counts of the vote 

These conditions include:

   a.   The AG's office told political parties to 
provide the names of three observers able to 
spent a week in Phoenix (120+ miles from Pima 
County) -- and then the AG's office would pick 
the final participant.  In the case of the 
Democrats, they picked a retiree in his '70s over 
a younger lawyer with elections law experience. 
Fortunately the retiree is a very competent gent, 
but . . . he's not a lawyer.  The Libertarians 
submitted just one name (mine) and the AG's 
office rejected me on "security" grounds citing 
the wrongful arrest I was subjected to in San 
Diego County, CA in 2005 -- never mind that all 
charges were rapidly dropped and changes to 
observation procedures were instituted statewide 
in direct response to my action.  So the game is: 
Keep out as many knowledgeable observers as 

   b.  The observers in the room aren't allowed 
any pens or pencils or any electronic note-taking 
gear.  Mind you, this is a 100% hand count; 
electronic manipulation of people's brains is 
pretty unlikely.

   c.  Every kind of mobile communication device 
is barred from the main counting area.  I was 
stripped of my cellular modem.  They don't want 
rapid Internet broadcasts of news on this event. 
(But they can't stop me from collecting news, 
leaving the area, and broadcasting from the 
parking lot).

   d.  Tables are aligned sideways to the viewing 
windows to make it hard to collect tallies with 
our various zoom lenses and spotting scopes.

The Microscope Fiasco

I have with me a good lab-grade microscope.  I've 
previously proven that 2006-era paper ballots 
(printed on offset printers) can be distinguished 
from more recent 1200dpi laser printed ballots 
under a microscope.  The bureaucrat running this 
thing (Donald Conrad, criminal division counsel 
in the AZ AG's office) told me he would not 
discuss forensics of ballots at all, or allow the 
microscope to be used in any fashion by anyone.

Ballot forensics is going to matter because there 
a number of ways forged fake ballots could have 
been inserted into the stack post-election.  The 
good news is that we have Email traffic between 
Pima Elections and the ballot printing shop 
ordering the extra ballots from the RTA election 
destroyed just over a month post-election - long 
before significant controversy erupted.  So it 
seems unlikely that either Pima Elections or 
Runbeck stashed away the 24,000-plus blank 
ballots that would be needed to swing the 

A more likely approach to fake ballot generation 
is the high-end Okidata laser printer first 
demoed for "ballot on demand" purposes in 2007. 
This taught both Pima and Maricopa elections 
offices that they could build their own illicit 
ballot printing station for a bit over $6k, small 
enough to fit in a closet.  Or just rent the 
regular "ballot on demand" system and subvert it 
to print extra ballots.3

Even the best laser printers scatter microscopic 
toner particles around their target printing 
areas.  The effect is obvious under a good scope.


Will Goddard's office do any real forensics, 
along with other obvious checks such as measuring 
the age of the inks?

There's no way to know; Goddard has taken sole control over the investigation.

He will thus personally decide how well democracy 
worked.  And that's a problem.


Jim March, working the Pima case with EDA 
Investigator John Brakey, is a member of the 
board of directors of, a 
member of the Arizona Libertarian Party election 
integrity committee and...sigh...more. You get 
the idea :).  E-mail Jim at 
<>this address


1. Diebold's election databases look secure, but 
once you open them in MS-Access all security 
vanishes.  This is a known issue and MS-Access is 
NOT a certified election system product anywhere 
in the US.  In short, this was BAD.

2. It's possible to get a somewhat realistic 
estimate of how many murders by individuals have 
happened in the 20th century.  Even the most 
wildly pessimistic numbers are dwarfed by the 
lowest possible estimates of murders committed by 
governments.  The nations of the USSR, China, 
Germany and Japan alone racked up a murder rate 
at least rivaling private-citizen-committed 
murders for the whole century, and that's without 
counting killings as part of war.

3. Easy enough: While the computer Runbeck 
supplies controls access to ballots, it can be 
disconnected and the printer run independently 
from any PC with the ballot image PDF files on it.

Judge Abets Coverup of Suspect Pima Election 
Denies Relief in AZ Election Fraud Case ð

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