Asia Time Online - Daily News  
      Apr 3, 2009
Geithner's dirty little secret
By F. W. Engdahl

US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, in unveiling his long-awaited 
plan to put the US banking system back in order, has refused to tell 
the dirty little secret of the present financial crisis. By refusing 
to do so, he is trying to save de facto bankrupt US banks that 
threaten to bring the entire global system down in a new more 
devastating phase of wealth destruction.

The Geithner proposal, his so-called Public-Private Partnership 
Investment Program, or PPPIP, is not designed to restore a healthy 
lending system that would funnel credit to business and consumers. 
Rather it is yet another intricate scheme to pour even more hundreds 
of billions of dollars directly to the leading banks and Wall Street 
firms responsible for the current mess in world credit markets, 
without demanding they change their business model.

Yet, one might say, won't this eventually help the problem by getting 
the banks back to health?

Not the way the Barack Obama administration is proceeding. In 
defending his plan on US TV recently, Geithner, a protege of Henry 
Kissinger and before his present posting president of the New York 
Federal Reserve Bank, argued that his intent was "not to sustain weak 
banks at the expense of strong". Yet this is precisely what the PPPIP 
does. The weak banks are the five largest banks in the system.

The "dirty little secret" that Geithner is going to great degrees to 
obscure from the public is very simple. There are only at most 
perhaps five US banks that are the source of the toxic poison causing 
such dislocation in the world financial system. What Geithner is 
desperately trying to protect is that reality. The heart of the 
present problem, and the reason ordinary loan losses are not the 
problem as in prior bank crises, is a variety of exotic financial 
derivatives, most especially credit default swaps.

In the Bill Clinton administration of 2000, the Treasury secretary 
was Larry Summers, who had just been promoted from number two under 
former Goldman Sachs banker Robert Rubin to be number one when Rubin 
left Washington to take up the post of Citigroup vice chairman. As I 
describe in detail in my new book, Power of Money: The Rise and Fall 
of the American Century, to be released this summer, Summers 
convinced president Clinton to sign several Republican bills into law 
that opened the floodgates for banks to abuse their powers. The fact 
that the Wall Street big banks spent some US$5 billion in lobbying 
for these changes after 1998 was likely not lost on Clinton.

One significant law was the repeal of the 1933 Depression-era 
Glass-Steagall Act, which prohibited mergers of commercial banks, 
insurance companies and brokerage firms such as Merrill Lynch or 
Goldman Sachs. A second law backed by Treasury secretary Summers in 
2000 was an obscure but deadly important Commodity Futures 
Modernization Act of 2000. That law prevented the responsible US 
government regulatory agency, Commodity Futures Trading Corporation 
(CFTC), from having any oversight over the trading of financial 
derivatives. The new CFMA law stipulated that so-called 
over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives like credit default swaps, such as 
those involved in the AIG insurance disaster, (and which investor 
Warren Buffett once called "weapons of mass financial destruction"), 
be free from government regulation.

At the time Summers was busy opening the floodgates of financial 
abuse for the Wall Street Money Trust, his assistant was none other 
than Tim Geithner, the man who today is US Treasury Secretary, while 
Geithner's old boss, the self-same Summers, is President Obama's 
chief economic adviser as head of the White House Economic Council. 
To have Geithner and Summers responsible for cleaning up the 
financial mess is tantamount to putting the proverbial fox in to 
guard the henhouse.

What Geithner does not want the public to understand, his "dirty 
little secret", is that the repeal of Glass-Steagall and the passage 
of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act in 2000 allowed the 
creation of a tiny handful of banks that would virtually monopolize 
key parts of the global "off-balance sheet" or OTC derivatives 

Today, five US banks, according to data in the just-released Federal 
Office of Comptroller of the Currency's Quarterly Report on Bank 
Trading and Derivatives Activity, hold 96% of all US bank derivatives 
positions in terms of nominal values, and an eye-popping 81% of the 
total net credit risk exposure in event of default.

The top three are, in declining order of importance: JPMorgan Chase, 
which holds a staggering $88 trillion in derivatives; Bank of America 
with $38 trillion, and Citibank with $32 trillion. Number four in the 
derivatives sweepstakes is Goldman Sachs, with a mere $30 trillion in 
derivatives; number five, the merged Wells Fargo-Wachovia Bank, drops 
dramatically in size to $5 trillion. Number six, Britain's HSBC Bank 
USA, has $3.7 trillion.

After that the size of US bank exposure to these explosive 
off-balance-sheet unregulated derivative obligations falls off 
dramatically. Continuing to pour taxpayer money into these five banks 
without changing their operating system, is tantamount to treating an 
alcoholic with unlimited free booze.

The government bailout of AIG, at more than $180 billion so far, has 
primarily gone to pay off AIG's credit default swap obligations to 
counterparty gamblers Goldman Sachs, Citibank, JP Morgan Chase and 
Bank of America, the banks who believe they are "too big to fail". In 
effect, these institutions today believe they are so large that they 
can dictate the policy of the federal government. Some have called it 
a bankers' coup d'etat. It definitely is not healthy.

Geithner and Wall Street are desperately trying to hide this dirty 
little secret because it would focus voter attention on real 
solutions. The federal government has long had laws in place to deal 
with insolvent banks. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 
(FDIC) places the bank into receivership, its assets and liabilities 
are sorted out by independent audit. The irresponsible management is 
purged, stockholders lose and the purged bank is eventually split 
into smaller units and when healthy, sold to the public. The power of 
the five mega banks to blackmail the entire nation would thereby be 
cut down to size. Ooohh. Uh Huh?

This is what Wall Street and Geithner are frantically trying to 
prevent. The problem is concentrated in these five large banks. The 
financial cancer must be isolated and contained by a federal agency 
in order for the host, the real economy, to return to healthy 

This is what must be put into bankruptcy receivership, or 
nationalization. Every hour the Obama administration delays that, and 
refuses to demand a full independent government audit of the true 
solvency or insolvency of these five or so banks, costs to the US and 
to the world economy will inevitably snowball as derivatives losses 
explode. That is pre-programmed, as a worsening economic recession 
mean corporate bankruptcies are rising, home mortgage defaults are 
exploding, unemployment is shooting up.

This is a situation that is deliberately being allowed to run out of 
(responsible government) control by Treasury Secretary Geithner, 
Summers and ultimately the president, whether or not he has taken the 
time to grasp what is at stake.

Once the five problem banks have been put into isolation by the FDIC 
and the Treasury, the administration must introduce legislation to 
immediately repeal the Larry Summers bank deregulation including 
restoration of Glass-Steagall and the repeal of the Commodity Futures 
Modernization Act of 2000 that allowed the present criminal abuse of 
the banking trust.

Then serious financial reform can begin to be discussed, starting 
with steps to "federalize" the Federal Reserve and take the power of 
money out of the hands of private bankers such as JP Morgan Chase, 
Citibank or Goldman Sachs.

F William Engdahl is author of A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil 
Politics and the New World Order; and Seeds of Destruction: The 
Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation ( His 
newest book, Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the 
New World Order (Third Millennium Press) is due out at end of April. 
He may be reached through his website,

(Copyright 2009 F William Engdahl).




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