The Movie They Didn't Want
You to See
Stacy Peralta

It seemed so obvious to me, a slam-dunk, a downright compelling true 
life American story. The story of how the Crips and Bloods -- two of 
the world's most 'iconic' gangs -- have been allowed to wage a 
virtual war within one of the richest cities in the world for 4 
decades, a war that has taken over 15,000 lives in that time.
Yet I couldn't find any studio or production company interested in 
financing my documentary. I went door to door, pitching my project to 
all of the 'right' people in Hollywood. All of them said it was a 
great idea and needed to be done -- but no one would write a check.

This went on for close to a year until I finally met a man who showed 
a glimmer of interest. His name was Baron Davis and he's an NBA All 
Star point guard currently playing for the Los Angeles Clippers. His 
initial interest seemed obvious, he had grown up in South Los Angeles 
and had first hand experience of the everyday violence that 
accompanies life there and he wanted to do something to help heal his 
community. He said he was primarily interested in financing a 
documentary that would help draw compassionate attention to the gang 
wars that have consumed his community for over four decades. After 
weeks of talking back and forth he agreed to put up 50% of the 
budget. So now all I needed to do was find the other half. I thought 
that would be a piece of cake. It wasn't. Another eight months went 
by and nothing. No one was interested even though I've got 50% of the 
budget covered.

So I began wondering what I could say in my pitch that I wasn't 
saying to get people interested. I needed to say something about this 
subject that was more complete than what they've learned from the 
evening news, the local newspapers and gangsta rap. So I came up with 
a question to pose to potential funders: "If affluent white teenagers 
in Beverly Hills were forming neighborhood gangs, arming themselves 
with automatic assault rifles and killing other affluent white 
teenagers who were also living in upscale neighborhoods and were also 
arming themselves with AK 47s and shooting to kill, what would the 
response of our society be? Would society respond or would society 
ignore it? Would our government respond, if so, how would our 
government respond?"

Well I finally hit on something because it was this question that I 
asked a Silicon Valley businessman named Steve Luczo. He thought for 
a moment and then answered: "Affluent white kids would never be 
allowed to gang-bang as our society would do whatever means was 
necessary to make sure a problem of this magnitude was stopped 

Everyone else I asked this question to said something very similar: 
"Our society and our government would never allow white kids to do 
this. Everything would be put into place to prevent it, all the 
necessary programs and resources would be funded to make sure 
something as tragic as gang-banging would never take hold in the 
white community."

So with Baron Davis and Steve Luczo in place as co-financiers I got 
to make my documentary film; Crips and Bloods, Made in America and I 
made this film because as a citizen of the United States and a native 
of Los Angeles, I could not understand how this problem of gang 
violence, now entering its fifth decade with more than 15,000 dead, 
has gone on for so long in the African American community of South 
Los Angeles without any effective solution.

It didn't make sense to me how this could happen year in and year 
out, decade by decade without our government finding an effective 
remedy. We Americans defeated Nazi Germany and Japan in a single war 
and in far less than a decade yet we can't defeat gang violence.

I made the film in over a year and a half period and I was able to 
meet with gang members of all ages, 12 to 65, current and former, 
Bloods and Crips, and sets from many different neighborhoods spread 
throughout the affected region. It was so troubling to me to see how 
confused these young men are and how hurt so many of them seem to be 
without any idea of why. They know that life is different 15 to 20 
minutes in either direction from where they live but they don't know 
why it's different. They don't understand why things are so bad where 
they live and they don't understand why no one from the outside seems 
to care. They don't understand why there so few job opportunities in 
their community and why are so many of their fathers, uncles and 
friends are serving time in the penitentiary?

The more time I spent with them in their community the more I began 
to see a far different America than the America I was raised in. In 
fact the America I was raised in, average middle class America, has 
very little resemblance to the America these young men grow up in.

It's not just that most of these young men come from broken homes, 
it's that most are born into non-homes of unwed teenage girls who 
were also born to unwed teenage girls, on and on. Ask them and they 
will tell you they have never sat down at a dinner table with a 
mother and father present. These young men attend public schools that 
are at the very bottom end of the American educational food chain, 
less learning centers than just straight out day care centers. From a 
tender young age they see dead bodies in their neighborhood streets, 
they hear helicopters flying over day and night, and the sound of 
gunfire is as common as birds chirping. Most cannot venture out of 
their own neighborhoods as doing so can lead to being gunned down. 
These young men live in conditions that most of us would consider 
un-American with no traces of the American dream.

And through the entire process of making this film, I realized that 
if we are ever going to break this cycle of violence, we need to find 
a way to look at these young men with a compassionate frame of mind. 
Stopping gang violence is going to require that we understand that 
conditions in these communities are only perpetuating the problem and 
if those same conditions were suddenly found in affluent white 
communities perhaps we would look at this problem differently.

My film premiered to standing ovations at the Sundance Film Festival 
and is now playing in selected theaters across the country. It is my 
very deep hope that the film will help motivate a much-needed 
dialogue on this subject, a subject that affects not just the African 
American community of South LA, but ethnic minorities in cities 
across this nation and indeed across the world.

Stacy Peralta is the award-winning director of Dogtown, Z-Boys and 
Riding Giants. DVD and theatrical listings are available from
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