New York

David Paterson and Kirsten Gillibrand: New Senator, New Scandal

The Governor's pick is genuine machine-made royalty

By Tom Robbins

published: January 28, 2009

UPI Photo/John Angelillo/Newscom

Soul of an old machine: Gillibrand, with accidental governor Paterson

How wonderful that David Paterson has rescued us 
from having those grasping Kennedys snatch the 
state's open Senate seat. The family only has the 
greatest liberal blood in the country pulsing 
through its veins. Its collective dedication to 
public service famously claimed two lives. 
Through the darkest years of Reagan and the 
Bushes, Ted Kennedy kept hope alive on the Senate 
floor for decent laws that might offer affordable 
health care, fairness to workers, and education 
for the poor. The family's scandals, and there 
are a few, were always of the heart and the flesh.

Now Teddy Kennedy is failing and his niece had 
this mid-life notion that, having helped an 
inspiring new president win election, she might 
be able to pick up the family mantle and make her 
own contribution. Maybe she was up to it; maybe 
she wasn't. But the plan dimmed when the media 
people decided she spoke with too many "ums" and 
"ers" and "you knows" to be trusted to represent 
New York. Did you ever hear reporters talk? It is 
why we only write things down. Most of us can't 
be trusted to intelligibly order a pizza.

The other hitch in Caroline Kennedy's plans came 
when she picked up a Fatal Attraction-type 
admirer in the person of City Hall's resident 
billionaire. Michael Bloomberg never had the 
courage to make his own presidential endorsement 
(privately, he told people he liked McCain best; 
oh, yes, he did). Suddenly, here was Kennedy, his 
golden pass straight into the Obama White House. 
He saddled her with his own political hired guns, 
who promptly ran her dream right into the ground.

We'll only know the truth of the last sad chapter 
of Caroline Kennedy's failed Senate bid if she 
decides to tell us, which isn't likely. She has 
too much class to talk about such things. 
Unfortunately, nothing that the governor or his 
people say about the entire affair is to be 
believed. They lied all Wednesday night when the 
rumors about Kennedy's exit from the race first 
surfaced. Then they lied some more on Thursday. 
It was a nanny problem, they said. Taxes. A bad 
marriage. This from a politician who confessed to 
affairs with women on the state payroll. 
Kennedy's people fired back and, at day's end, 
Paterson sued for peace, admitting there had been 
no such last-minute surprises about her candidacy.

Then, on Friday, the governor stood before the 
press, surrounded by a gaggle of politicians, to 
introduce his own brilliant choice. He'd had two 
months to decide, but it took him until 2 that 
morning to make up his mind. And here she was, a 
42-year-old Reese Witherspoon knockoff, legally 
blonde, all giggles and tee-hees, boasting an Ivy 
League education. She's put her Dartmouth 
schooling to such good use that she holds a 100 
percent rating from the National Rifle 
Association and a four-square stance in favor of 
the death penalty.

Kirsten Gillibrand has all of two years in 
elective office. Like Kennedy, she also hails 
from Democratic royalty. In her case, it's the 
Albany branch, where self-service precedes public 
service. Her father is a veteran political fixer 
and lobbyist. His connections stem from his 
fabulous mother-in-law, Polly Noonan, longtime 
"confidante" and presumed mistress to one of the 
most corrupt mayors in state history. Erastus 
Corning 2nd ruled Albany for more than 40 years, 
most of the time enhancing his family's fortunes 
while dodging grand juries. In 1972, when the 
state investigation commission looked at how 
graft and cost-plus contracts had inflated city 
expenses hundreds of times over, it called 
Corning's Albany "the worst-run county in 

"Rastus" Corning loved Douglas Rutnik, 
Gillibrand's dad, so much that when the mayor 
died in 1983, he left him a politician's most 
sentimental and precious assets: his insurance 
company and his shotgun. "There's no question I 
was like a substitute son for him," Rutnik told 
Paul Grondahl, Corning's biographer. The shotgun 
was from the hours the two spent together 
shooting small birds. The insurance firm was the 
result of a lifetime of favor collection: Its 
clients included all the saloon owners, 
contractors, and manufacturers who understood 
that the way to thrive in Albany was to buy your 
coverage from Corning. When Corning helped Nelson 
Rockefeller build the capitol's vast South Mall, 
every tradesman made sure the mayor's firm wrote 
his insurance. Corning's own wife and children 
were so outraged when he left the company to 
Rutnik and the Noonans that they sued to win it 
back. They lost.

The substitute son embraced the surrogate 
father's lessons: His law firm became the 
faithful instrument of the city's political 
leaders, rising to the occasion for electoral 
challenges, foreclosures, and any needed 
influence-peddling. Democrat or Republican, he 
did not discriminate. He grew close to the GOP's 
rising star, Alfonse D'Amato, and even closer to 
D'Amato's tough-talking aide, Zenia Mucha. After 
D'Amato successfully steered George Pataki into 
the governor's mansion, Mucha went along as part 
of the deal. She and Rutnik bought a lovely home 
together in Colonie, the Albany suburb.

His lobbying clients quickly prospered: Defense 
giant Lockheed Martin won a $50 million state 
contract, and another $95 million deal from the 
MTA. Morgan Stanley paid $10,000 a month for his 
wisdom on state bond sales. Altria-née Philip 
Morris-kept him on a $100,000-a-year retainer to 
help ward off curbs on its cancer-spawning 

At her introduction by the governor on Friday, 
Gillibrand praised her grandmother as her 
inspiration. But her first real lessons came as a 
summer intern in D'Amato's old Senate office, 
where, for a dozen years, he ran the finest 
school in tiptoeing around prosecutors and 
scandal. D'Amato shamelessly stood front and 
center at Paterson's press conference. The 
governor had no problem with this. Before the 
session started, an aide was overheard saying 
they needed to get Malcolm Smith, the Democrats' 
new Senate majority leader, into the camera 
frame. But no one dared dislodge D'Amato, who 
recently threw a fundraiser for Paterson so that 
his own lobbying clients could show the 
accidental governor their love.

Midway through the 90-minute event, BlackBerrys 
buzzed with news that Joe Bruno, Smith's 
Republican predecessor as Senate leader, had been 
indicted on federal charges. For years, Bruno 
ruled as one of the state's most powerful 
figures, all the while keeping his business 
affairs as murky as possible, including the real 
estate deal he held with Gillibrand's father. The 
indictments charge Bruno with secretly pocketing 
$3.2 million from clients seeking his legislative 

Bruno quickly rushed before the cameras to 
thunder that he'd broken no law. Everything was 
by the book, he said. He didn't bother denying 
the secret fortune he'd amassed from those who 
hired him. The clearest thought on this dismal 
affair came later that afternoon from Susan 
Lerner, exasperated leader of the good government 
group Common Cause. "The only meaningful ethics 
and corruption oversight in New York State," she 
said, "is being carried out by federal agents and 
United States Attorneys."

Even for Albany, it was a stunning day. Enough 
misbehavior was packed into a single 24-hour time 
frame to provide Albany's great author, William 
(no relation) Kennedy, with the stuff of an 
entire book. In Roscoe, his novel based on 
Corning and his henchmen, Kennedy offered this 
musing from a rascal lucky enough to win state 
political office: "This is a great job for a man 
with misguided ambition." It could be the motto 
over the Capitol steps.
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