From John Ennis:

As long as Brunner's term as Ohio S.O.S. is still being evaluated, I 
would like to offer my appraisal.

While in Ohio in 2008, both for promoting my election theft doc Free 
for All! as well as organizing for Video the Vote, the issue of early 
voting was fiercely fought by the Ohio G.O.P. While this
issue had already been passed by the legislature, the GOP 
particularly took issue with "Golden
Week," the week in October when people could register and then vote 

Because this allowed poor people and students to vote in numbers they 
never had before, there
was all the Republican resistance you would imagine, and then some -- 
court challenges, threats, press conferences, writing down license 
plates of early voters, etc.  While Jennifer Brunner had maintained a 
thoroughly non-partisan demeanor throughout her term, even in the 
face of being
called a partisan rogue like her predecessor Ken Blackwell, in these 
crucial months leading up
to the national election Brunner went to the mat to keep early voting 
open and accessible.  It was
a continual fight until Ohio was called for Obama.

This is not to endorse her or anyone else for Senate, or to offer 
blanket approval for her term as S.O.S.  Further, for purposes of 
disclosure, S.O.S. Brunner briefly appears in Free for All!  But
so does Cliff Arnebeck, as well as the now former AG of Ohio who 
received the 2004 election
ballot destruction case, and also Ken Blackwell and Mark Crispin Miller.

john w ennis

On Apr 16, 2009, at 8:31 AM, Mark Crispin Miller wrote:

>Cliff Arnebeck replies to Michael Collins:
>In regard to the destroyed 2004 Ohio ballots, it was not generally 
>reported that the matter of criminal activity in that election was 
>referred to the criminal division of the Ohio AG's office, as part 
>of a settlement exploration in our King Lincoln case.  When SOS 
>Brunner received the information from the boards of elections that 
>many ballots (1.8 million) had been destroyed or could not be 
>accounted for, she promptly gave these responses to the Ohio AG's 
>office.  The AG informed the chambers of the federal court and me, 
>as trial counsel to the plaintiffs. Our case had prompted  the court 
>order protecting the ballots.  Subsequently, the AG's office 
>provided me with a complete set of all of the responses from the 
>boards of elections.  These are posted on the web site of 
> in their entirety.
>When this matter became public, SOS Brunner first indicated that 
>culpability in the matter was for the court to determine, and then, 
>criticized former SOS Blackwell for not having properly advised the 
>boards of elections in this matter.  SOS Brunner was correct.  SOS 
>Blackwell instructed the boards of elections about the proper 
>procedure for destroying ballots.  While he transmitted the court 
>order prohibiting destruction, SOS Blackwell did not advise the 
>boards of elections of their mandatory duty to obey the court order, 
>or, as SOS, order them not to destroy the ballots.
>Please let me know if you have any further questions in this matter.
>Best regards,
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