Via Gianni Ortiz:

Infamous torture memos were released yesterday, 
just as Amnesty activists are meeting with 
Congress calling for accountability.
your voice to theirs. Call for an independent 
investigation into torture.

In a pivotal moment in our call for 
accountability, yesterday the Obama 
administration finally released the four infamous 
memos crafted to provide legal cover for the U.S. 
torture program.

You and I know there is no legal form of torture. 
But Obama wants us to believe that "this is a 
time for reflection, not retribution."

We've done plenty of reflecting, and the 
information in the memos only confirms what we've 
known all along. Torture is illegal under both 
domestic and international law and no set of 
legal memos can change that.

Within hours of their release, the memos fueled 
new speculation that there is just too much out 
there now for Congress to ignore calls for 

Incredibly, our lobby week is wrapping up today, 
giving us an amazing opportunity to push Congress 
on accountability, when they're most receptive to 
our calls, both in person and online.

a letter now to Congress calling for a full and 
independent investigation.

Before today, major editorial boards from the 
Boston Globe, Salt Lake City Tribune, and 
Philadelphia Inquirer threw their hat into the 
ring, calling for accountability.

While we may have convinced editorial boards, 
it's Congress that has the power to setup 
independent investigations. This is the last day 
of our lobby week. While Amnesty members finish 
up their meetings, let's hit Congress from both 
on and offline.

an email to your elected officials and tell them 
that you want to know the truth about torture. 
Once members of Congress realize they can't turn 
down the buzz about torture in their own 
districts, they'll have to confront the issue in 

The Obama administration has truly taken some 
important steps to correct past mistakes. Just a 
week ago, the CIA announced that it is no longer 
operating any of the secret overseas prisons used 
to detain terror suspects. While correcting some 
of these bigger problems certainly puts us on the 
right path, it doesn't tell us how we veered so 
far off in the wrong direction.

By this time, anyone who isn't the slightest bit 
curious about how we became a nation that 
tortures needs a wake-up call. And we're just the 
group to give it to them!

Thanks for standing with us,

Njambi Good
Director, Counter Terror with Justice Campaign



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