From Robert Parry:

Editor's Note: Because we've been publishing more stories, some 
readers say they miss some that fly by. So, each month, we'll point 
out some special stories from the previous month.

Here is a selection from March,  focusing on the decline of the U.S. 
news media and the war-crimes case against George W. Bush:

American Media Misdiagnosis," by Robert Parry, looking at 
journalism's plight. (March 2, 2009)

Memos Gave Bush Total Power," by Jason Leopold, regarding John Yoo's 
memos on all-powerful presidents. (March 3, 2009)

Close the Bush Bullet," by Robert Parry, examining the narrow miss 
for the American Republic. (March 4, 2009)

in the Crosshairs" by Gareth Porter and Ray McGovern, assessing the 
pressures for a new Mideast war. (March 4, 2009)

Crimes and Double Standards" by Robert Parry, reviewing how the U.S. 
treats atrocities differently. (March 5, 2009)

Wage War on a Realist" by Robert Parry, exploring the neocon jihad 
against former U.S. ambassador Chas Freeman. (March 6, 2009)

Derailed Obama Intel Choice" by Ray McGovern, dissecting the defeat 
of the Freeman nomination. (March 11, 2009)

Obama's Change Find El Salvador" by Don North, previewing the likely 
leftist victory with echoes to the Cold War. (March 11, 2009)

Pro-Life?" by Lynne Gillooly, questioning how the abortion issue is 
framed. (March 12, 2009)

Crimes & American Rejectionism" by Peter Dyer, tracing the history of 
the laws of war and the recent U.S. resistance. (March 13, 2009)

Is a Neocon Propaganda Sheet" by Robert Parry, decribing the decline 
of a once-great newspaper. (March 15, 2009)

Panetta Is Falling Short" by Melvin A. Goodman, lamenting how the CIA 
bureaucracy turned Leon Panetta's head. (March 18, 2009)

Servants, Circa 2009" by Barbara Koeppel, exploring the desperate 
world of immigrant labor. (March 18, 2009)

the Oxygen of Journalism" by Gray Brechin, reviewing what the nation 
loses with the decline in newspapers. (March 19, 2009)

Obama -- by the WPost" by Robert Parry, looking at the power the 
Washington Post retains to shape issues. (March 19, 2009)

Elitists Feel for Wall St. Brethren," by Robert Parry, assessing 
class solidarity over bonues. (March 22, 2009)

Lawyer-Shopping for Torture," by Jason Leopold, chronicling how 
President Bush put ideological lawyers in key spots. (March 24, 2009)

History Hurts Obama's Iran Bid" by Robert Parry, explaining what the 
two sides don't know or won't admit. (March 26, 2009)

Angry Mob, But a Movement" by Michael Winship, discussing the 
emergence of a new populism. (March 27, 2009)

to Vietnam, Mr. President" by Ray McGovern, comparing President 
Obama's Afghan escalation to that earlier war. (March 28, 2009)

Duck Bush Torture Probe" by Jason Leopold, noting the changed 
Democratic tone about investigations.(March 30, 2009)

To produce and publish these stories - and many more - costs money. 
And except for book sales, we depend solely on the support of our 

So, please consider a tax-deductible donation either by 
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a check. (For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address 
contributions to our account, which is named "").

For a donation of $100, we will send you a gift, autographed copy of 
Neck Deep in paperback (or another book by Robert Parry, either Lost 
History or Secrecy & Privilege - just tell us your choice).

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