HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

The New York Times finally 
<>wants somebody 
impeached and it's Jay Bybee.

A Spanish judge is 
<>seeking an indictment 
of Jay Bybee.

Jay Bybee's "legal" memos were thrown out by the Bush administration.

Jay Bybee <>signed memos 
authorizing torture.

Jay Bybee is a federal judge with a lifetime appointment.

Lawyers have been held accountable for the crime of pretending to 
legalize crimes before, see: 
v. Joseph Altstoetter.

Any act complicit in torture is a felony under US law.

Every single crime is in the past. "Looking forward" means looking 
forward to a world in which abuse and criminality cannot be deterred.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

"I was following orders" is a Nazi excuse. CIA employees are 
civilians and don't get orders.

"I was following lawyers' advice" could permit absolutely anything 
because there is nothing a lawyer cannot be paid to say is legal.

The advice came after the torture began and the torture was never 
limited to the approved techniques.

Secret laws produced as royal decrees are not laws at all, but their 
drafting can be a crime, and in the case of Bybee's memos violated 
the Convention Against Torture.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

We can restore power to Congress AND begin to deter future abuses 
through one absolutely necessary action.

HERE to ask Congress to impeach Jay Bybee.

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