She's STILL US Attorney for the Middle District of Alabama, and a key player
in the railroading of Don Siegelman:

She's operates from deep inside the pocket of Karl Rove, and should therefore
be out of that position.



Thom Hartmann opened his show this morning (4/21/09) saying that 
people should back off calling Holder's office on the torture issue 
for the time being, and that we should be calling to ask Holder to 
remove Leura Canary from her position now.  We should ask that all 
the Bush-appointed U.S. attorneys should be removed from office.  And 
we should ask for the charges against Don Siegelman should be 
dropped.  He said that Eric Holder is a good guy and that we should 
be polite and respectful when we call.  He gave out the phone number: 
202-514-2001  Thom said that Don Siegelman's case is the one that can 
most substantially lead to the prosecution of Karl Rove.

I'm sure I didn't get this down quite accurately, because I was 
trying to listen to the program, type, think and remember, all at the 
same time.  That's too many tasks for me to juggle at once.  LOL

But you get the idea.  Bravo, Thom!

Now he's talking about the spying on Jane Harman and asking how many 
Congressmen and Senators were blackmailed by the Bush 
Administration.  I swear, I feel like I died and went to heaven.  It 
feels like things are coming to a head in this country.  FINALLY!!! 

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