Case Of Richard Wilhelm Hermann Bruns, Et Al.

Andrew Sullivan


Longtime Dish readers will know what I'm 
referring to. It is a famous war crime 
prosecution against Nazi officers in occupied 
Norway, and the trial took place in 1946. The men 
were accused of using "enhanced interrogation" 
techniques - or in the original German 
Vernehmung" - against captives. The Dish's first 
coverage of this case can be read 
The online account of the trial can be found 
Two things are worth noting. The first is the 
Nazi definition of the term "enhanced 
interrogation." Here's the formal description:

Notice how the Nazis ensured that doctors were 
present at all times so that they could monitor 
the captives' response to torture and make sure 
they didn't die or suffer visible permanent 
injuries that could embarrass the regime in 
public (see the Bradbury and Bybee memos for the 
Bush equivalent). Notice the careful measurement 
of how many times someone can be beaten (another 
Cheney innovation). And notice that we are not 
talking about waterboarding - something even the 
Nazis excluded from their "enhanced 
interrogation" methods. In the case of Bruns, et 
al., this translated to 

On 19th December, 1942, Bruns was present at the 
interrogation of a sick Norwegian. Leg screws 
were fastened to his legs and he was beaten with 
various implements. Later he was thrown 
unconscious into a cellar, where he remained for 
four days before receiving medical attention.

Between 1942 and 1945, Bruns used the method of 
"verschärfte Vernehmung" on 11 Norwegian 
citizens. This method involved the use of various 
implements of torture, cold baths and blows and 
kicks in the face and all over the body. Most of 
the prisoners suffered for a considerable time 
from the injuries received during those 

Between 1942 and 1945, Schubert gave 14 Norwegian 
prisoners "verschärfte Vernehmung," using various 
instruments of torture and hitting them in the 
face and over the body. Many of the prisoners 
suffered for a considerable time from the effects 
of injuries they received.

So you have the abuse of someone with a 
pre-existing injury (Zubaydah), neglect of 
prisoners (ubiquitous at Bagram, Abu Ghraib and 
testified to by FBI agents at Gitmo), measured 
beatings, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, 
and hypothermia or cold baths (also documented in 
the Bybee and Bradbury memos and the ICRC 
report). Now check out the defense against the 
charge of war crimes:

All three defendants appealed to the Supreme 
Court. Their appeal was based on the following 
arguments :

(a) That the acts of torture which the defendants 
had committed were permitted under International 
Law as reprisals against the illegal Military 
Organisation whose activities were at variance 
with International Law.

(b) That the acts were carried out on superior 
orders and that the defendants acted under duress.

(c) That the acts of torture in no case resulted 
in death. Most of the injuries inflicted were 
slight and did not result in permanent 

Do these defenses sound familiar? They failed in 
court. And while modern Americans debate whether 
we can even use the word 'torture' with respect 
to these techniques, previous generations, closer 
to the reality of war and torture than we are, 
had no qualms.

The punishment for these crimes was the death penalty.


Liz Rich

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