From Paul Roberts:

Today I lectured at the National Defense University in Washington DC.

I was supposed to be there in person but for various reasons could 
not. We arranged to
use Skypes for a live video presentation.

At 9AM this morning (April 22), I received a call that the US 
government had shut down
all of its access systems, including video conferencing, because 
hackers had successfully
penetrated the bullet-proof Pentagon security and stolen the plans 
for the new secret F-35
jet fighter.

I did my lecture audio.

Decades ago I read Arnold Toynbee who wrote that the Romans, being 
advanced, built roads into barbarian territories, roads that the 
barbarians used to conquer Rome.

We built the Internet and electronic data base, but does the analogy 
hold?  The question is:
Who are the barbarians?  What barbarian force rivals the US in 
committing crimes against
humanity?  Who, since the Mongols, has been as destructive of 
countries and their civilian populations as the US?

Can a country as incompetent as the US afford the enemies its 
hegemonic ambitions create?

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