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IT guru's sisters question events surrounding his 

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Published: April 30, 2009 
Updated 3 hours ago

Story ยป GOP IT guru's sisters question events 
surrounding his death

The sisters of Michael Connell, a GOP IT 
consultant and former associate of Karl Rove who 
died in a plane crash last December, are now 
questioning the circumstances surrounding his 

"Shannon Connell of Madison says her brother 
Michael rarely talked about 
work," <>a 
local Wisconsin paper reported Thursday. "She 
knew he ran an Ohio company called New Media 
Communications that set up websites for 
Republicans including former President George 
H.W. Bush and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. But it 
wasn't until after he died last December, when 
the small plane he was piloting crashed, that she 
learned via the Internet of his tie to a voter 
fraud case and to allegations that presidential 
adviser Karl Rove had made threats against him.

"'At first, it was really hard for me to believe 
Mike was dead because somebody wanted him dead," 
the paper quoted Shannon as saying. "But as time 
goes on, it's hard for me not to believe there 
was something deliberate about it."

"A native of Illinois, Shannon moved to Madison 
in 2002," the paper adds, "the same year as her 
sister, Mary Jo Walker. Walker, a former Dane 
County Humane Society employee, has similar 
concerns about their brother's death: 'It doesn't 
seem right to me at all.'"

Although there has been speculation in the media 
about the possibility of sabotage in Connell's 
death, Raw Story reported in January 
do not suspect foul play. The official 
investigation by the National Transportation 
Safety Board (NTSB) has not yet determined the 
cause of the crash; their final report is 
required to be produced within a year.

Connell was served with a subpoena in Ohio on 
Sept. 22 in a case alleging that vote-tampering 
during the 2004 presidential election resulted in 
civil rights violations. Connell, president of 
GovTech Solutions and New Media Communications, 
is a website designer and IT professional who 
created a website for Ohio's secretary of state 
that presented the results of the 2004 election 
in real time as they were tabulated.

At the time, Ohio's Secretary of State, Kenneth 
J. Blackwell, was also chairman of Bush-Cheney's 
2004 reelection effort in Ohio.

The 45-year-old Republican operative was killed 
when his single-passenger plane crashed into a 
home in a suburb of Akron, Ohio after 
warned of sabotage.

Connell's ten year-old, seven-passenger, single 
engine Piper Saratoga II crashed into an empty 
house on Charolais Street in Lake Township, Ohio. 
The plane's right wing clipped a flagpole in the 
front yard before it broke up, set fire to the 
garage, and tumbled some 50-60 feet along the 
ground toward the back yard of a neighboring home.

Connell was thrown from the burning plane and 
killed instantaneously by massive blunt force 
trauma, according to the Stark County coroner's 
report. Although the body was not burned, 
fingerprints were required to confirm identity, 
according to Captain Lorin Geisner of the 
Greentown Fire Department.
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