with Legal Schnauzer's Roger Shuler, Part Two


by Joan Brunwasser

We're back with the second part of our interview Legal Schnauzer's 
Roger Shuler.

Tell us about your involvement in the Siegelman case, Roger. Are you 
at all hopeful about the Obama administration taking up the case and 
doing right by Siegelman?

My interest in the Siegelman case was a matter of location, timing, 
and connections.

I live in Siegelman's home state and was following the case closely 
for several years before I ever started a blog. The political angle 
of the Siegelman prosecution was becoming a national story just as I 
started <http://legalschnauzer.blogspot.com/>Legal Schnauzer .

A lot of my work on the Siegelman case, so far, has been 
interpretive. The national leader on the story has been Scott Horton, 
of <http://harpers.org/archive/2009/03/hbc-90004513>Harper's, an 
Alabama native. Without him, I doubt that the story ever would have 
gained legs. Glynn Wilson, at 
Fork News , has done critical original reporting, particularly on the 
role of whistleblower Jill Simpson. And Larisa Alexandrovna, at 
Story , has done splendid investigative work, providing critical 
detail and context to the overall story.

My role has been to take their work and bring it home to a local 
level. I've shown how the Siegelman case connects to my case in 
Alabama state courts and what it means when a state has fundamentally 
corrupt state courts. I've tried to show how national justice issues 
can filter down to affect regular folks.

Don Siegelman has said many times that his case is not just about 
him. In fact, he has said that he is hardly alone in being abused by 
the justice system. "If they can do this to a former governor, what 
can they do to you?" Siegelman once said. Part of Legal Schnauzer's 
mission is to show that Siegelman is absolutely right about the broad 
nature of this problem.

What do you think of the new administration?

I've been disappointed so far. Obama's statement about "looking 
forward, not backward" is poorly thought out and could come back to 
haunt his presidency. Turning a blind eye to corruption is not the 
kind of "change" many people voted for.

It's not Obama's place to sweep Bush wrongdoing under the carpet.

I think Obama certainly can clean up the Justice Department, to a 
great degree. But we also must determine exactly what happened under 
Bush and hold people accountable for wrongdoing.

It's critical that people understand: We have political prisoners in 
the United States in 2009. I know of at least three--Paul Minor [one 
of the biggest donors to Mississippi Democrats] and his two 
codefendants. And Don Siegelman might be headed back to prison. This 
is the kind of stuff that happened in Stalin's Soviet Union.

If Obama tries to move forward while obstructing the truth of the 
past eight years, I think it will cost him large chunks of his 
progressive base, the people who put him in office.

Regarding your last point, historically, we've seen that when a 
Democratic president doesn't go after wrongdoings in the previous 
administration, those wrongdoers claim undeserved credibility and 
come back in future presidencies to do more wrong.

I think that is a hugely important point. Robert Parry, at Consortium 
News (and an OpEd News contributor) has a great new piece about the 
wife syndrome." And I think he's right. Democrats have allowed 
themselves to be bullied for so long that they don't know how to 
fight back.

Bill Clinton's decision not to pursue the GOP wrongdoing of the 80s 
essentially kept the Reagan/Bush "brand" intact. And that led to the 
disastrous George W. Bush presidency, which Obama now is trying to 
clean up.

As Don Siegelman has said, if they get away with politicizing the 
justice department now, they will do it again later.

Your life has been plagued by bad experiences with the Alabama legal 
system: both with your neighbor, and with your unlawful termination 
at UAB. Has this made you completely cynical? Do you think it's 
possible to reform Alabama and reverse the politicization of justice 
there (and elsewhere)?

No, I'm not completely cynical. It's important to have hope, and my 
hope is that I will eventually come across an honorable person or two 
in the legal profession and achieve some measure of justice. I think 
Obama and Eric Holder and John Conyers have the power to get politics 
out of the justice system (or at least greatly reduce it), and I hope 
they will do it. I think the key problem with our justice system is 
that the law is a self-regulating profession. Bad lawyers and judges 
are policed by people in their own profession. Regular citizens need 
to be heavily involved in the disciplinary process.

What haven't we covered yet that you'd like to talk about?

Legal Schnauzer has played a major role in exposing wrongdoing in the 
Paul Minor prosecution, a case in Mississippi that is frighteningly 
similar to the Siegelman case. Three men--attorney Paul Minor and 
former state judges Wes Teel and John Whitfield--are political 
prisoners as we speak. A Bush-appointed prosecutor brought the bogus 
charges and a Reagan-appointed judge gave blatantly unlawful jury 
instructions that resulted in convictions.

As far as I know, I was the first reporter to write in an in-depth 
way about that case, and it now is fairly well known, thanks to 
excellent reporting by folks like Scott Horton, Larisa Alexandrovna, 
and Adam Lynch at the Jackson Free Press.

One of my goals from the start was to make Legal Schnauzer about more 
than my little case--to connect my experiences to larger problems 
with our overall justice system. The reporting on the Minor case 
probably is where I've been able to do that the most.

If some measure of justice is achieved in that case, then my time as 
a blogger/citizen journalist will have been worth it.

Thanks for talking with me, Roger. Best of luck on your legal action 
against UAB. And keep up the good work on Legal Schnauzer.


one of OpEdNews Interview with Roger Shuler

Hollywood Director John McTiernan's documentary 
<http://www.politicalprosecutions.org/>The Political Prosecutions of 
Karl Rove

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