Andrea Novick, Legal Counsel (845) 876- 2359
Joanne Lukacher, Exec. Director (845) 337-4855, (845) 417-6238

For Immediate Release
Monday, May 11, 2009

State Election Law Changes 'Unconstitutional,' Say Lever Advocates

The state law slated to force NY to abandon its lever voting system, 
as well as proposed election law changes that would expand absentee 
voting and establish early voting, would eliminate constitutional 
protections of the right to vote, according to testimony given today 
at the New York State Senate Committee on Elections hearing in 
Albany. Attorney Andrea Novick of the Election Transparency Coalition 
NY (ETC) testified that two centuries of state law show commitment to 
conducting elections in ways that prevent "even the opportunity for 
fraud" because elections are understood to be "crime scenes waiting 
to happen."

The Committee on Elections hearing today was held to check the pulse 
of the public about a series of election bills, to "reinvigorate 
participatory democracy," and to "create transparency in the 
legislative process," according to the official hearing announcement. 
'Transparency' is exactly what the ETC seeks to preserve through its 
efforts to retain the state's lever voting system, which provides for 
the official vote count to be established in an  observable fashion 
on election night, before chain of custody issues compromise evidence 
of the count. According to Novick, both paper ballots and electronic 
vote tallies are more vulnerable to undetected tampering than are 
mechanical lever machines.

One of the bills in question, S5028, would allow "no excuse" absentee 
voting by amending the Constitution to remove restrictions on who is 
allowed to vote without being physically present at the polling 
place. Novick testified that absentee voting has historically been 
seen as less secure than in-person voting. "That is why we correctly 
limit it to those who absolutely cannot be present at the poll site." 
Her testimony continued, "Any abrogation of that system not only 
prevents continuous observation, but unconstitutionally exposes the 
count to increased opportunities for fraud."

More than half of the speakers at today's meeting advocated for 
retaining the lever voting system, even though the fate of levers was 
not officially on the agenda. Pro-lever speakers represented Clean 
Elections New York, the Kingston Chapter of the American Association 
of University Women, and the ETC, as well as poll workers and voters. 
These concerned citizens cited not only constitutional concerns, but 
also the exorbitant costs of conducting elections via electronically 
tabulated paper ballots.

With encouragement from the Election Transparency Coalition, six NY 
counties and the Association of Towns have now passed resolutions 
urging the state to lift the Election Reform and Modernization Act 
mandate to change to electronic voting systems. Such a change would 
be legal, they claim, because with the addition of ballot marking 
devices in every polling place, New York now complies with federal 
election law. Additional counties are expected to pass similar 
resolutions this week and later this month.
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