Unlike both Mayor Daley's Democrats and Illinois's Republicans, Despres,
a true progressive, always fought for fair and accurate elections in Chicago.



Leon Despres, 1908-2009

Chicago Alderman Challenged Elder Mayor Daley
Liberal Voice Of City, 101, Also Championed Civil
Rights And Political Reforms

By Ron Grossman and Trevor Jensen
Chicago Tribune
May 7, 2009


Over his 101 years, Leon Despres took artist Frida Kahlo
to the movies, drove the first Mayor Daley to
distraction, and fought a long and often lonely crusade
for civil rights and political reform that saw African-
Americans gain entry to the mayor's office and the White

Despres, a former Chicago alderman, died of heart
failure Wednesday in his Hyde Park apartment, said Kenan
Heise, who collaborated with Despres on his 2005 memoir.

Despres and his South Side neighborhood, which he
represented in the City Council from 1955 to 1975, were
long the city's liberal conscience, and both were part
of President Barack Obama's original political base.

"Michelle and I were saddened by the passing of our dear
friend and a towering giant in Chicago history, Leon M.
Despres," Obama said in a statement. "With an incisive
mind, rapier wit and unstinting courage, he waged
legendary battles against the corruption and
discrimination that blighted our city."

During his 20 years on the City Council, he lost many
more battles than he won against Richard J. Daley and
the Democratic machine. When the mayor lost patience
with the 5th Ward alderman, he simply turned off
Despres' microphone, said William Singer, a North Side
independent alderman in the 1970s.

Yet the city has moved closer to much of what Despres
fought for -- fair elections and an end to patronage and
segregation. Singer said younger Chicagoans may not
realize how much the best of the city today reflects
Despres' legacy.

"For those of us who followed him to the City Council,
he taught us that it was important for us to raise the
issues even if we were sure to lose," said Singer, who
also ran for mayor against Richard J. Daley.

Mayor Richard M. Daley on Wednesday had only praise for
his father's longtime antagonist.

"He was a major participant in the debate on every major
issue Chicago has faced in the last half century, and
his strong voice made a great contribution to the way
our city has evolved in that time," Daley said in a

Ald. Joe Moore (49th), one of the few aldermen to
frequently oppose the present Mayor Daley, called
Despres "a role model and mentor to me."

"There was a period of time when he was the only voice
of independence in the Chicago City Council," Moore
said. "He was courageous."

Despres was born on Chicago's South Side on Feb. 2,
1908, and moved as a toddler to Hyde Park. His
predecessors as 5th Ward alderman included Paul Douglas,
later a U.S. senator.

Despres' father, who was in the clothing business, died
when he was a boy, and his mother took him to Italy and
France for high school.

He was a product of the University of Chicago, with
which he had a love-hate relationship. He credited it
with his intellectual grounding but fought it on open
housing issues.

In 1931, he married Marian Alschuler, daughter of a
prominent architect. She was every bit her husband's
intellectual equal, and they were fixtures of the city's
cultural life for more than 70 years.

A socialist in his youth, Despres was dispatched by
fellow leftists to bring a suitcase of clothing to Leon
Trotsky, the deposed Bolshevik leader who had taken
refuge in Mexico. While there, Despres' wife had her
portrait painted by famed muralist Diego Rivera, Kahlo's
husband. During sittings, Despres escorted Kahlo to the

"That's my claim to fame," Despres once said. "I took
Frida Kahlo to the movies."

Rivera's portrait hung among a vibrant collection of
modernist works that made the Despres' Hyde Park
apartment a virtual museum.

Despres and his wife were "committed to the arts, not
only in the old fogey sense but to the avant garde,"
said his law partner since 1979, Thomas Geoghegan.

Despres went into law practice in 1929 and started
representing labor unions during the Depression.

In 1937, after police killed 10 demonstrators at a
Memorial Day march against Republic Steel, Despres
organized a protest rally that helped turn the affair
into a seminal event of American labor history.

He used his legal acumen for a wide range of causes.

In 1948, Despres represented the ACLU in arranging for a
local showing of "The Respectful Prostitute," a play by
Jean-Paul Sartre that had been banned by Chicago police
as "immoral."

He learned early how tough it was to be a reformer in
Chicago. In one of his earliest political forays, he
backed a candidate against longtime 25th Ward Ald. Vito
Marzullo. Despres' candidate carried just one precinct.

"Vito never forgave me for that," Despres later said.

But in 1955, he was elected alderman of the 5th Ward,
and he won re-election despite the machine's best
efforts until voluntarily stepping down 20 years later.

As an alderman, he fought restrictive covenants, a legal
device to keep blacks out of traditionally white areas
-- like Hyde Park.

Because black aldermen were often loyal to Daley and
silent on civil rights, some publications dubbed Despres
"the only Negro on the City Council," said Dick Simpson,
a former independent alderman.

"He typically spoke out for those without a voice,"
Simpson said. "The fact that his microphone was turned
off only amplified his voice."

Legislation by Despres was often defeated, only to be
passed later with Daley's imprimatur, its origins
ignored. For example, Despres' campaign against lead-
based paint went nowhere until Daley loyalists put their
names on it, Singer said.

He was liberal to the core. In 1967, he was attacked by
two men and shot twice in the leg while walking home
from his office, but he refused to condemn his
assailants, saying that crime was a product of social

Endorsing Singer's mayoral run against Daley in 1975, he
declared: "The machine does not love Chicago. It loves
to feed on Chicago. It is Chicago's tapeworm."

Despres remained involved in civic affairs, serving on
the city's Plan Commission and as City Council
parliamentarian under Harold Washington, whose upstart
candidacy in 1983 he supported vigorously.

For years, he swam for a half-mile before work in the
winter and in summer was a fixture around town on his

His long life touched many chapters of Chicago's
history. Heise once walked with Despres through Oak
Woods Cemetery and saw Enrico Fermi's tombstone. "I did
his will for him," Despres said. Olympian Jesse Owens is
also buried there. "He worked on my first campaign,"
Despres recalled.

"Despres was an icon in the best sense of the word,"
said Dr. Quentin Young, a Hyde Park activist and
Despres' physician for years.

Marian Despres died in January 2007. Her loss was a deep
blow, but Despres kept busy. He practiced law until a
couple of years ago, and at 100 wrote an online diary
for Slate.

"Chicago is a richer and stronger city for having known
Leon Despres -- and a lesser place now that he is gone,"
Obama said.

Survivors include a son, Robert; a daughter, Linda
Baskin; and a grandson.

Services will be held 1 p.m. May 31 at KAM Isaiah
Israel, 1100 E. Hyde Park Blvd.

Tribune reporters Dan Mihalopoulos, John McCormick and
Bob Secter contributed to this report.

Leon Despres, Icon Of Chicago Politics, Dies
by David Schaper
National Public
Radio May 6, 2009

Former Chicago Alderman Leon Despres, known for standing
up to the machine of Mayor Richard J. Daley in the
1950s, '60s and '70s, when no one else would, died
Wednesday in his home in the city's Hyde Park
neighborhood. He was 101.

Despres' legacy includes leading the independent
political coalition that eventually helped elect
Chicago's first black mayor, Harold Washington, in 1983,
and some argue he helped pave the way for the election
of the country's first black president, Barack Obama,
who cut his political teeth in the same Chicago

Despres was first elected alderman from the liberal Hyde
Park neighborhood on Chicago's South Side on the same
day Chicagoans first elected Daley as mayor - April 5,
1955. The two clashed early and often throughout the
next 20 years over issues such as fair housing, school
segregation, racial and gender equity in city hiring,
and other civil rights issues.

Often, he was ahead of his time. In 1958, he sponsored
an ordinance that would have banned racial
discrimination in private rental housing, a common
precept of law today. The effort failed, and it would
take federal law and court orders to try to end housing
discrimination in Chicago.

In 1962, Despres tried to force the Chicago Fire
Department to hire more minorities after learning just
200 of the 4,500 department employees were black. But
minority hiring of firefighters didn't begin in
significant numbers until the 1980s, and whites still
make up nearly 70 percent of the fire department today,
even though Chicago's population is less than 40 percent

In 1963, Despres tried to get the City Council to
withhold tax funds from the city's school system until
it ended racial segregation. Chicago schools didn't
begin to desegregate until the 1980s, when ordered by
the courts to do so, and to this day, most neighborhood
schools are attended by students of only one race.

Despres' push for housing desegregation in the '60s made
him known as "the lone Negro on the City Council," even
though he was white. The six African-Americans on the
council who supported Daley's policies were known as
"the silent six."

Despres rose frequently in City Council meetings to
object to unfair policies, the doling out of patronage
jobs and contracts, and the greasy political maneuvers
of Daley's Democratic machine. But he'd often have his
microphone cut off midspeech, or be interrupted by a
Daley ally with a point of order.

But Despres wasn't shy, calling Daley a dictator. He
would lecture the mayor, "his finger wagging practically
under Daley's nose, pouring out a dazzling array of
statistics and studies and sociology and sheer guts,"
one City Hall reporter wrote in 1970.

Many of his colleagues, especially those who were in
Daley's pocket, didn't hide their disdain for Despres.
Late Alderman Vito Marzullo once called Despres "wholly
irresponsible, a nitwit ... and a menace to the City
Council and the public at large."

"Sit down before I knock you down," Daley's floor
leader, late Alderman Thomas Keane, once threatened.

"Despres has been told to shut up - in one form or
another - more than any grown man in Chicago,'' late
Chicago newspaper columnist Mike Royko wrote in 1972.
"Throughout his career, he has been in the forefront of
just about every decent, worthwhile effort made to
improve life in this city. Being in the forefront, he is
usually the first to be hit on the head with the mayor's

Despres didn't wound easily, and he went on sharply
criticizing Daley's machine, once characterizing it as
the "tapeworm of Chicago," saying it fed on the city.

By the mid-1970s, Despres led a growing independent
block of aldermen that challenged Daley and began to
have some success on some issues. But Despres chose to
step down from the Chicago City Council in 1975, even
though 5,000 constituents signed petitions urging him to

After Daley died in 1976, and his legendary machine
began to splinter, the independent coalition Despres
helped create and unite, made up of white lakefront
liberals, young anti-war demonstrators and minorities
emboldened by the civil rights movement, paved the way
for the election of Washington in 1983.

A little over a decade later, in 1996, the remaining
pieces of that coalition helped elect a young community
organizer named Barack Obama to the Illinois Senate.

In a statement Wednesday, President Obama said, "Through
two decades on the Chicago City Council and a long
lifetime of activism, Len Despres was an indomitable
champion for justice and reform. With an incisive mind,
rapier wit and unstinting courage, he waged legendary
battles against the corruption and discrimination that
blighted our city, and he lived every one of his 101
years with purpose and meaning. I have been blessed by
his wise counsel and inspired by his example."


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