Dear Supporter,

President Obama and urge him to clean house by getting rid of Bush's 
political prosecutors at the Justice Department.

The Bush holdovers in the Department of Justice have asked that I be 
sentenced to an additional 20 years in prison. The Bush-appointed 
U.S. Attorney, whose husband is Karl Rove's closest friend in 
Alabama, joined with the Chief of the Public Integrity Section of 
D.O.J., also a Bush holdover, in asking for the longer sentence.

What makes the request for a longer sentence even more bizarre is the 
fact that the Bush holdovers are asking my (Bush-appointed) judge to 
give me 20 years in prison based on charges for which I was found not 

It is long past time for President Obama to send these Bush 
appointees packing. 
contact the White House today and ask him to clean house of all Bush 
holdovers at the D.O.J. and to immediately remove the Bush-appointed 
U.S. Attorneys who are still prosecuting Democrats.

In addition to the U.S. Attorneys appointed by President Bush, there 
are several high level Bush appointees still in control of all 
criminal cases against all public officials. It is time for President 
Obama to "change" the direction of the D.O.J. from the Bush policies 
to his policies.

email the White House and tell President Obama to clean house of all 
Bush holdovers at the D.O.J. and to immediately remove the 
Bush-appointed U.S. Attorneys who are still prosecuting Democrats.

For President Obama to restore justice, we need the Bush-appointed 
U.S. Attorneys removed now. We cannot restore justice while Bush 
appointees are in control of the prosecution of public officials. 
President Obama's people must be put in charge of restoring justice 
in America.

With the Bush holdovers at the Department of Justice asking that I be 
sentenced to 20 more years in prison for something that The New York 
Times has said has never been considered a crime in America, I will 
need your financial help more than ever. 
consider donating today.

Thank you for your support,

Don Siegelman
Governor of Alabama 1999-2003


Paid for by Friends of Don Siegelman 2008

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