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Testimony Overlooked? Former Head of Siegelman's Transition Team 
clears Siegelman: "There was no bribe"
by KatieSF


Alabama Republican Elmer Harris, the former head of Siegelman's 
transition team and former CEO of Alabama Power, says in a recent 
interview with 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley that former Alabama Governor 
Don Siegelman didn't accept a bribe.  In fact, he states: "There was 
no bribe." 

Harris explained that he never testified because no one had ever 
asked him to--not the
DOJ, not the US Attorneys, NO ONE.  He says his testimony would have 
cleared Siegelman.  Check out Harris' brief 60 second interview which 
I stumbled upon the
60 Minutes website (though it never aired on 60 Minutes, only on CBS 
Evening News,
April 6th) :


Most recently (April 7), CBS most aired an update on the CBS Evening 
News an update, with 60 Minutes' Scott Pelley interviewing Siegelman:


If you missed the original 60 Minutes segment that was finally aired 
on February 24th (same night as the Academy Award Oscars), go to:


The Court of Appeals turned down Siegelman's appeal May 15th and the 
DOJ prosecutors have announced they are planning on nearly tripling 
the sentence from 7 years to almost 21 years.


Siegelman faces resentencing and returning to federal prison unless 
enough pressure can be put on Eric Holder's DOJ to throw out this 

So we need your help. 

Please call the White House and leave a comment: 202-456-1111 
(or toll-free: 800-833-6354)

OR call Eric Holder's office at  202-353-155, and/or email the DOJ: 

Lastly corruption appears to abound in this case:  namely Judge 
Fuller should recuse himself because he had an ax to grind against 
Siegelman and US Attorney Leura Canary, who is married to Alabama 
Republican Operative and Kingmaker Bill Canary, should be removed as 
a US Attorney since the demands to triple the sentencing are coming 
from her office:


"Meanwhile, a new investigation shows that Doss Aviation, with Judge 
Fuller as majority owner, has been awarded more than $300 million in 
federal contracts since Fuller began presiding over the Siegelman 
case in 2005."

For more information see Thom Hartmann's interview with Siegelman:


[Hartmann:] ... And, in fact, if I understand this correctly, you 
were being prosecuted by a woman whose husband was the campaign 
manager for the Republican who ran against you for governor and in 
the middle of the night in one county because of a voting machine 
malfunction after the election had apparently already been called in 
your favor, suddenly in the middle of the night, when there were 
nobody except Republicans standing around, they discovered a couple 
thousand more votes, and said: "Oh, yeah, no, no! Don Siegelman 
actually lost." Do I have that right? 

DS: You have it right. They electronically shifted votes from my 
column to my Republican opponent's column. 

TH: To Bob Riley's column. 

DS: I believe, yes, to Bob Riley's column. And oddly enough, it 
didn't effect a single down-ballot race. They took five thousand or 
six thousand votes of mine and shifted it over to Bob Riley, and when 
they counted everybody else's votes, the shift was at the top which, 
logically, would have made a difference at the bottom...

I am a member of several Democratic clubs in the San Francisco Bay 
Area who did alot of volunteer work for the Nov 2004 Kerry campaign 
and became outraged when I learned that Kerry didn't "lose" but had 
his election stolen by the GOP machine in (more...)
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