Members of the House Financial Services Committee, who are supposed 
to oversee the
banking industry, each seem to havemade  a bundle as the market 
tanked, by snapping up,
or dumping, bank stocks.

One of them, Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, is a raving Christianist whose 
"re-election" in 2006
was evidently stolen (from John Russell), like that year's "wins" by 
other Florida Republicans, including Tom Feeney (who "beat" Clint 
Curtis) and Lincoln Diaz-Balart (who "beat" Frank

Those outcomes were contested by the "losers," who canvassed their 
respective districts, and
thereby found that the official vote-counts were completely off, by 
margins large enough to
have "elected" their Republican opponents.

(Curtis led that effort, knowing, as he did, that the Republicans in 
Florida were routinely
rigging vote-counts electronically--as he knew all too well, since 
Feeney had, two years
before, asked him to help develop a computer program for that very 
purpose. For more, see ; and for a terrifying 
documentary about it all, see
Patty Sharaf's Murder, Spies and Voting Lies: The Clint Curtis Story.)

So what did those three "losers" do with their statistical proof of 
Bushevik election fraud?
They took it to the House Administration Committee, now in Democratic 
that committee unanimously voted not to look at the evidence. And 
that was that.

Why do I (re)tell this story here? Because both parties are 
corrupt--as the article below
makes clear. For it wasn't only the extremist Brown-Waite who made a 
bundle off of
bank stocks while the market crashed. As the blog below informs us, 
that surreptitious
rip-off was a perfectly bipartisan affair.

So how can we expect the Democrats (or most of them) to give a s**t 
about the dire
state of our voting system, when it served to put them in their very 
lucrative positions?


Members of U.S. House Financial Services Committee snapped up or 
dumped bank stocks as bottom fell out of market


A representative for Rep. Charlie Wilson said the congressman leaves 
day-to-day investment decisions to a money manager.

* Members of Congress were chasing profits while making policy

WASHINGTON -- As financial markets tumbled and the government worked 
to stave off panic by pumping billions of dollars into banks last 
fall, several members of Congress who oversee the banking industry 
were grabbing up or dumping bank stocks.

Anticipating bargains or profits or just trying to unload before the 
bottom fell out, these members of the House Financial Services 
Committee or brokers on their behalf were buying and selling stocks 
including Bank of America and Citigroup -- some of the very 
corporations their committee would later rap for greed, a Plain 
Dealer examination of congressional stock market transactions shows.

Financial disclosure records show that some of these Financial 
Services Committee members, including Ohio Rep. Charlie Wilson, made 
bank stock trades on the same day the banks were getting a government 
bailout from a program Congress approved. The transactions may not 
have been illegal or against congressional rules, but securities 
attorneys and congressional watchdog groups say they raise flags 
about the appearance of conflicts of interest.

"I don't think that any of these people should be owning these types 
of financial instruments," said Brian Biggins, a Cleveland securities 
lawyer and former stock brokerage manager. "I'm not saying they 
shouldn't be in the stock market. But if they're on the banking 
committee and trading in these kinds of stocks, I don't think that's 

For example, Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, a Florida Republican, bought 
Citigroup stock valued between $1,001 and $15,000 on Oct. 2, the day 
before the House passed the financial rescue bill and President 
George W. Bush signed it into law, records show. She opposed the bill.

Eleven days later, she bought $1,001 to $15,000 worth of Bank of 
America stock. It was on the same day that then-Treasury Secretary 
Henry Paulson told leading banks that he expected them to accept 
billions in bailout money to prevent a financial meltdown.

Congressional finance reports available online

Want to see how members of Congress invest their money? It's easier 
than ever. Personal financial disclosure filings, which list assets, 
transactions, outside income and noncongressional travel 
reimbursements, are posted for House members on the House of 
Representatives clerk's Web site.

A free private Web site called LegiStorm provides the same 
information, as well as the financial disclosure filings of U.S. 

Government watchdog groups say the wide dissemination of these 
reports serves a vital public purpose in shedding light on Congress.

"I think that's the critical element, that there is knowledge that 
this information will go public, because that adds an important 
deterrent effect for members of Congress who are tempted to skirt the 
rules or act on what's insider information," said Sheila Krumholz, 
executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics. "And now in 
the midst of economic decline, citizens are understandably asking 
what members knew when and how they acted for their own personal 
portfolios -- whether they publicly professed faith in our financial 
institutions while privately seeking to offload their holdings in 
those same institutions."

Brown-Waite, who has since left the committee to join the tax-writing 
Ways and Means Committee, and her spokeswoman would not comment for 
this article. The precise value of her investments is not publicly 
known because financial disclosure reports provide only broad ranges, 
although some members include detailed brokerage reports.

Wilson, a Democrat from the eastern Ohio town of Bridgeport, sold 
between $15,001 and $50,000 worth of Huntington Bancshares stock on 
Nov. 14, the same day Huntington got $1.4 billion in bailout money 
from the federal Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, records 
show. Wilson's transactions over the course of last autumn also 
included Bank of America and BB&T, both beneficiaries of the bank 
rescue program that Treasury implemented after congressional passage.

Wilson's spokeswoman said the congressman did not personally pick 
these trades because he leaves day-to-day investment decisions to a 
money manager who uses a proprietary model in selecting securities to 
buy or sell.

"To be clear, Mr. Wilson doesn't know about the trades ahead of time 
or even as they're being made," said spokeswoman Hillary Wicai Viers.

A spokesman for Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, a New York Democrat also on 
the Financial Services Committee, said she similarly leaves 
transactions solely to the discretion of account managers. McCarthy's 
trades included a $2,275 purchase of bailout recipient J.P. Morgan 
Chase while Congress was still hammering out its rescue bill.

Another member of the Financial Services Committee, Democratic Rep. 
Jackie Speier of California, said on a recent financial disclosure 
report that she bought up to $15,000 in Citigroup stock on Nov. 7. 
That was 10 days after the bank got a $25 billion bailout.

Her office now says the report was filed in error, the transaction 
should have been listed as her husband's -- and she wishes he had not 
made it.

"When I brought it up with her, she said it was Barry's purchase and 
she didn't know about it but she would have disagreed with it at the 
time had she known about it," Speier spokesman Mike Larsen said.

Her husband wasn't the only committee spouse trading on bank stocks.

The stockbroker husband of West Virginia's Shelley Moore Capito, a 
Republican, sold more than $100,000 in Citigroup stock in several 
transactions late last year. His brokerage firm was owned by 
Citigroup and his compensation included Citigroup stock. A Capito 
spokesman said the House Ethics Committee gave her verbal approval to 
join the committee despite her husband's job.

Another committee member, Illinois Republican Judith Biggert, whose 
husband sold Wells Fargo stock while Congress was helping to shape 
the rescue bill, said she does not discuss stock transactions with 
her spouse.

"I wouldn't have the vaguest idea" why he sold at that time "because 
we don't discuss our stocks," said Biggert. "We have a financial 
group in Chicago, and they take care of all of that."

Some of these stock sales enabled committee members or their families 
to cut losses before the market continued its slide. Other trades 
proved to be particularly ill-timed. Citigroup stock, for example, 
closed at $22.50 per share the day Brown-Waite bought it. Now it's 
hovering around $3.

Many details about the massive financial bailout last fall were 
widely known outside Capitol Hill. Yet members of the Financial 
Services Committee were privy to closed-door discussions, staff 
briefings and political horse-trading decisions between political 
parties, Congress and the White House. Banks lobbied Congress and the 
administration heavily.

Banks that received bailout money spent $77 million on lobbying and 
$37 million on federal campaign contributions last year, according to 
the Center for Responsive Politics. The center found that the banks 
spending the heaviest got the biggest rescue packages.

There has been no direct evidence that this allowed members to engage 
in insider trading. But when lawmakers overseeing banks also buy and 
sell bank stocks, it can create "the appearance of a problem," said 
Anthony J. Hartman, a Cleveland securities attorney.

"I do a lot of different types of litigation, and I just don't think 
anybody ought to be putting themselves in a situation where as an 
elected official, I can be suspect of what they are doing," Hartman 

The issue of appearances is complicated, said Melanie Sloan, 
executive director of Citizens for Responsibility in Ethics in 
Washington, because "we can't say that because you're a member of 
Congress you can't buy or sell any stocks at all."

But she added, "I do think it's more troubling on an oversight 
committee, particularly Financial Services."
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