From Pam Miles:

Dear friends,

July 27th is the deadline for the decision on Governor Don 
Siegelman's motion for a new trial.

Now is the true test of AG Eric Holder. Will he be on the side of the 
American people seeking truth and justice or will he be against us 
and on the side of Karl Rove and  Bush League Justice?

Please call AG Eric Holder and insist on the urgency of his decision 
for  justice in the Don Siegelman case before the motion for a new 
trial deadline in 20 days.

Demand the firing of US Attorney Leura Canary and her team of 
political prosecutors.

Attorney General Eric Holder   (202) 514-2001;  fax: (202) 307-6777; 
E-mail:  <> 

Marilyn Noyes's email to AG Holder:

I know that "justice" is more than a buzzword for you, that you are 
sincerely concerned about the rights of the people of the United 
States.  I am very encouraged by your advocacy for fairness in 
drug-sentencing laws, because many African-Americans in 
particular have been targeted unfairly and have thus been subjected 
to inordinate prison sentences.

Don Siegelman is another great leader who has represented the true 
meaning of justice throughout his political career.  Governor 
Siegelman needs your help, and he needs it now!  He has a motion for 
a new trial in the state of Alabama, and he deserves to be treated 
fairly by the very justice system he has upheld during his tenure in 
various public offices in that state.  The fact that the same US 
Attorney, Leura Canary, and her team of prosecutors are still in 
place, will not give him the fair playing field he deserves. 
Governor Siegelman deserves more than a dog and pony show.  He case 
should see the light of day and be reviewed 
by Obama-appointed jurists who have no political ax to grind.

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over 
again and expecting a different outcome.  It would be insanity to ask 
the Bush appointees who went after Governor Siegelman the first time 
to truly be fair and unbiased this time.  Please...for the sake of 
Democracy...for the sake of Don Siegelman, for the sake of those of 
us who believe in justice as a high ideal...please ask Leura Canary 
and the other leftover Bush appointees to resign.

The deadline for the decision on Don Siegelman's motion for a new 
trial is July 27.  Time is of the essence.

Thank you,

Marilyn Noyes
Los Angeles, CA

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