July 9, 2009 -- 7:30 PM

  The Threat to Voting in New York and What to do About it: Why lever 
machines are safe to vote on (and affordable) and optical scanners 
are neither

Douglas Kellner, Commissioner of NYS Board of Elections
Mark Crispin Miller, renowned author of "Fooled Again, The Real Case 
for Electoral Reform"
Andi Novick, attorney and driving force behind efforts to preserve 
New York's constitutionally-compliant lever voting system

  Main Sanctuary at St. Marks Church in the Bowery 
10th Street and 2nd Ave in Manhattan

sponsored by the Village Independent Democrats -- all invited, free 
(212 741- 2994)

New York State is the only left in the U.S. that stills has 
a transparent and verifiable method of voting.  All other states have 
moved to electronic vote-counting systems that make it impossible for 
election officials, official observers, candidates, or the public to 
determine whether the announced vote totals accurately represent the 
votes cast. These secret vote-counting systems violate the principles 
of a constitutional democracy as represented in two centuries of 
statutory law and judicial precedence interpreting New York's 
Constitution, and as recently held by Germany's Constitutional Court. 
Yet electronic voting systems are slated to be fully operational in 
New York by 2010. At this free public event, Andi Novick will outline 
the reasons New York's Election Reform and Modernization Act (ERMA) 
is unconstitutional, Mark Crispin Miller will discuss the dangers of 
electronic vote counting systems, and Douglas Kellner will explain 
the state's insistence on an expensive change in election technology 
beyond what is required by the federal government.

Thanks, hope to see you there
Election Transparency 

Please Donate and Sign our Petition:

Notwithstanding almost 20 county resolutions and 2,000 New Yorkers 
resisting ERMA's mandate to replace our trustworthy, reliable, 
affordable lever machines with expensive, undetectably 
hackable software-based machines, NYS is moving ahead. The only way 
to stop the State from making elections less safe and costing 
taxpayers millions of dollars year after year, is to have ERMA 
declared unconstitutional. Stop the State from depriving us of our 
constitutional right to vote. Please make a tax-deductible donation 
to the Election Transparency Coalition so we can continue our work: 
And sign the petition in support of retaining our transparent lever 
counties is a lot more than 2,000 citizens- please circulate this 

For more information:

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