time to stop asserting that swine flu is just another hoax.

Yes, it probably will be used to force us all to be innoculated with 
a dubious vaccine;
and, yes, it also might be used to justify some kind of military 
crackdown to enforce
that policy; and, yes, the circumstances of this virus's appearance 
are suspicious, to
say the least.

All of that, however, does not mean that the warnings--warnings that, 
in fact, have
been both too few and too quiet in this country--are mere fearmongering.

The story of this virus's advance has been adequately covered by the 
foreign press (in
Canada, China and, of course, Argentina, among other places). Here, 
however, there's
been far too little coverage.

For those who tend to think that this is a conspiracy, look at it 
this way: If and when
swine flu hits really hard--as many experts have been saying could happen in
the fall--won't the general panic be all that much greater for the 
press's failure
to have properly prepared us for it?

And if that happens, all those now asserting that the virus is not 
all that dangerous
will have helped to lay the groundwork for that panic.


Swine flu 'five times more virulent'

By Jeremy Laurance, Health Editor

Swine flu 'five times more virulent' - Health News, Health & Families 
- The Independent

Swine flu has been blamed for two more deaths - of a family doctor 
and a six-year-old girl - as the first full analysis of the virus 
shows it is five times more virulent than ordinary seasonal flu.

Dr Michael Day died at Luton and Dunstable hospital on Saturday, 
taking the UK total of confirmed and suspected deaths from the virus 
to 17. A swab test showed he was infected with swine flu but in a 
statement NHS East of England said the exact cause of death was 
unknown and his case had been reported to the coroner.

Chloe Buckley, six, from north west London, died on Thursday at St 
Mary's Hospital, Paddington. Dr Simon Tanner of NHS London said a 
post mortem would be carried out to determine if she had any 
underlying medical condition but teachers said she was "perfectly 
healthy". On Friday, a patient from Essex became the first to die 
from swine flu in Britian without underlying health problems.

Chris Spencer, director of education at Hillingdon Borough Council, 
where Chloe attended St Catherine's School, confirmed that the school 
would now be closed.

Speaking outside St Catherine's he said: "It's an exceptional set of 
circumstances. This is a little girl who until a few days ago in all 
our minds was a child that was perfectly healthy so everybody here is 
in a deep state of shock and with just a few days to go until the end 
of term, we've decided it's in the best interests of all involved."

Experts said the deaths were "very sad", although not unexpected 
given the tens of thousands infected, but warned that any cluster of 
deaths could indicate the virus had mutated and become nastier.

Wendy Barclay, professor of influenza virology at Imperial College, 
London, said: "With so many people becoming infected we must expect 
that some fatalities will occur. It is very important to keep a 
careful look for clusters of severe cases that might indicate that a 
mutated virus has arisen that can be more virulent than the swine flu 
that has circulated until now. Each severe or fatal case should be 
carefully characterised using our best science to understand the 
reasons why this has happened."

The first full analysis of the H1N1 virus, published in Nature, shows 
it causes more lung damage in animals than seasonal flu. For two 
strains of virus tested, five times less was needed to cause the same 
damage as seasonal flu. Damage to the lungs increases the risk of 
pneumonia which is the commonest cause of complications, severe 
illness and death in flu epidemics.

Professor Ian Jones, director of research at the University of 
Reading, said: "This complete analysis of the current H1N1 is what 
we've been waiting for. For a number of measures it shows that the 
new virus is more serious than seasonal H1N1 but that, nonetheless, 
the major outcome to infection is recovery. For the few cases of 
severe infection the data should help in the clinical management of 
hospitalised patients."

The British Medical Association said it was saddened by the death of 
GP Dr Day, and the other victims, but urged the public not to panic. 
Dr Day, who qualified as a doctor in 1970, had recently retired from 
the Priory Gardens Health Centre in Dunstable but still worked there 
part time as as a locum.

Dr Paul Hassan, senior partner at the health centre, said: "This news 
has come as such a shock to us all and we are completely devastated. 
Dr Day was a work colleague and also a personal friend to everyone at 
the practice.The news will also come as a great shock to our 
patients, many of whom have known him for many years."

Dr Laurence Buckman, chairman of the BMA's GPs committee, said: 
"Doctors have always accepted that there are risks associated with 
their job. Obviously these are smaller than they used to be with the 
advent of modern medicine, but they can never be eliminated 

"It is understandable that people will be worried when they hear that 
a GP has died but we urge them to follow the recommended advice and 
contact their family doctor, rather than physically going to the 
surgery if they have symptoms. The vast majority of people will 
recover quickly by taking paracetamol or ibuprofen, and drinking 
plenty of fluids. Anyone who is not recovering quickly should get 
extra advice as a small number will need more intensive treatment.

"We must remember that every year there are deaths from complications 
of seasonal flu; this is unfortunately inevitable with any strain of 

Liberal Democrat health spokesman Norman Lamb said: "Dealing with the 
flu crisis is a mammoth task and NHS staff need access to support and 
advice given the anxiety that many of them may face.

"The Government needs to ensure that all frontline NHS staff are 
given access to flu vaccines as a matter of urgency.
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