July 15, 2009

Nancy Tobi Spells Out Exactly Why Holt Bill is Bad News for 
Democracy, Exclusive Interview

By Joan Brunwasser


Welcome back, Nancy. In the 
part of our interview, you laid out the basic conflict between Holt 
and those who oppose his legislation as being on two mutually 
exclusive paths. Can you give our readers specifics about how you and 
Congressman Holt part ways?

I told you that Holt's bill [HR 2894] is an expansion of the Help 
America Vote Act, which was a computerized voting bill.

So here are four areas where we differ on how to achieve meaningful 
election reform.

1. Holt calls for requiring paper records in voting systems, so the 
paperless touch screen voting machines HAVA paid for will need to be 
reconfigured to support printers and then to be phased out after the 
next presidential election and replaced with computerized optical 
scanning machines instead.

We call for the abolition of all election systems that use a 
concealed vote count, invisible to the human eye, and remove any 
aspect of the voting system (with the exception of the secret ballot) 
from public oversight. This includes computerized voting with or 
without paper records.

2. Holt calls for indefinite funding of the Election Assistance 
Commission (EAC), the White House agency created by HAVA to oversee 
the nation's elections, for expanding their powers to design the 
specifications by which computerized voting systems can be certified, 
and for making them the arbiter of state election result 

We call for the abolition of the EAC. White House oversight, control 
and design of election system standards, specifications, policies and 
processes unconstitutionally transfers power from the people to the 

3. Holt calls for legalizing trade secrecy and proprietary vote 
counting by computerized voting equipment manufactured and sold by 
the e-voting industry for use in our elections.

We call for the abolition of the privatization and outsourcing of 
constitutional duties like the administration of free, open, and 
publicly observable elections.

4. Holt calls for replacing election night vote counts with 
post-election spot checks of vote tallies as the vote of record.

We call for publicly observable election night vote counts as the 
vote count of record.

So you can see, it really comes down to how you define the problem. 
Whereas Holt wants to expand HAVA, many of us in the movement see 
HAVA itself as a big problem and would like to repeal that act in its 
entirety and get down to the business of solving the real problem, 
which is the loss of public oversight and governance by the consent 
of the governed.

Why can't all members of the election integrity community get behind 
the Holt bill?

To answer that, I think a little history is called for.

Congressman Rush Holt first introduced his election reform bill in 
2003 to amend the 2002 Help America Vote Act (HAVA).

HAVA was a complex bill that "invested" $4 billion of our taxpayer 
dollars into what I like to call the e-voting Ponzi Scheme. Like 
every Ponzi Scheme, HAVA needed someone to run it, someone to invest 
in it, and someone to profit from it.

HAVA created the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), a White House 
commission, to run the scheme. We the People became investors, and 
the e-voting industry and their anonymous backers profited by selling 
new paperless touchscreen voting machines.

Then people started to get nervous because there was no way to know 
if those paperless computerized tallies were accurate or not.

So a movement arose and called itself the "Verified Voting" movement. 
Whether or not this was a real grassroots movement or private 
party-funded astroturf is a matter of debate.

In any event, the movement and Congressman Holt came together to 
amend HAVA and do something about all those unverifiable paperless 
voting machines around the nation.

Holt produced his first iteration of this election reform bill in 
2003. HR2239 was a 5-page bill that was quite simple and 
straightforward. It called for time extensions to allow states more 
time to deliberate before applying for e-voting funding. It required 
"verifiable" paper records for voting machines, and most 
interestingly, it required disclosure " to any citizen" of voting 
system software.

Holt's simple bill contained some pretty important stuff that 
everyone in the movement could rally around. And even more 
significantly, it contained virtually nothing that people could 

HR2239 set up Mr. Holt as a respected Congressional leader in the 
area of election reform and he gained a lot of support.

So what happened to change that?

Holt changed. Or at least his bills changed. His legislation has 
nothing to do with voting rights anymore; it is simply a conduit for 
the EAC Ponzi Scheme.

Since HAVA passed in 2002, more and more states "invested" into 
e-voting and now at least 90% of the nation's votes are tabulated 
with this technology.

We the Investors are caught in this never-ending "investment" scheme 
to pay for "upgrading", "servicing", and "managing" these e-voting 
systems. The EAC keeps the scheme going by continually upping the 
ante with new voting system guidelines that the states are 
"encouraged" to comply with by buying new "EAC-certified" equipment.

Then folks like Congressman Holt come along and stick the EAC 
"guidelines" into legislation so they will no longer be voluntary. 
They will be federal law.

What do you mean by that? Can you provide an example of these voting 
system guidelines in the Holt Bill?

Sure. In 2005 the Holt Bill included an odd provision for a new kind 
of computerized voting technology. Some estimates put the cost to the 
states to implement this technology at roughly $2 billion. The 
problem was, the technology didn't even exist!

When a staff person from the NH Secretary of State's office asked 
Holt's counsel, Michelle Mulder, where she got the language and the 
idea for this provision, her e-mail reply was that she took it right 
out of the EAC's "voluntary" guidelines.

When the word got out about this boondoggle provision, so many 
citizens emailed the House Committee considering the bill that the 
Committee's email system was shut down!

We were relieved when that version of the bill went down in flames.

This year's Holt Bill contains an even more expensive but equally 
nonexistent technology, which also comes directly out of the latest 
EAC computerized voting designs.

But the financial cost of this kind of legislation is the least of 
our worries, really. Because you have to understand the whole picture 
of what is going on here.

We have the White House, through its Agency, controlling our 
elections using computerized concealed vote counting, and Congressman 
Holt is trying to legislate this into federal law.

If we allow this to happen we will not only have completely abdicated 
our electoral power to the White House, but we'll be making somebody 
pretty darn rich to boot.

Let's pause here, Nancy. When we come back for the final part of our 
interview, we'll talk about your run-in with the Cult of Holt in your 
home state of New Hampshire.


One of my interview with Nancy

Author's Bio: Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of 
for Election Reform (CER) which exists for the sole purpose of 
raising the public awareness of the critical need for election 
reform. We aim to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure 
elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. 
Electronic (computerized) voting systems are simply antithetical to 
democratic principles.

CER set up a lending library to achieve the widespread distribution 
of the DVD Invisible Ballots: A temptation for electronic vote fraud. 
Within eighteen months, the project had distributed over 3200 copies 
across the country and beyond. CER now concentrates on group 
showings, OpEd pieces, articles, reviews, interviews, discussion 
sessions, networking, conferences, anything that promotes awareness 
of this critical problem. Joan has been Election Integrity Editor for 
OpEdNews since December, 2005. Her articles also appear at 
RepublicMedia.TV and <http://Scoop.co.nz>Scoop.co.nz.

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