Washington, DC
Ilene Proctor PR

Restore Justice At Justice Coalition Calls On Attorney General  Eric 
Holder To Dismiss Charges Against Don Siegelman

The Restore Justice At Justice campaign, 
www.restorejusticeatjustice.com, representing hundreds of organizations 
with over one million members, calls on Attorney General Eric Holder to 
immediately dismiss criminal charges against former Alabama Governor Don 
Siegelman in light of the latest astounding evidence filed in his case 
attesting to gross violations of the rule of law by federal prosecutors. 
 Specifically, the government's chief witness in the case, Nick Bailey, 
has sworn in an affidavit that prosecutors told him what to say, made 
him repeat it until he got it right, threatened him if he did not say 
it, and lied to the federal judge presiding over the case about his 
testimony.  Moreover, Mr.  Bailey attested that government prosecutors 
intentionally withheld  evidence and told him to hide a three ring 
binder with all of his copious notes of meetings with government agents 
and officials.

Mr. Baliey has provided that binder to his attorney who has shared much 
of it with Mr. Siegelman's attorneys to support the affidavit.  Mr. 
Bailey's associate and a professional legal investigator also provided 
affidavits supporting these assertions.

Restore Justice At Justice spokesman Brad Friedman states:  "There is 
now so much evidence of clear conflicts of interest, overt partisan 
political prosecutorial targeting, failures to recuse by at least one 
conflicted prosecutor as well as the judge in the [Siegelman] case, 
evidence withheld from the defense team, and now evidence of the 
coaching and strong-arming of witnesses in exchange for a lighter prison 
sentence and a promise to conceal embarrassing personal information, it 
all makes the prosecutorial misconduct in the case of former Alaska 
Senator Ted Stevens --- a Republican whose case was dropped by Obama's 
Justice Dept. shortly after they came to power --- look like jaywalking."

Prosecutorial misconduct has completely tainted Mr. Siegelman's case. 
 His conviction must therefore be dismissed with prejudice by the 
Attorney General himself in order to correct a manifest injustice, 
restore integrity to the Department of Justice, and send a clear message 
that such reprehensible conduct will not be tolerated.  Restore Justice 
At Justice calls on Eric Holder to act with dispatch to remove the stain 
and burden of an improper conviction from the shoulders of Mr. Siegelman.  

Source:  www.restorejusticeatjustice.com

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