New Documents Show Rove's Role In Political Firings: Help Us Read Through Them

Ryan Grim

<> | HuffPost Reporting

First Posted: 08-11-09 02:17 PM   |   Updated: 08-11-09 02:48 PM


The House Judiciary Committee Web-published thousands of pages of 
documents on Tuesday, including over 700 pages of transcripts of 
on-the-record interviews with Karl Rove and Harriet Miers regarding 
the Bush-era U.S. Attorney firings and the politicization of the 
Department of Justice.

Chairman John Conyers, Jr. (D-Mich.) said he is forwarding the 
documents to federal prosecutors.

According to the committee, the materials -- including over 5,400 
pages of Bush White House and Republican National Committee emails -- 
show that Bush White House officials were deeply involved in the US 
Attorney firings and that the administration then attempted to cover 
up that fact.

"After all the delay and despite all the obfuscation, lies, and 
spin," Conyers said, "this basic truth can no longer be denied: Karl 
Rove and his cohorts at the Bush White House were the driving force 
behind several of these firings, which were done for improper 
reasons. Under the Bush regime, honest and well-performing US 
Attorneys were fired for petty patronage, political horsetrading and, 
in the most egregious case of political abuse of the US Attorney 
corps - that of US Attorney Iglesias - because he refused to use his 
office to help Republicans win elections. When Mr. Iglesias said his 
firing was a 'political fragging,' he was right."

Conyers said he has "provided a copy of the materials released today 
to special U.S. Attorney Nora Dannehy to assist in her effort to 
determine whether federal criminal charges are appropriate and to 
pursue any such charges."

Help us read through the documents and send the most interesting 
things you find to 
<> -- or post 
them below as comments.


The following summary comes from the committee:

     * 2005 White House "Decision" to fire David Iglesias - It has 
previously been known that New Mexico Republicans pressed for 
Iglesias to be removed because they did not like his decisions on 
vote fraud cases. New White House documents show that Rove and his 
office were involved in this effort no later than May 2005 (months 
earlier than previously known) - for example, in May and June 2005, 
Rove aide Scott Jennings sent emails to Tim Griffin (also in Rove's 
office) asking "what else I can do to move this process forward" and 
stressing that "I would really like to move forward with getting rid 
of NM US ATTY." In June 2005, Harriet Miers emailed that a "decision" 
had been made to replace Iglesias. At this time, DOJ gave Iglesias 
top rankings, so this decision was clearly not just the result of the 
White House following the Department's lead as Rove and Miers have 

     * Iglesias criticized by Rove aide for not "doing his job on" 
Democratic Congressional Candidate Patricia Madrid - An October 2006 
email chain begun by Representative Heather Wilson criticized David 
Iglesias for not bringing politically useful public corruption 
prosecutions in the run up to the 2006 elections. Scott Jennings 
forwarded Wilson's email to Karl Rove and complained that Iglesias 
had been "shy about doing his job on Madrid," Wilson's opponent in 
the 2006 Congressional race. Just weeks after this email, Iglesias' 
name was placed on the final firing list.

     * An "agitated" Rove pressed Harriet Miers to do something about 
Iglesias just weeks before Iglesias was placed on the removal list - 
Karl Rove phoned Harriet Miers during a visit to New Mexico in 
September 2006 - according to Miers' testimony, Rove was "agitated" 
and told her that Iglesias was "a serious problem and he wanted 
something done about it."

     * Senator Domenici personally asked Bush's Chief of Staff Josh 
Bolten to have Iglesias replaced - In October 2006, Senator Domenici 
stepped up his campaign to have Iglesias replaced. According to White 
House phone logs and emails, as well as Rove's own testimony, 
Domenici spoke with President Bush's Chief of Staff Josh Bolten about 
Iglesias on October 5, 2006, and during October 2006, Domenici or his 
staff spoke with Karl Rove at least 4 times.

     * Todd Graves removed in Rove-approved deal with Republican 
Senator - Kansas City US Attorney Todd Graves was removed as part of 
a White House-brokered deal with US Senator Kit Bond. In exchange for 
the Administration firing Graves, Senator Bond agreed to lift his 
hold on an Arkansas judge nominated to the Eighth Circuit federal 
appeals court. A White House email stated that "Karl is fine" with 
the proposal.

     * Miers obtained favorable statement on Rick Renzi in violation 
of DOJ policy - When rumors of the FBI investigation of Rep. Rick 
Renzi surfaced in October, 2006, one of Rove's subordinates contacted 
Harriet Miers, who called Deputy Attorney General McNulty seeking a 
possible statement that would have "vindicated" Renzi. Even though 
this was contrary to standard DOJ policy, such a statement was issued 
several days later.
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