Obama on Drugs: 98% Cheney?

by Greg Palast
Thursday, August 13, 2009


Eighty billion dollars of WHAT?

I searched all over the newspapers and TV transcripts and no one 
asked the President what is probably the most important question of 
what passes for debate on the issue of health care reform: $80 
billion of WHAT?

On June 22, President Obama said he'd reached agreement with big drug 
companies to cut the price of medicine by $80 billion. He extended 
his gratitude to Big Pharma for the deal that would, "reduce the 
punishing inflation in health care costs."

Hey, in my neighborhood, people think $80 billion is a lot of money. But is it?

I checked out the government's health stats (at HHS.gov), put fresh 
batteries in my calculator and toted up US spending on prescription 
drugs projected by the government for the next ten years. It added up 
to $3.6 trillion.

In other words, Obama's big deal with Big Pharma saves $80 billion 
out of a total $3.6 trillion. That's 2%.

Hey thanks, Barack! You really stuck it to the big boys. You saved 
America from these drug lords robbing us blind. Two percent. Cool!

For perspective: Imagine you are in a Wal-Mart and there's a sign 
over a flat screen TV, "BIG SAVINGS!" So, you break every promise you 
made never to buy from that union-busting big box - and snatch up the 
$500 television. And when you're caught by your spouse, you say, 
"But, honey, look at the deal I got! It was TWO-PERCENT OFF! I saved 
us $10!"

But 2% is better than nothing, I suppose. Or is it?

The Big Pharma kingpins did not actually agree to cut their prices. 
Their promise with Obama is something a little oilier: they 
apparently promised that, over ten years, they will reduce the amount 
at which they would otherwise raise drug prices. Got that? In other 
words, the Obama deal locks in a doubling of drug costs, projected to 
rise over the period of "savings" from a quarter trillion dollars a 
year to half a trillion dollars a year. Minus that 2%.

We'll still get the shaft from Big Pharma, but Obama will have 
circumcised the increase.

And what did Obama give up in return for $80 billion? Chief drug 
lobbyist Billy Tauzin crowed that Obama agreed to dump his campaign 
pledge to bargain down prices for Medicare purchases. Furthermore, 
Obama's promise that we could buy cheap drugs from Canada simply went 

What did that cost us? The New England Journal of Medicine notes that 
13 European nations successfully regulate the price of drugs, 
reducing the average cost of name-brand prescription medicines by 35% 
to 55%. Obama gave that up for his 2%.

The Veterans Administration is able to push down the price it pays 
for patent medicine by 40% through bargaining power. George Bush 
stopped Medicare from bargaining for similar discounts, an insane ban 
that Obama said he'd overturn. But, once within Tauzin's hypnotic 
gaze, Obama agreed to lock in Bush's crazy and costly no-bargaining 
ban for the next decade.

What else went down in Obama's drug deal? To find out, I called 
C-SPAN to get a copy of the videotape of the meeting with the drug 
companies. I was surprised to find they didn't have such a tape 
despite the President's campaign promise, 
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Api4fUziAnI>right there on CNN in 
January 2008, "These negotiations will be on C-SPAN."

This puzzled me. When Dick Cheney was caught having secret meetings 
with oil companies to discuss Bush's Energy Bill, we denounced the 
hugger-muggers as a case of foxes in the henhouse.

Cheney's secret meetings with lobbyists and industry bigshots were 
creepy and nasty and evil.

But the Obama crew's secret meetings with lobbyists and industry 
bigshots were, the President assures us, in the public interest.

We know Cheney's secret confabs were shady and corrupt because Cheney 
scowled out the side of his mouth.

Obama grins in your face.

See the difference?

The difference is 2%.


Palast studied healthcare economics at the Center for Hospital 
Administration Studies at the University of Chicago.

Greg Palast's investigative reports can be seen on BBC Television's 
Newsnight and, in print, at 

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