>The News of Its Death Is Greatly Exaggerated
>Mike Lux
>Kent Conrad has repeatedly said there are not enough votes in the 
>Senate for a public option, 
>says he won't vote for one. HHS Secretary 
>the public insurance option is not essential. These statements add 
>to a steadily growing conventional wisdom that the public option is 
>now dead.
>Not so fast. This fight hasn't even come close to being played out yet.
>Conrad is accurate that there are not currently 60 votes in the 
>Senate for a public option. But what conventional wisdom ignores is 
>that there are 64 House members who are unequivocally on record as 
>saying they will not vote for a health reform bill that has no 
>public option, way more than enough to take that possibility off the 
>table. So there are two possibilities right now:
>If both sides of this equation hold tight, no bill passes at all
>Something happens to change the dynamics
>The conventional wisdom says that while it is entirely possible that 
>the first scenario happens, that if the second scenario happens it 
>will be because House progressives fold. There seem to be no other 
>possibilities to all the expert prognosticators.
>Now, I will admit that progressives have been known to fold before, 
>as Chris 
>today. But let me suggest that there are other possibilities here, 
>scenarios that are actually within the realm of the possible. If 
>progressives in the House hold their ground, if they hang tough on 
>the public option, what happens next will go something like this:
>1.     The House will find the votes to pass a comprehensive bill 
>with a public option soon after they get back from August recess. 
>That will be reasonably easy, because Pelosi will be able to peel 
>off a reasonable number of Blue Dogs, many of whom have said they 
>would support a public option, to vote for the bill.
>2.     The Senate will find the votes to pass a convoluted, 
>tortured, unworkable bill, not only with no public option but so 
>messed up and compromised to be unworkable anyway. This is less 
>certain than number one, but Democrats will probably find a way to 
>pass something.
>3.     The conference committee will sit for several weeks as 
>Senators like Conrad say we will never pass a public option, House 
>progressives says we will never pass something without a public 
>option, and the White House, Pelosi, Reid, and conference committee 
>members work out details to try to get something passed.
>At that point, there are a few possibilities. One is that Democratic 
>leaders just give up and declare health care reform dead. That seems 
>unlikely to me, given the high stakes. Another possibility is that 
>House progressives just fold up. That is more likely given recent 
>history, but given their clear promises and the strong pressure on 
>them not to, they might just hold this time. So let's assume for the 
>moment that they do hold strong. Here are a couple of possibilities 
>for getting a bill passed:
>A.     The first is that conservative Senators are given a fig leaf 
>compromise on the public option, so that they can say to people they 
>forced a compromise, and then are brought over with all kinds of 
>other incentives that make them more comfortable with the bigger 
>B.     The second is that the conference committee simply breaks the 
>bill in half, one half being the less controversial part that 
>everyone agrees upon, the other being the public option and the 
>financing, both of which can go through the reconciliation process. 
>Then Obama and Reid muscle the 50 votes they need for support.
>None of this is easy, and none of it is pretty, but having been 
>through a ton of these kinds of issue fights, both from inside the 
>Clinton White House and from the outside, I can tell you that all of 
>this is doable. These kinds of rhetorical logjams happen all the 
>time, where it looks like the House and the Senate are both 
>unalterably dug in, and then magically deals get done. On important 
>bills, effective Presidents and Congressional leaders find some 
>tough-to-thread-the-needle sweet spot, or they use some 
>uncomfortable or inelegant legislative tool, and things that matter 
>can get done. The media and establishment conventional wisdom, which 
>always tends toward the dire and toward the conservative scenarios, 
>is sometimes proven wrong. So ye of little faith, do not give up 
>hope. The worst thing sometimes happens, but not always. Politicians 
>sometimes sell people out, but not always. Keep fighting for the 
>public option.
>If you're looking for inspiration, take a page out of Gov. Dean's 
>book. I co-moderated this part wonky, part political, part fiery 
>panel (along with the wonderful Texas AFT union organizer Tanya 
>Tarr) with Gov. Dean, 
>sharing it with you because like me, he still believes hope for a 
>public option is still alive and worth fighting for.
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