*On the relationship between 5G and COVID-19, it's crucial to know more
about how electricity per se has*
*long been doing grave harm to human health—the subject of Arthur
Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow:*
*A History of Electricity and Life, a must-read book just out from Chelsea

*From Guy Vantresca:*

*All unnatural (human-made) radiation (EMF/EMR/Microwave, Radio frequency),
transmitted from any mobile phone towers, whether 2G, 3G, 4G, or 5G,
negatively impacts all biological health. This is in addition to unnatural
radiation from WiFi, Satellites, Smart meters, Bluetooth, Computers, TV,
Radio, Power Lines, in fact, the entire electric grid.   *

*All of it negatively impacts life, because plant, animal, human life is
Electro-magnetic in nature, and unnatural radiation gets absorbed by the
body and initiates cellular defense mechanisms which try to prevent
penetration of the cell, which also stops nutrient absorption…nothing in,
nothing out. Cellular waste remains, when it would normally be flushed out.
This causes degradation of cellular integrity because of toxic overload.
The more the exposure to unnatural radiation, the more cellular damage.
This is for all unnatural radiation, regardless of type.  *

*So, after that mouthful, I can tell you the Novel Covid-19 virus is real.
It is a “new” version, as the name implies. It may be, I repeat, may be,
“bio-enhanced” or “bio-modified” in a civilian or military laboratory. The
technology is there…has been for decades.  *

*But none of that matters, because it’s here. I have a good friend who is
head of ER in a Berkshires hospital, and he has seen the shredded lungs of
dead patients.   *

*This thing is very real.  *

*My opinion, the virus is not created by 5G. Merely, the damage it causes
is accelerated by ALL unnatural radiation that permeates the atmosphere.
People are dying of immune vulnerability that is the cumulative effect of
all these factors; Covid-19, respiratory weakness, prescription drug use,
air pollution (esp. northern Italy), a food supply that has been depleted
of nutrient value by overuse of petroleum based chemical synthetics and
GMOs, and finally, metal residue in the body from vaccines, mercury
fillings, geo-engineering. Then you can add the Radiation effect of EMF.
Age can be another factor, but youngsters are dropping dead, too. Most
people are dying WITH Covid-19, not necessary FROM Covid-19. But the
statisticians are claiming death FROM the virus, which makes their numbers
more impactful, increasing the fear factor, and justifying Government

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