> Saturday, August 8, 2020
> The hybrid scenario: kids return to school several days per week: Are You
> FKM?
> <https://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-hybrid-scenario-kids-return-to.html>
> Covid has brought out the finest in government mismanagement.  Now it is
> being applied to schools.
> Does anyone believe the notion that students will be safer attending
> school 2 or 3 days a week, instead of 5? Who dreamed this up? Do they think
> if your child inhales 1/2 as much virus, or uses the public bathrooms half
> as often, they will be appreciably safer?  Do the schools think that a
> "deep cleaning" (whatever that is, since it is undefined), even done daily,
> is going to stop viral transmission? There are no data that say it will.
> “Hybrid" schooling still prevents parents from going back to work, so it
> does serve the purpose of reducing economic activity.  In other words, *it
> perpetuates the economic crash that the **lockdowns initiated. * This, by
> the way, has a very adverse effect on lots of children.
> One school I heard about is planning to build plexiglass partitions around
> each desk, on 3 sides, with 6 feet between the children.  I think they are
> also cancelling lunchroom, recess and sports.  Some are requiring masks all
> day, even on kindergartners.
> The 6' distance rule is a totally arbitrary creation
> <https://fortune.com/2020/05/20/why-6-feet-apart-social-distancing-coronavirus-cdc-six-foot-rule-spread-covid-19-liquid-droplets/>
>  invented
> by CDC, after their prior 3' rule was proven to be bogus during the Ebola
> epidemic. See my 2014 post
> <http://anthraxvaccine.blogspot.com/2014/10/cdc-now-admits-ebola-can-float-through.html>
>  on
> this. There is no science to support it.  You heard me right.  It is
> invented out of thin air, an expensive charade, to make everyone think that
> Covid risks can be successfully controlled. But only with extreme
> measures...like halving classroom size and ruining the economy.
> Yet most schools are stuck with inadequate ventilation systems.  Kids at
> most schools will be highly exposed to viral transmission via aerosols
> (small particles containing virus that can remain suspended in air for
> hours). But only rarely
> <https://www.statnews.com/2020/08/05/ventilation-part-of-school-reopening-conversation>
>  is
> this discussed.
> We are supposed to think the extreme measures are going to solve the
> transmission problem. However, kids will be kids, no matter what rules are
> imposed. Their masks will do nothing, if they even stay on. They will find
> ways to play with each other. We can't turn them into robots, and we should
> not be trying.
> *Can we please have some common sense regarding schools?*
> As of July 14, only ONE child
> <https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/how-deadly-is-covid-19-for-children-here-s-what-we-know-1.5023528>
>  in
> Canada had died from Covid. As of July 19, only 29 Americans under age 14
> <https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/how-deadly-is-covid-19-for-children-here-s-what-we-know-1.5023528>
>  had
> died of Covid.
> So far, Covid has been a rare disease for children. I read in two places
> that a) 50% and b) 70% of children who died from Covid had a preexisting
> condition. Multiple studies that have examined child to child, and child to
> adult transmission of Covid, published in the August issue of the journal
> *Pediatrics*
> <https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/146/2/e2020004879.full.pdf>,
> have found that spread by children is a rare event. The review concludes:
> *Almost 6 months into the pandemic, accumulating evidence and collective
> experience argue that children, particularly school-aged children, are far
> less important drivers of SARSCoV-2 transmission than adults. Therefore,
> serious consideration should be paid toward strategies that allow schools
> to remain open, even during periods of COVID-19 spread. In doing so, we
> could minimize the potentially profound adverse social, developmental, and
> health costs that our children will continue to suffer until an effective
> treatment or vaccine can be developed and distributed or, failing that,
> until we reach herd immunity.*
> Public health is supposed to be about balancing risks and benefits, and
> choosing interventions that will clearly provide a net overall benefit.
> Hybrid schooling is not a public health measure. It’s just another
> expensive charade.
> While some children and teachers will no doubt get Covid in schools, and a
> few will die, that is what happens in life.  Some students and teachers die
> each year from flu, or pneumonia, accidents, cancer.  We can't stop this.
> We should stop pretending that we can.
> Once children have been exposed to Covid, the vast majority (probably
> 99+%) will have asymptomatic disease or a mild case.  And then they will be
> immune, and we can relax our fear for them.  Isn't that a better outcome?
> Either keep children locked up at home, or send them back to a regular
> school program. Let's be honest about this.

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