> https://consortiumnews.com/2020/08/13/seth-rogen-turns-the-truth-into-a-joke/
> Seth Rogen Turns the Truth into a Joke
> August 13, 2020
> *As this episode shows, the old guard will not tolerate young Jews who
> reject Zionism, writes Lawrence Davidson. *
> Graffiti on Israel’s border wall on the road to Bethlehem, 2007. (Marc
> Venezia, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
> *By Lawrence Davidson  <https://consortiumnews.com/tag/lawrence-davidson/>*
> *TothePointAnalysis.com*
> <https://tothepointanalyses.com/israel-loses-its-best/>
> *J*ust how much erosion has support for Israel suffered among Western
> Jews under the age of 40? The polls are not much help, because they tell
> contradictory stories. However, in anecdotal terms, there is a strong sense
> that the gap is growing between an increasingly rightwing and racist
> Israeli society and younger, liberal/progressive Western Jews.
> The well-publicized recent interview with Seth Rogen, a comedian and
> filmmaker with an “ability to capture the Jewish cultural conversation,”
> and a fan base among Jewish millennials (i.e., those born between 1981 and
> 1996), may be a case in point.
> On July 27, Rogen was interviewed
> <http://www.wtfpod.com/podcast/episode-1143-seth-rogen>on fellow Jewish
> comedian Marc Maron’s “insanely popular podcast” *WTF*
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTF_with_Marc_Maron>. While on Maron’s
> program, Rogen questioned why those with “a secular Jewish identity” should
> feel “any cultural identification with the state of Israel.”
> Indeed, he admitted that the notion of a Jewish state made little sense to
> him. He said “Jewish statehood was the result of an “antiquated thought
> process” and was in truth, counterproductive. “Encouraging all Jews to live
> in one Jewish state is a nonsensical strategy for the preservation of
> Jewish peoplehood.”
> Seth Rogen in 2019. (Stephen McCarthy, Wikimedia Commons)
> How did Rogen come to these conclusions? He credited his outlook to
> overcoming an incomplete and deceitful Jewish educational process. He
> explained that he had been “fed a huge amount of lies about Israel my
> entire life. You know, they never tell you, that oh by the way, there were
> people there.”
> In other words, the history of Israel he was taught never mentioned the
> Nakba, Occupied Territories, and collective imprisonment of the residents
> of the Gaza Strip and the like. It was just the story of “only democracy in
> the Middle East” and the “most moral army in the world.” As Marc Maron
> would say, “WTF”!
> Asked why a famous guy like himself had not previously spoken publicly
> about Israel, he noted that “I’m afraid of Jews. I’m 100 percent afraid of
> Jews.” Presumably not all Jews, just those allied to the State of Israel.
> Who can blame him? Most of the U.S. Congress feels the same way.
> A few days after Rogen’s interview appeared, a quick retort appeared
> <https://forward.com/opinion/451724/dear-american-jewish-boys-please-take-your-oedipal-rage-and-find-another/?utm_source=PostUp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Afternoon%20Newsletter%20(Sunday%20RSS)&utm_maildate=07/30/2020)>
>  in
> the Jewish publication the *Forward.* Weirdly entitled “Dear American
> Jewish boys, Please, please, take your Oedipal rage and find another outlet
> for it.”
> It was written by Dr. Shany Mor, a researcher at, among other places, the
> Israel Democracy Institute. Mor’s objections to Rogen’s positions are
> reflections of standard Zionist tropes.
> *Standard Trope One*
> As Mor’s title implies, his initial reaction to Rogen’s statements is that
> they must reflect some form of self-hatred. The “self-hating Jew” is an
> established, if rather despicable, Zionist trope. Mor now uses it against
> Rogen, accusing him of being motivated by “Oedipal rage” that is hatred of
> his parents because they did not tell him about Israel’s bellicose origins.
> This is a ridiculous ad hominem attack.
> It should be noted that it is probably the case that a majority of Jewish
> children in the West, post 1948, were either lied to or left in ignorance
> about the Palestinians and their fate. That some of them should now express
> resentment is not evidence of some personality flaw on their part. It is
> rather an expression their dismay of Zionists’ inability to admit to their
> own criminal behavior.
> *Standard Trope Two*
> Israeli soldiers searching a Palestinian in Tel Rumaida, Gilbert
> checkpoint. (Friends123, CC0, Wikimedia Commons)
> Mor dismisses any lasting moral responsibility for the Zionist state’s
> bellicose origin — for Israel’s metamorphosing the near-genocidal fate of
> the Europe’s Jews into the Zionists’ own near-genocidal treatment of the
> Palestinians. He does this by implying that Rogen is singling out Israel
> and using double standards to judge its policies.
> This too is a standard Zionist trope. Supporters of Israel insist that it
> is somehow illegitimate to point a finger at Israel’s sins when other
> countries like the United States have similar racist histories—histories
> that they too are reluctant to share with their citizenry. Thus, in
> response to Rogen’s critique of his Jewish education, Mor asks: “Was the
> version of American history you got at age 12 particularly critical? Did
> you learn a lot about the Trail of Tears, the Indian Removal Act or the
> Chinese Exclusion Act, or even the three-fifths rule?”
> Speaking of the history Rogen received about his own nation, it is an
> indication of just how much thought Mor put into his response that he asks
> these questions of a man born and raised in Canada. Though he presently has
> dual citizenship, Rogen says, <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seth_Rogen> “I
> definitely associate with being Canadian much more than being American
> because I grew up in Canada.”
> Oddly, this sort of argument, “*that others do bad things too and so why
> are you picking on Israel*,” is just a poorly constructed dodge — if for
> no other reason than it is a backhanded admission of guilt. Zionists can’t
> excuse Israel’s guilt by pointing to the guilt of others. The wonder is
> that they try this ploy. Most of us stop using the “but the other guy is
> doing it too” excuse by the time we outgrow the sandbox.
> *Other Zionist Reactions*
> While Mor chastised Rogen for complaining about receiving no information
> about Palestinians, other Zionists accuse the actor of being ignorant of
> the events that gave rise to Israel. They say that his concern for
> Palestinians indicates that he is “utterly clueless
> <https://forward.com/opinion/451705/wake-up-jewish-establishment-seth-rogen-speaks-for-a-lot-of-us-young-jews/?utm_source=PostUp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Afternoon%20Newsletter%20(Sunday%20RSS)&utm_maildate=07/29/2020>
>  as
> to why Theodor Herzl and his followers sought self-determination in
> Israel in the first place.” This really can’t be true, due to the sort of
> Zionist youth background (Hebrew school, Jewish summer campus, family trips
> to Israel) Rogen had.
> WTF teaser for interview with Seth Rogen. (WTF website)
> Indeed, these experiences constitute an endless repetition of the telling
> of the Eurocentric events that brought us Herzl and the Zionists.
> Rogen’s presumed ignorance of what brought us Israel (as against
> information about how Israel has behaved) allegedly “show the need for more
> education about Israel as the ancestral home of the Jewish people.” In
> other words, the Zionist response to Rogen’s complaint of being left in
> ignorance of Israel’s sins is to double-down on the old one-sided storyline
> and intensify its dispersal.
> Still, there are a lot of hardcore Zionist ideologues who moved beyond
> such palliative tactics. As we will see, they have a much more aggressive,
> ideologically abrasive attitude toward a growing number of Jews of the
> “millennial” category who might agree with Seth Rogen’s negative reaction
> to “the expectation that all Jews should be Zionists.”
> *Rogen Backtracks: I Was Just Joking*
> Bar Mitzvah party ad by U.K. event planner. (Markstarman, CC BY-SA 3.0,
> Wikimedia Commons)
> As noted, Rogen has been described as a personality with a unique ability
> to “capture the Jewish cultural conversation” — at least for his
> generation. The reaction he got from the Zionist establishment certainly
> made him aware of a counter conversation that has the potential to
> challenge his status as a Jewish cultural icon.
> He confessed to
> <https://www.timesofisrael.com/seth-rogen-says-he-didnt-apologize-for-israel-comments/>
>  being
> “sensitive” to the backlash — “I’m sensitive to Jewish people thinking I’m
> not a proud Jewish person, which I am” — and now claims that much of what
> he expressed about Israel was said in jest. “I should not have spoken
> jokingly” on this issue and “I do not want Jews to believe I think the
> Jewish state should not exist.” This hedging came after a Zoom conversation
> with Isaac Herzog, chairman of the Jewish Agency.
> *WTF’s* Marc Maron in 2012. (Timothy Krause, Flickr)
> The one part of his interview with *WTF* that he stuck by was the
> assertion that his Jewish education was both incomplete and misleading. Yet
> here lies a trap of his own making. In his conversation on *WTF* the
> principal missing part of that education was the fate of the Palestinians.
> His complaint in this regard now becomes hollow in the face of his
> prioritizing, under pressure, the fact that “I do not want Jews to believe
> that I think the Jewish state should not exist.”
> The Nakba and the apartheid society that resulted from Zionist Israel’s
> existence are what Rogen is being made to begrudgingly swallow to avoid
> charges of being a “self-hater” and a relentless campaign that can
> undermine his career.
> An opinion piece
> <https://forward.com/opinion/451705/wake-up-jewish-establishment-seth-rogen-speaks-for-a-lot-of-us-young-jews/?utm_source=PostUp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Afternoon%20Newsletter%20(Sunday%20RSS)&utm_maildate=07/29/2020>
>  on
> July 29 in the *Forward* written by Joel Swanson and entitled “Wake up,
> Jewish establishment: Seth Rogen speaks for a lot of us young Jews,”
> asserts that
> “the Jewish establishment … can’t keep pretending that young Jews who
> reject Zionism and the state of Israel are relegated to a tiny,
> insignificant fringe of the community.”
> The “Jewish establishment” may or may not be “pretending,” but Rogen’s
> experience demonstrates that “the establishment” has no intention of
> negotiating, much less compromising with “young Jews who reject Zionism.”
> The true-believer Zionists have accepted the breach in the Jewish
> community, and guess what, loyalty to Zionist Israel is more important than
> Jewish unity. Those who fail the loyalty test, whatever their number, are
> not only expendable, but must be purged or silenced. Seth Rogen got a taste
> of that determination following his “jokey” assertion of historical truths.
> Those who dare to speak out publicly will face a similarly strong reaction.
> There is no question that this is the preferred Zionist tactic. The only
> question lies in how much courage and strength those who reject the
> apartheid state of Israel will muster in the face such pressure. Hopefully,
> a bit more than Seth Rogen did. To the extent that such courage and
> strength is growing, the Jews are making progress.
> *Lawrence Davidson is professor of history emeritus at West Chester
> University in Pennsylvania. He has been publishing his analyses of topics
> in U.S. domestic and foreign policy, international and humanitarian law and
> Israel/Zionist practices and policies since 2010.*
> *This article is from his site, *TothePointAnalysis.com*.*
> <https://tothepointanalyses.com/>
> *The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not
> reflect those of Consortium News.*
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> *to Consortium News on its 25th Anniversary*
> Democrats call on watchdog to investigate USPS changes 02:36
> (CNN)Postmaster General Louis DeJoy
> <https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/06/politics/trump-administration-postal-service-elections/index.html>continues
> to hold a multimillion-dollar stake in his former company XPO Logistics, a
> United States Postal Service contractor, likely creating a major conflict
> of interest, according to newly obtained financial disclosures and ethics
> experts.
> Outside experts who spoke to CNN were shocked that ethics officials at the
> postal service approved this arrangement, which allows DeJoy to keep at
> least $30 million in XPO holdings.
> DeJoy and USPS have said he fully complied with the regulations.
> Raising further alarms, on the same day in June that DeJoy divested large
> amounts of Amazon shares, he purchased stock options giving him the right
> to buy new shares of Amazon at a price much lower than their current market
> price, according to the disclosures.
> This could lead to a separate conflict, given President Donald Trump's
> disdain for Amazon, and his reported effort in 2018 to pressure DeJoy's
> predecessor
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/trump-personally-pushed-postmaster-general-to-double-rates-on-amazon-other-firms/2018/05/18/2b6438d2-5931-11e8-858f-12becb4d6067_story.html>to
> raise prices on Amazon and other firms, while complaining about its founder
> Jeff Bezos. The Treasury Department also recently struck a loan deal with
> USPS that gives the Trump administration more leverage to push for higher
> shipping prices -- one of his pet projects.
> DeJoy already faces bipartisan criticism for implementing disruptive
> changes after taking over the USPS on June 15, including eliminating
> overtime for many workers. Democrats also claim he is intentionally slowing
> down mail delivery to sabotage absentee voting
> <https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/03/politics/postal-service-ample-capacity-election-trump/index.html>in
> the November election -- a charge he denies.
> [image: Trump administration taking unusual steps to put its stamp on
> Postal Service ahead of November elections]
> <https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/06/politics/trump-administration-postal-service-elections/index.html>
> Trump administration taking unusual steps to put its stamp on Postal
> Service ahead of November elections
> <https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/06/politics/trump-administration-postal-service-elections/index.html>
> Before joining the administration, DeJoy, a Trump ally and fundraiser,
> <https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/06/politics/louis-dejoy-new-postmaster-general/index.html>was
> on the board of directors at XPO Logistics, a large transportation and
> logistics company that does business with the USPS and has contracts with
> other US government agencies, such as the Department of Defense. In 2014,
> XPO acquired DeJoy's company, New Breed Logistics, for $615 million.
> These questions about DeJoy come at a time of incredible strain at USPS.
> The agency is already strapped for cash and facing funding shortages. And
> two members of the board of governors quit earlier this year
> <https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/06/politics/trump-administration-postal-service-elections/index.html>,
> at least in part to protest efforts by Trump aides to control USPS finances
> and operations. DeJoy's supporters say he's the right person for the job
> because he can streamline the struggling agency with his business
> expertise.
> 'Doesn't pass the smell test'
> [image: U.S. Postmaster General Louis Dejoy arrives at a meeting at the
> office of Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) at the U.S. Capitol
> August 5, 2020 in Washington, DC.]
> U.S. Postmaster General Louis Dejoy arrives at a meeting at the office of
> Speaker of the House Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) at the U.S. Capitol August 5,
> 2020 in Washington, DC.
> When announcing DeJoy's appointment, the USPS board of governors noted
> <https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2020/0506-bog-announces-selection-of-louis-dejoy-to-serve-as-nations-75th-postmaster-general.htm>
> that New Breed "was a contractor to the U.S. Postal Service for more than
> 25 years," and received awards for high quality in the 1990s. The
> announcement didn't mention XPO's ongoing ties to the USPS.
> According to federal records, when he became postmaster general, DeJoy
> still owned a large equity stake in XPO, totaling between $30 million and
> $75 million. Federal ethics officials recently approved his decision to
> keep these assets, but outside experts with decades of experience in
> government are raising red flags.
> "The idea that you can be a postmaster general and hold tens of millions
> in stocks in a postal service contractor is pretty shocking," said Walter
> Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics, who
> resigned
> <https://money.cnn.com/2017/07/06/news/walter-shaub-office-of-government-ethics-resignation/index.html>
> in 2017. "It could be that he's planning on selling it, but I don't
> understand the delay. He has managed to divest a lot of other things. And
> if he wasn't prepared to sell that off, he shouldn't have taken the job."
> Schaub, who is now a senior adviser at Citizens for Responsibility and
> Ethics in Washington, suggested that if DeJoy doesn't divest his holdings
> soon, it could be construed as an illegal conflict of interest. Schaub also
> questioned why the ethics officials approved this arrangement.
> It's illegal under federal law
> <https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/208> for federal government
> employees or their spouses to have a "financial interest" in companies that
> intersect with their official duties. The ethics experts who spoke to CNN
> said DeJoy could have mitigated these conflicts by divesting, agreeing
> upfront to recuse himself from some matters, receiving legal waivers, or
> even establishing a blind trust.
> "If you have a $30 million interest in a company, of course it's going to
> impact you," said Stuart Gilman, who spent 12 years at the Office of
> Government Ethics, where he was the assistant director. "I would assume
> that there is a problem here. It certainly doesn't pass the smell test."
> Democrats call for inquiry
> A USPS spokesman previously told CNN that DeJoy followed all ethics
> requirements. Federal ethics officials approved DeJoy's required financial
> filings in June, July and earlier this month.
> "No issues relating to XPO's Postal Service contracts have been presented
> to Postmaster General DeJoy, nor would any such issues be expected to rise
> to that level," USPS senior ethics counsel Jessica Brewster-Johnson told
> CNN. "Decisions regarding XPO contracts are made at much lower levels in
> the organization. If, however, an issue relating to XPO came before
> Postmaster General DeJoy, he would be obligated to recuse himself or, if
> recusal were not practicable, the Ethics Office would require divestiture.
> To date, no such issue has arisen."
> The experts who spoke to CNN said this explanation was "sloppy" and
> "absurd," particularly because the rules require top officials to avoid
> even the appearance of a potential conflict.
> Federal records also show that DeJoy owned between $265,000 and $550,000
> in UPS stock, but divested them after becoming postmaster general in June.
> Experts praised this move, because it eliminated a conflict of interest, as
> UPS is a direct competitor of the postal service.
> A group of Senate Democrats, led by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren,
> asked
> <https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/07/politics/postal-service-inspector-general-letter-usps-practices/index.html>
> the USPS inspector general to investigate the policy changes DeJoy imposed
> this summer and to examine whether DeJoy "met all ethics requirements"
> regarding his personal finances and XPO stake. A spokesperson for the USPS
> watchdog declined to say if they were launching an investigation.
> DeJoy made dozens of stock sales and purchases around the time he started
> at USPS. He divested at least $100,000 in XPO options, but apparently held
> onto his larger equity stakes. He also owns options to buy an additional
> 270,000 shares in XPO, at varying prices in the future. Those options all
> expire in November.
> Around the time he took over the USPS, DeJoy bought and sold stocks or
> stock options across a wide array of industries, including health companies
> like Johnson & Johnson and Abbott Laboratories, which are involved in the
> pandemic response. He also sold shares in Coca-Cola and Uber, and purchased
> shares of ExxonMobil. These financial transactions continued after DeJoy
> joined USPS, according to federal records.
> Amazon trades
> DeJoy's trades in Amazon shares are also facing scrutiny. According to his
> financial disclosures, DeJoy owned between $100,000 and $250,000 in Amazon
> stock when he joined the administration.
> On June 24, DeJoy divested those shares, but the same day he bought a new
> financial interest in the company, purchasing between $50,000 and $100,000
> in stock options for Amazon. The stock options, which expire on October 16,
> give DeJoy the right to buy shares of Amazon at a price of $1,960 per
> share. Shares in Amazon are currently trading at more than $3,100.
> "It's another conflict. He's got the option to buy. That means he's
> gambling that Amazon's value is going to go up," said Marcus Owens, a
> former top IRS official with decades of experience dealing with federal
> ethics rules. "Why is he investing in a competitor to the enterprise that
> he's supposed to be managing? This is a classic case for investigation by
> an inspector general."
> Given the President's repeated criticism of Amazon and its contracts with
> the Postal Service, those stock trades stuck out to ethics experts. Trump
> has publicly attacked
> <http://www.trumptwitterarchive.com/archive/amazon%20%7C%7C%20washington%20post%20%7C%7C%20@washingtonpost/tfff>Amazon
> and the Washington Post, which is owned by Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. And
> Trump has privately complained about Washington Post coverage while
> attacking Amazon, the newspaper reported
> <https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/trump-personally-pushed-postmaster-general-to-double-rates-on-amazon-other-firms/2018/05/18/2b6438d2-5931-11e8-858f-12becb4d6067_story.html>.
> "This is pretty outrageous, to come into government and then buy
> conflicting (interests)," Shaub said. "He partially eliminated a conflict
> of interest and then bought a new one on the same day."
> As recently as last week, Trump invoked Amazon by name while criticizing
> USPS' price points.
> The USPS maintains that DeJoy's ownership of the XPO stake, and of these
> other assets, are not problematic on their own. USPS officials also say
> their new leader isn't trying to sabotage the 2020 election with postal
> delays, and that he is following all appropriate ethics rules.
> "I take my ethical obligations seriously, and I have done what is
> necessary to ensure that I am and will remain in compliance with those
> obligations," DeJoy said in a statement given to CNN.

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