[30] Agent has pop at Fergie
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Jonathan Barnett, agent of John Hartson and well, that's it basically answered back to 
Fergie's attack on agents.

"I think he should keep to managing players. I wouldn't dream of telling Mr Ferguson 
how to manage his football team, and I don't think it's correct that he should tell 
agents how to run their business. I wouldn't presume to tell him his, and I wouldn't 
expect him to tell me mine. I run a business and I do what is right for my clients. No 
disrespect to the man - he is very successful - but he has his field and we have ours. 
He's probably the most successful manager in history - but at managing a football 
team, nothing else."

Well, actually, ship worker, landlord, trade union activist, we could go on - but what 
have you done as well Jonathan?

[29] Transfer target not for sale
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Italian club Vicenza on striker that Fergie saw, Luca Toni: "I cannot really say if 
Luca Toni is really worth £9.4m. We have not  put a value on him. But in all sincerity 
I can say that the player will not leave  Vicenza until June. At the moment our 
objective is avoiding relegation. Until then we can not discuss it"

[28] OT to get England game...possibly
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
FAD have booked Old Trafford for any World Cup qualifying play-off  they may qualify 

An FA official said: "In a match like that you want the biggest crowd 
you can get to be right behind England. There is no better venue for  that than Old 

Got to win those games first.

[27] Sun talks telephone numbers
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
'£21m to tempt Becks By Neil Custis

DAVID BECKHAM has made it clear he will only stay at Manchester  United if they make 
him the right offer.  Contact has been made with Beckham's representatives about a new 
 contract at Old Trafford.  The club have yet to make him a firm offer - but a deal 
worth  £21million over five years is ready to be put to the England midfield star.'

[26] Butt also happy with Sven
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
"Definitely, for  English football the sooner the better for him to come in. Everyone 
knows he had been appointed and that seems a long 
time ago now. It's definitely good that he can get more involved with  the 
on-the-field stuff. People can have their own opinions and a lot  of people have said 
different things, but at the end of the day he  has been appointed and the sooner he 
gets in the better.

I'm always hopefully of playing for the national side  and I keep my fingers crossed 
that if I'm picked that I will train  well and get my chance."  

[25] Brother sticks up for Viera
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Nikoro Vieira: "Things have gone too far. That horrific tackle at Carlisle  could have 
broken Patrick's leg.  I badly want the FA to ask referees to look closely at what is  
happening to Patrick.  It kills me to see him getting red and yellow cards from the 
same  referees who allow opponents to kick him and get away with it.  Everyone can see 
Patrick is in love with football. All he asks is to  be able to play...Will it only 
stop when they have broken his leg?" 

As everyone fails to remember the gruesome tackles that he has made before.

"He is not the one who hurts people. He sets out simply wanting to do 
his best in a very demanding area of the pitch and he is the one who  always gets 
picked on."

Er, is this Patrick Viera we're talking about? 

"Just think of all the times he has kept his cool while under real 

No, can't be.

[24] Fortune injured for SA
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Quinton Fortune pulled out of South Africa's squad to face 
Mauritius this weekend with a hamstring strain.

[23] ABU shite
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Do we really need to comment and poke fun at this when surely it does it all itself - 
just had this press release in for yet another piece of ABU shite. Read it and weep 
(tears of laughter about all those sad people who will buy it...).

"Stand Up If You Hate Man.U, £12.99, CarolaMedia Productions

Manchester United recently produced a video documentary  called 'BEYOND THE PROMISED 
LAND' which was enjoyed, no doubt, by all  its supporters. Now it's a return match for 
all the other football  fans in the UK - a match that's played for laughs in the 60 
minutes  alternative comedy video 'STAND UP IF YOU HATE MAN U'.

Hard-hitting hilarious and controversial, 'STAND UP IF YOU HATE MAN 
U' sets out to uncover the facts behind the UK's most successful  football team. 
Former Football Association supremo Graham Kelly tells  of dealings with United's 
manager Sir Alex Ferguson in hotel  bedrooms, backroom shenanigans and a whole lot 
more. Alan Mullery, ex- Tottenham and England and now a famous football pundit, 
divulges the  methods Ferguson uses to dictate the nature of his team's press  
coverage, while David Fairclough, famous player with arch-rivals  Liverpool, reveals 
the extreme lengths to which Man U will go in 
their search for constant fame and ever-increasing fortune. And just  what was United 
chairman Martin Edwards doing in Brazil?

Is Manchester United too successful, too arrogant or too selfish for  the average 
football enthusiast? Do they really have no sense of  humour and can't they really see 
the funny side of anything?

'STAND UP IF YOU HATE MAN U' is a laugh from beginning to end and  provides an insight 
into the passion on the terraces and around the  television every time a match is 

It is a 'tongue in cheek' 60 minutes laugh that takes the lid off  this current 
football fantasy. With the help of Graham Kelly, Alan  Mullery, David 'super-sub' 
Fairclough and impressionist Aaron James,  the video's host, (Hammers fan) Keith 
O'Keefe, takes a satirical look  at the biggest football club in the world, in a way 
that only  football fans will understand."

Mullery and Kelly - what a team eh!

[22] Giggs happy with his form
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I have been really pleased especially over Christmas period. Playing so many games in 
such a short space of time was an  important period for me psychologically because I 
haven't done that  for a long time. It was especially pleasing over New Year where I 
had two games in  three days against Newcastle and West Ham. Normally I would have had 
a bit of a rest in a tough schedule like  that. To come through it without needing to 
have a break because of  the hamstring was a real boost."

[21] Happy birthday Robbo
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Bryan Robson, 44 today.

Wonderful memories - stuffing the Scousers (more than once!), Barca brace - fucking 
leading us from the front too many times to mention!

[20] David Icke joins the ranks of the ABUs - nutter!
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
For our foreign readers best not go into this background - suffice to say he was a 
quiet snooker commentator until he decided he was the son of God (no joke!).

"Whether Manchester United, Leicester City or any other side win or lose might be 
interesting, but it is not important when compared with what really matters in life. 
If you lose a football match, no-one dies. If you get knocked out of Europe or the FA 
Cup, does that mean a doctor will walkthrough your door and say you have terminal 
cancer? Of course not. But you would think so, given the reaction that many fans have 
to a defeat in a game... a game...

The reports that David Beckham may be earning £80,000 a week basic in a new contract 
at Manchester United, and the even more grotesque figures earned aboard, are a new 
testament to the increasingly obvious evidence that football has lost all sense of 
value and balance. How long before the followers of this religion also see through the 
pomp and spectacle to the increasingly rotten core that lies within? The BBC Watchdog 
programme recently highlighted the horrendous price of watching football. So much so 
that it is cheaper, they suggested, to travel to France every week to watch first 
division games in Paris than it is to follow an English Premiership club. 

The old religion looked after those with wealth and influence and treated its 
congregations as a resource to be sucked dry of money at every opportunity, but in the 
end enough of the exploited masses saw through the smokescreen and they left the 
church in droves. Today, most British churches at 11am on a Sunday look like Carlisle 
United at 3pm on a Saturday. There were simply not enough of the influential classes 
to fill the pews once the masses jumped ship and there are certainly not enough to 
fill the football stadiums. When the penny drops for the followers of the new 
religion, the same is going to happen. Maybe it needs that for football to come to its 
senses and for those who really care about the game to reassert themselves.
The explosion of income for the top clubs in recent years has attracted the wrong sort 
for the wrong reasons and it will all end in tears...Football can be fascinating, 
captivating and highly entertaining. Important? Never."

[19] Becks to star for Sven
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Roberto Mancini, who resigned from his coaching job at Lazio after Eriksson left, told 
The Sun: "Sven knows all about Beckham. The fact that he will be fundamental to his 
plans for the future is a statement of the obvious. He is really looking forward to 
working with Paul Scholes, who Sven thinks is an absolutely fantastic player."

[18] Are you having a larf
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Stockport boss Andy Kilner after signing their keeper, Carlo Nash.

"Carlo's done a fantastic job for us. I can say now that Manchester City have got two 
of the best young English goalkeepers at the club. There's been a lot of stuff talked 
about other young English goalkeepers in the country but maybe Carlo has not been 
mentioned because of the club he's playing at. City were fortunate in that Carlo was 
out of contract here and we were unable to meet his personal demands. But I'm 
delighted for the lad and he goes with our best wishes. He will certainly give Nicky 
Weaver a run for his money."

Not hard that really.

[17] More Brazil-Nike flak
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
>From Football Unlimited.

'Ronaldo runs the risk of going to prison in Brazil if he does not provide the 
country's congress with full details of his personal contract with the sportswear 
manufacturer Nike.  The demand was made by Brazilian congressmen yesterday during 
Ronaldo's appearance at a parliamentary inquiry into the $100m (£67m) contract between 
Nike and the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF), and the circumstances surrounding 
the 1998 World Cup final. 

He has 10 days to produce the document, but he flew out of Brasilia to his home in Rio 
de Janeiro yesterday leaving his lawyers, Nike's legal team and the congress's lawyers 
to decide how the contract should be handed over. The Internazionale striker is 
currently recuperating from a serious knee injury. 

Ronaldo said that if his contract was made public there would be no
surprises. "There is no clause saying what I had to do during the World Cup. My 
relationship with Nike is very good. They never demanded me to do anything. The only 
thing they wanted was for me to score some goals wearing their boots."

[16] More from Irwin
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
"I haven't heard anything yet about a new contract. I am quite philosophical about my 
future, I want to play at the highest level for as long as possible. I have done my 
hardest to do that and the highest level is here."

[15] History repeats itself
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sound familiar - Michael on the other side this time after '89.

Stephen Brown, the Scottish businessman who had agreed to buy Carlisle, has had his 
proposed bid vetoed by former owner Michael Knighton. 

'Brown failed to make a payment of £250,000 for a 25% stake in the club's parent 
company, CUFC Holdings Ltd, by Knighton's deadline. Brown, who claimed to have made 
£6.3m from the sale of a hotel complex in Spain, seems not to be all he was cracked up 
to be.  It appears that he lives in an old people's home in Peebles, where his partner 
is a janitor; that he has been working as a barman in an Indian
restaurant; that he is barred from a Peebles hotel for causing "serious trouble"; and 
that, far from driving a smart BMW, he has a battered old Cavalier. 

"This man has caused horrendous embarrassment to me and the club. I have never been 
hoodwinked in my life. I usually pride myself on my ability to see straight through 

Irony is alive and well in the year 2001.

[14] McClaren happy with Sven
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
In yet another MUTV interview (Becks, Rai, Irwin, now this - for once, well done 
guys!), McClaren says:  "I think when he was first appointed, the sooner he was in the 
job the better for English football and I'm delighted that he's taking over. All I'm 
waiting for is for him to come over and have a meeting with us and just sort out how 
he sees things in the future.

I think he was quite pleased with the squad and the approach for the last game, 
bringing in the youngsters - he's all into that. It will be interesting to see exactly 
what thoughts he's got".

[13] Transfer system - yawn, yawn - latest
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sepp Blatter, Fifa president: "We are very confident that there will be no scrapping 
of the whole transfer system. This will not be realistic and this would not be good 
for football and we could not accept that." 

[12] Great Dane to find his way home
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
According to Football Unlimited, former Manchester United keeper Peter
Schmeichel is considering a move back to Denmark after losing his place at Sporting 

[11] Quote of the day
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
With five strikers now in the squad, Houllier says with some desperation it seems: "I 
have seen Thierry Henry miss. All strikers sometimes miss sitters, you have to accept 
that. Scoring goals is difficult".

Not for us it ain't.

[10] Remember it's Red News deadline weekend!
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
For issue 74, so get any articles, letters into us by Sunday am. Cheers!


Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Complied by our specialist (pisshead that is) Paul S...


1. "I like to breed players that attack people." 


O'Leary puts the case forward for the defence of B and W?

2. "Dennis Wise, Vinnie Jones and John Fashanu must be turning in their graves." 

Palmer exaggerates the death of Wimbledon FC just a tad

3. "He will be called Ronald, because we like going to McDonald's." 


Ronaldo puts some real thought into his child's name

4. "Francis Jeffers is a disgusting, dirty little twat." 


Westerweld shows the way a footballer should behave in public.

5. "I'd like to be a dog. Dogs are nice. They can sleep any time, they wag their tails 
and on top of that they can get stroked all the time." 


Petit really saying that he likes to get shagged up the...?

6. "I would not sign for another club, not even if I was offered 15 million dollars. 
However, it would be different if they were to instead offer me 15 different women 
from all around the world. I would tell the club chairman: 'Please let me make these 
women happy - I will satisfy them like they have never been satisfied before'." 


A reasonable transfer clause if ever we've heard one

7. "When you're walking onto a bus and trying to get there before the person in front 
of you, that's a different level of competition to playing in front of 80,000 people." 


And this guy is the educated one

8. "If Plan A fails, they could always revert to Plan A." 


Mirror columnist shows just why he got the job

9. "I usually don't have sex. Not on the same day. I say no thanks. I guess that, 
mentally, I want to keep the feeling in my feet and that's why. I think the feeling 
sort of disappears out of your feet if you have sex before. I have tried before and my 
feet felt like concrete when you are supposed to kick the ball." 


Well, at least now we know why Bosnich is shit

10. "Argentina are the second best team in the world, and there's no higher praise 
than that." 


It just wouldn't be a top ten without Wor Kev

[8] More awards for United
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
The IFFHS - International History and Statistical Football Federation 
(you'll remember when Peter was voted world best goalkeeper off of them and received a 
big glove as an award) has voted Fabien the world's best goalkeeper ( 2. Kahn, 3. 
Toldo ).

Sir Alex has been voted the 4th best coach ( 1. Lemerre, 2. Cuper, 3. Del  Bosque. 
Premiership has been voted the second best league in the world ( 1. Spain, 3. Italia ).

And Red News the best fanzine? Ok, wishful thinking!

[7] Yet another new transfer target
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Atalanta goalkeeper Ivan Pelizzoli this time, according to - wait for it - his agent 
Ernesto Randazzo. "I can confirm that the 3 big English clubs have been monitoring  
Ivan in several matches. He's ready for a big club. He will stay with  Atalanta until 
June but news are expected for next summer".

[6] Mexes transfer begins to sway away from Reds
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Auxerre defender Philippe Mexes on perhaps choosing Roma now: "Fabio Capello knows how 
to get the best from his  defenders. Maybe he will do the same with me. Roma were the 
first big team that showed an interest in me. They have come  to watch me a lot of 
times. It would be easier for me to play in England, as the standard there is not  
that high. But if someone wants to become a big star, then they have to play  in 

All the best defenders are in Italy  Lilian Thuram, Laurent Blanc, 
Alessandro Nesta and Fabio Cannavaro. Even Walter Samuel, who could become my  partner 
at the back. 

Everybody says I'm like Blanc. But  I just try to be myself. Maybe it's because he 
played for Auxerre, I don't know. I joined the football school in Toulouse but when I 
was 15  I was told I had no future there. I had so many offers, from Nantes, Monaco,  
and Bordeaux. But Guy Roux at Auxerre was the quickest off the mark and I  signed for 

When I  tried to be spectacular, Roux used to go crazy. But I know I have to improve a 
lot. I've done a good job this season against  Marco Simone, Nicolas Anelka and Sonny 
Anderson, but I have to focus more on 
my physical attributes. I have to improve my concentration and cut out my  stupid 
mistakes. But I love to be a professional.  Since I've turned professional, my life 
has changed so much. Everything is  easier for me and for my family. I love all the 
interest that surrounds me,  even though all the compliments could quickly turn into 

I would love to play for a side in the Champions' League. That would be the  only way 
I could see how good I really am. But I will never play in the  Champions' League with 
Auxerre. All my concentration is geared towards that in July. The team that had David  
Trezegeut and Anelka only got to the quarter-finals  and we want to do much  better 
than that. My ambition afterwards is to make the squad for the World 
Cup in Japan in 2002."  
Champs league player, wants to win things - er, the choice of Roma or United on that 
criteria seems quite simple. And Italy best league in the world, when was the last 
Italian side to lift the European Cup then?

[5] Maine Road to become wasteland?
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Sale Rugby Union Club look unlikely to move to Moss Side despite Manchester City 
Council confirming the ground is theirs if they want it.

The owner of Sale Sharks, Brian Kennedy said: "My biggest concern about Maine Road is 
its size. I wouldn't want to play in a ghost town. It would certainly be the biggest 
challenge for Sale's chief executive Peter Deakin to ensure we got a reasonable amount 
of support. It would certainly have helped his cause if we had reached the final of 
the Tetley's Bitter Cup but it wasn't to be".

But why change the habit of a lifetime - keep things as they are as a Ghost Town!

[4] city sign another player
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
Points dropped all the time, buying players out of desperation, a massive squad 
created in the process as wage bill rockets - sound familiar - Alan Ball might like to 
tell Joe Royle what comes next!

Carlo Nash has completed his £100,000 move to Manchester City from Stockport.

Joe Royle said: "This is not as a result of anything Nicky Weaver has done or not done 
recently. I think as a big club and as a Premiership club we need three goalkeepers."

Note the big, times they are a changing at city.

[3] Raimond wants to stay
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
MUTV certianly seem to be getting better access with the players these days as Raimond 
van der Gouw told them: "It's wonderful playing for United. Whether I stay or not 
depends on the club, but I'd like to play here for as long as possible."

[2] You're not famous anymore
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
10 years and counting, and despite fielding a full team last night (Owen and Heskey up 
front) Crystal Palace still beat Liverpool 2-1 in the 1st leg of the Worthless Cup 
semi last night.

Our rivals - not a chance!

Crystal Palace goalscorer Clinton Morrison summed it up: "We're definitely 
disappointed...Hopefully we can go up to Liverpool and do a good job. I wanted to 
prove to people I can play in the Premiership and that's where I want to play."

Houllier went for the clutching at straws option: "I feel very sorry for the players. 
In terms of commitment and play they tried their best. They never underestimated the 
opposition. We made one mistake at the back and that cost us one goal."

Never underestimate the opposition - this is Crystal Palace we're on about not Real 
bloody Madrid!

[1] Euro away behaviour
Posted Thursday, January 11, 2001 by bar-knee:
'Three Marines have been sent back to Britain in disgrace after being caught drunk in 
a lap-dancing bar in Kosovo (where is TSJ?). The men breached security and walked 
unarmed in full uniform into the capital of the country, Pristina, The Mirror reported.

They were arrested later by military police after being found in the bar. Two were 
slumped over a table and one was writhing naked around a pole with a dancer, the 
Mirror said. The men were heavily fined and returned to the 45 Commando's base in 
Arbroath, Scotland, the paper said. A Ministry of Defence spokesman told PA News: "I 
can confirm that three servicemen have been sent back to the UK as a result of an 
incident in Pristina. They were fined and returned following an incident on December 
1. I cannot confirm which base they were from," he added.'

[40] Statto alert
Posted Wednesday, January 10, 2001 by tb:
Here is the team of the season so far from Opta

Tim Flowers ( LEICESTER ) Opta points score: 937 
Jamie Clapham (IPSWICH TOWN v ) Opta points score: 858 

Sami Hyypia (LIVERPOOL v ) Opta points score: 956 

Marcel Desailly (CHELSEA v )Opta points score: 966 
Phil Neville (MANCHESTER UNITED v ) 
Like the children in music class who giggled whenever the teacher said 'tromboner'(God 
knows where these people went to school!), you may be laughing to see one of the 
Nevilles in this team, but 
get ready, because here come the facts. Neville is one of only 11 players to have made 
over 1,000 passes and has completed a superb 81% of that distribution, as well as 
getting forward to whip in a prolific 49 crosses. In a makeshift defence he has proved 
his worth to manager Alex Ferguson - for any youngster watching out there, it's 
performances like this that get you the top bunk bed at home (ooh err).
Opta points score: 823 

Paul Scholes (MANCHESTER UNITED v ) 
Despite scoring just four league goals so far this term - a poor return for his 
standards - Paul Scholes has still been in good enough form to make the Opta Team of 
the Season. The England star has created four strikes for team-mates and has an 84% 
accuracy for passing. He's also dug in and made 57 tackles with a 74% success rate. 
He's been playing well for so long, you don't often notice him but whenever he pulls 
on an England shirt he is often the star of the team - the supporters recognised this 
and voted him England most valuable player of last season. This year we can expect 
more of the same.
Opta points score: 1,090 

Patrick Vieira (ARSENAL v ) Opta points score: 1,056 
Roy Keane's season started with a red card in the Charity Shield defeat, but the 
United captain has turned in another (half)season of solid dependability. 
The Irishman has only scored once, but has completed an incredible 87% of his passes 
and has also dribbled forward from midfield on 46 occasions. And despite his 
competitive edge, he's picked up only two bookings. 

Opta points score: 1,256 

David Beckham (MANCHESTER UNITED v ) 
As Public Enemy once said: 'Don't Believe The Hype'. Forget the sickly Hello! Magazine 
shoots, endorsements and media circus that follows his every move and realise that 
Beckham has been outstanding this season. The right-midfielder has scored eight goals 
- six from free-kicks - created a further eight for fellow Red Devils and has made 
more passes and crosses than anyone else in the Premiership. Beckham has recorded the 
highest average Index score this season and looks set to be the star of club and 
country for another season.
Opta points score: 1,392 

Emile Heskey (LIVERPOOL v ) Opta points score: 1,138 

Thierry Henry (ARSENAL v ) Opta points score: 1,280

[39] Becks - going nowhere
Posted Wednesday, January 10, 2001 by tb:
>From the official site

After days of speculation in the nation's tabloids, David Beckham has denied that he 
is looking for a move away from Old Trafford.

Newspapers had reported that David was seeking a huge wage increase in his new 
contract, and that his wife, Spice Girl Victoria Beckham was unhappy living in 
Manchester. Speaking exclusively to MUTV, Becks says he wants to stay at United, and 
his family are equally happy.

"I haven't started my contract talks yet. I do want to stay at Manchester United 
though," he revealed to the club's TV station.

"The papers like to create this thing about whether it's Victoria's decision or 
whether it's mine. At the end of the day, it's my decision whether I stay at United.

"If I come to an agreement, of course I want to stay. It's where I've grown up.

"It's said in the papers that Victoria had her ideas about me moving abroad and going 
elsewhere, but she's never even mentioned leaving Manchester. 
Victoria is happy in Manchester - she's always been. She loves living here.

"People can look at it as if Victoria is trying to pull me away from the club, which 
she never has done. It is a family decision, but it will be my decison whether I'm 
staying at Manchester United or not." 

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