Warning: This is a long question!

How to handle many feeders with inn and newsx? My problem is that my
first news feeder is down now and then, but mostly works all right. So I
have second news feeder for situations, when first feeder is down to get
news. But I have only read right to second feeder, I can't post
articles. When my modem connection comes up, my script automatically
runs something like this

/usr/local/bin/newsx first news.first.fi
/usr/local/bin/newsx --no-post second news.second.fi

When I shut down Linux my script post my written news

/usr/local/bin/newsx -- no-fetch first news.first.fi

in my newsfeeds is 

Problem comes when first newsfeeds has been down and second newsfeed has
been up and when first newsfeed comes up: INN puts a lot of articles
read from second newsfeed to out.going/first and newsx tries to feed
first newsfeeds.
It can take a lot of time, because I have a slow modem connection.

Is solutions to use many newsfeeds files and change INN configuration
depending what newsfeed is up?

When modem connection comes up, should I run something like this

/etc/rc.d/init.d/innd stop
cp /etc/news/newsfeed.first /etc/news/newsfeed
/etc/rc.d/init.d/innd start
/usr/local/bin/newsx first news.first.fi
if [RET$ = ] ; then
        /etc/rc.d/init.d/innd stop
        cp /etc/news/newsfeed.second /etc/news/newsfeed
        /etc/rc.d/init.d/innd start
        /usr/local/bin/newsx --no-post second news.second.fi

and in newdfeed.first will be only lines

and analogically newdfeed.first.

Any suggestions, give me tips!

I use RH5.0 and newsx 1.3.

Reijo Korhonen
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