Le Ven 10 jan 03 à 17:11:52 +0100,
 Triebwasser, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> écrivait :
> Has anyone had issues where newsx gets a "Too many open files" error?  I'm
> running newsx on a i386 FreeBSD machine.

No. I'm running newsx since FreeBSD 4.0, and I've never got this error.
However, it's quite common with a lot of applications...

> >inserting newsx path
> >newsx: can't open incoming spool
> "/usr/local/news/spool/incoming/.tmp.gig2.33553": Too many open files
> >transfer interrupted
> >latest article was 5080555
> >no spool to flush
> >state: pull: cleanup
> >no news is good news!
> >state: aborting server
> >->QUIT
> ><- 205 GoodBye
> >unlocked: /usr/local/news/run/L.33553
> >unlocked: /usr/local/news/run/LOCK.newsx.gig2
> >unlocked: /usr/local/news/run/LOCK.gig2
> Should I be changing the shell's limit or should I be doing a kernel
> rebuild?

It's not necessary to build a new kernel. Just have a look at the
Handbook, § (or

What does `sysctl kern.maxfiles' report?
(here I have:
kern.maxfiles: 8192

If it's too small, just run 
sysctl -w kern.maxfiles=xxxx

Th. Thomas.

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