Neu: 2001-10-23

Contents of this issue:

1. Solomons Collapse


October 23rd, 2001

1. Solomons Collapse:

A high-level delegation from Australia and New Zealand flies into the
Solomon Islands today amid growing fears of a breakdown in law and
order and a collapse of social infrastructure, the Sydney Morning
Herald reports..

The islands are racked by crime, violence against political leaders and
power shortages in the aftermath of two years of ethnic conflict, the
newspaper said.

And the crucially important international operations of Solomon Airlines
have now been effectively shut down by Australian authorities over
safety concerns.

The visit follows talks on the deteriorating situation between
Australia's Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, and his New Zealand
counterpart, Phil Goff, the Sydney Morning Herald said.

Tensions have been inflamed by the arrival of a new tranche of soft loan
funds from Taiwan to compensate victims of ethnic violence, the
newspaper reported.

Gangs of former ethnic militiamen are trying to get money for themselves
or extort it from people they say should not be receiving it, the Sydney
Morning Herald said.

It said shots have been fired at politicians and officials. Houses and
vehicles have been destroyed. "Things are getting pretty bad up here," a
foreign businessman in Honiara told the Sydney Morning Herald by
telephone yesterday. "Just about all the four-wheel-drive vehicles have
been stolen, and there is a lot of extortion going on."

He said much of the trouble was being caused by so-called police special
constables, who were former ethnic militiamen.(PINA Nius)


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