Neu: 2001-10-12

Contents of this issue:

1. Hotel Opens

2. Airport Manager


October 12th, 2001

1. Hotel Opens:

Mrs Catherine Leomotu has been appointed manager of the Niue Hotel. The
Hotel opens today with 19 rooms available for accommodating guests
attending the centennial anniversary of political association with NZ
and 27th constitution celebrations. Mrs Leomotu is manager of the Niue
Offshore Commercial Services.

The hotel will open its bar but will not have full food services. The
group of 40 investors will have their company, Niue Investments Company
registered next year.The Board of directors is: Toke Talagi ( chair);
Mark Cross, David Poihega, Atapana Siakimotu and Maihetoe Hekau.

2. Airport Manager:

Vili Ongosia has been appointed as the Airports Manager-Tonga for Royal
Tongan Airlines.He replaces Bill Rounds who has completed a 10 months
contract with RTA in Tonga.

Bill Rounds was RTA Manager Fiji for five years before his appointment
in Tonga as Airports Manager to primarily facilitate the 737 services to
Auckland late last year. Mr Ongosia's new role has served many years at
the airport as a Supervisor in both Tongatapu and Vava'u.


</b>THIS WEEK the mild, dry spell eased as the first significant rain of
the month fell from Thursday afternoon through early Friday morning.
Intermittent flashes of lightening at sunset Thursday signaled that a
weak Low (1010) had developed overhead. As of publication, unofficial
estimates of around 20mm of precipitation were quite welcome, as
previous computer forecasts seemed in agreement that a weak cold front
containing the Low would pass without much weather, leaving the island
once again high and dry. Bushfire danger has dissipated, and the island
should significantly freshen with green for the coming big week of

THE WEEKEND sees rain ending and a fair, southerly change by Saturday
for Avatele Show Day. A moderate High nudges over the island from the
SW, with the leading edge from Samoa to about Mangaia in the Southern
Cooks by Sunday evening. A second little ripple is seen by WAFS charts
sliding by Niue to the north, possibly giving us a light sprinkle from
some cloudiness late Sunday-early Monday. Mild temperatures.

NEXT WEEK the NOGAPS forecast model says umbrellas should go unused. A
return to seasonal trades north of 20S should be the predominant weather
feature for the neighborhood. The weak springtime convergence zone with
associated clouds should hang E-W along about 10S. Expect mostly fair
weather through Thursday with comfortably cool nights. Moderate easterly
afternoon breezes mid-week with high temperatures in the upper 20's.
(Thanks to Darrell Spatz private forecaster resident on Niue).


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