Neu: 2001-10-16

Contents of this issue:

1. Celebrations Continue


October 16th, 2001

1. Celebrations Continue:

Niue's week long double celebration of 100 years political
association with New Zealand and 27 years of self government
continues today with the official opening of world food day and an
ethnic dish competition. Its the third round of the centennial golf
tournament and tonight the education renaissance fiafia ball takes
place at the Niue High School hall.

Yesterday the island's youth took part in raft and canoe racing and the
government staged a fiafia dinner at the village of Hakupu.

Tomorrow its tabloid sports for veterans and the University of the
South Pacific stages an open day and launch of the book Tau Tala Tu
Fakaholo a Niue.

The governor general of NZ and Nuie Dame Silvia Cartwright along with NZ
MP's arrive on Thursday evening for the formal flag raising ceremony
Friday. Representatives of NZ radio, print and tv media will also arrive
on the air force 727 flight to record the historic occasion.

The Niue government has spent $100,000 on the celebrations which will
conclude on Monday when the Ekalesia Church celebrates Peniamina's Day -
the appointment of the first trained Niuean missionary in 1846.


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