Teilweise neu: 2002-02-19

Contents of this issue:

1. Wet, Windy

2. Preserving Tradition

3. Shore Leave

4. Pacific Pride

5. The Pacific Islands Forum leaders'

6. Best Dive


Old contents were:

1. Preserving Tradition

2. Shore Leave

3. Pacific Pride

4. The Pacific Islands Forum leaders'

5. Best Dive

February 19th 2002

1. Wet, Windy:

Rough seas and north-west winds of up to 30kts have been affecting
Niue's weather today. A tropical depression is bringing heavy rain and
squally showers as it passes west of the island bringing gale force
winds to the islands of Tonga. Forecasters say as the depression moves
south the weather will clear over Niue.

2. Preserving Tradition:

Niue outrigger canoe fishermen are making an all out effort to preserve
traditional methods and encourage more young men to gains skills in
canoe fishing.The enthusiasts have formed a group which will be headed
by Tamafai Fuhiniu. Others on the committee include Ricky Makani, Logo
Seumanu and Avi Rueben.

Mr Fuhiniu said the group will make wholesale purchases of fishing lines
and support better safety at sea.

He said canoe fishermen want their traditional fishing grounds
protected and will ask dinghy fishermen to remain 100 metres from canoe
when trolling.

3. Shore Leave:

The Pacific cruise vessel Spirit of Oceanus made an unseasonal call at
Niue during the weekend. Most of the 102 passengers and crew went
snorkelling bushwalking and touring.The vessel called at Niue last month
but passengers could not land because of rough seas. The Spirit of
Oceanus anchored in the Alofi Bay roadstead and passengers were taken to
the island's wharf by inflatable dinghies.

4. Pacific Pride:

A select committee room at Parliament was yesterday dedicated as a place
to recognise the contribution of Pacific people to New Zealand, writes
Audrey Young in the NZ Herald.

The room features a carved entranceway and displays art and gifts to NZ
from Pacific states.

The occasion was the culmination of efforts by the four MPs of Pacific
descent: Pacific Affairs Minister Mark Gosche, fellow Labour MPs Taito
Phillip Field and Luamanuvao Winnie Laban, and National MP Arthur Anae.
The room is on the ground floor of Parliament Buildings next to the
Maori affairs select committee room. In a ceremony on Parliament's
forecourt in brilliant sunshine, Prime Minister Helen Clark said New
Zealand was a "pan-Pacific nation".

It had benefited from the energy and vitality of Pacific peoples and in
turn, offered the richness and bounties of its shores.

Representatives of Samoa, the Cook Islands, Tonga, Niue, Tokelau and
Fiji spoke.

The event marked more than the celebration of a room, said Samoan
speaker Fa'amatuainu Tino Pereira.

"There have been moments of Herculean generosity but there have also
been periods that have been punctuated by political differences. But
today is a symbol that we are moving forward.

"Today we are celebrating more than a room or artefacts or a cultural
space. We are recognising a process to heal."

He said that 70 years ago, Samoa was under New Zealand administration
but fighting for political recognition.

Now he saluted new Zealand's contemporary leadership and the Speaker,
Jonathan Hunt.

"You have, through this noble gesture, given us as a community a place
in your house we can call our own: a place for Polynesia, a place for
Micronesia, a place for Melanesia."

New Zealand's Pacific Island population of 227,000 is expected to more
than double by 2051 and make up 12 per cent of the population.

5. The Pacific Islands Forum leaders'

meeting and associated officials' meetings will be held in Suva 14-21
August, says Fiji Foreign Minister Kaliopate Tavola. He added the Forum
will be held in Suva since the third African, Caribbean, Pacific heads
of state summit will be held in Nadi, in western Fiji, in July.

The west was chosen to host the ACP meeting because it is the centre of
the tourism industry. It has hotels which can accommodate the more than
1000 delegates expected for the ACP meetings.

Mr Tavola said both meetings will be a good chance to showcase Fiji to
the rest of the world.Niue will be represented by its Premier and senior
government officials. (PINA Nius Online).

6. Best Dive:

Papua New Guinea has been voted as the "Top Dive Destination in the
World" for 2002, according to the Reader's Choice Awards of Rosedale's
Scuba Diving magazine.

This is one of world's largest diving magazines and is published in the
USA. The annual award was sent to the PNG Divers' Association. It
relayed the good news through Executive Officer Vilia Lawrence and
Walindi Plantation's diving instructor Max Benjamin.

Scuba Diving has more than 120,000 subscribers in the United States and
hundreds more around the world, they said.

PNG also scored first place for Best Fish Life, Healthiest Marine
Environment, Best Macro Life, and Best Underwater Photography: and
second place for Best Wall Diving.(PINA Nius Online.)


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