Neu: 2002-03-11

Contents of this issue:

1. Inquiry Sits

2. Dialogue Continues


March 11th, 2002

1. Inquiry Sits:

Niue's High Court is the venue for the first public sitting of the
Commission of Inquiry into the island's e mail and internet services
that commences today.

The Commission is New Zealand district court judge David Ongley. The
government of Niue is represented by Auckland barrister Stephen Langton,
the internet users society by Auckland barrister Graham Kohler.

The Internet Users Society was delegated the dot nu top level country
code domain name in 1997 and set up a free email service for
government departments and residents on Niue. Later all users had use
of the internet.

The commission was set up by the government of Niue to investigate the
ownership and management of the Niue country code, the development of
services and the future policy of government in relation to the
supervision of the services.

The commission is also investigating the negotiation, status and effect
of a memorandum of understanding between the government and the internet
users society signed on January 21 1999.

The commission is likely to sit later in the year in New Zealand. Any
findings by the commission are not binding on either party.

2. Dialogue Continues:

The Niue government's Minister of Private Sector Development Matua Rex
says he is happy to maintain a dialogue with the investors in the Hotel
Niue over financial support for refurbishing the kitchen and bar.

Investors who have a lease on the property claim the government should
meet the costs of upgrading kitchen and bar facilities.

Mr Rex told Radio NZ International he has doubts about the investors
claims but says they should apply to the economic, planning and
investment committee for concessions in the business deal they have with
the government.

About $40,000 of the $1000,000 share float have been sold to local and
overseas investors for the 32 room hotel which now hopes to start
marketing for the upcoming tourist season.


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