Neu: 2002-03-14

Contents of this issue:

1. Commission Adjourns


March 14th, 2002

1. Commission Adjourns:

Judge David Ongley heading the Commission of Inquiry into e mail and
internet services on Niue has adjourned hearings on the island.

The final witnesses giving evidence were the technical manager of the
internet society Richard St Clair and MP's Mrs O'Love Jacobsen and Mr
Terry Coe.

The politicians told the commission they were Cabinet members in 1999
when they agreed to a memorandum of understanding which recognised
the Internet Users Society as the country code domain name managers
for dot NU.

They said they were happy with the arrangement because an overseas
investor was going to introduce a global communications service at no
charge to the government and was offering free connectivity to users.

The dot NU had been deisngated to the Internet Users Society in
1997 by IANA.

During the four day hearing it has been revealed that neither the
government or IUS-N has "ownership" of the dotNU country code top level
domain name and principals of top level delegation alleged to have been
adopted as policy by ICANN remained a discussion paper.

The government of Niue has applied for re-delegation of the domain name
to the Niue Information Technology Committee but ICANN has still yet to
report on the application which was filed in 2000.

Judge Ongley said the commission had adjourned until June when overseas
witnesses from Australia and the US will be called to give evidence in
New Zealand. It could be several months before a draft paper is
circulated for comments.

He told a packed courtoom on Niue that he hoped the evidence presented
had helped to quash rumours and suspicion about many of the services but
added that the outcome may or may not result in any added benefits to
the island.


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