Neu: 2002-04-05

Contents of this issue:

1. Backing Marketing

2. Official Candidates Named

3. Ministerial Visits

4. Cooks Target


April 5th, 2002

1. Backing Marketing:

While Niue's tourism industry facing wallowing in inactivity for the
second season in a row, the New Zealand visitor industry has been told
its tourism dollar would quadruple if the Government at least doubled
the amount it spends marketing the industry. Rotorua Agrodome managing
director Warren Harford, says the New Zealand Tourism Board has a tiny
budget to market the country to the rest of the

world. His comments have been backed by New Zealand Tourism Board
member Mike

Tamaki who co-owns the successful Tamaki Tours business, also in
Rotorua. They both said New Zealand's small population meant its
Government-funded budget for marketing tourism was also small. New
Zealand has been criticised for its lack of marketing by John Wegg,
editor-in-chief of the American aviation magazine Airways.

Mr Wegg said New Zealand was a great destination but it was amazing how
many Americans did not know about it. A television marketing campaign
had given Australia a high profile while New Zealand "was getting a
little left out", he said.

Mr Harford said the New Zealand Tourism Board was given about $70
million a year to market the country throughout the world. "If we buy
one prime-time television advert in America it would cost us $US1
million ($NZ2.29 million). New Zealand's GST return from tourism is huge
and the commitment the Government puts back into tourism is absolute
peanuts." Mr Harford said tourism could make or break a country's
economy.(NZ Herald).

2. Official Candidates Named:

Eighteen candidates will contest six common roll seats in the April 20
general election on Niue. They include four women - Mesdames O'Love
Jacobsen, Kilihega Jefferson, Noga Bray and Lofa Rex. Others include:
Toke Talagi, Sani Lakatani, Dylan Viviani, Bradley Punu, Stephen
McCoy, Hunukitama Hunuki, Michael Jackson, Terry Coe, Krypton Okesene,
Timothy Magaoa, Maru Talagi, Atapana Siakimotu, Morris Tafatu, and
Lafetu Sipeli.

In the village constituencies the following are elected unopposed:
Avatele - Billy Talagi; Vaiea - Talaititama Talaiti; Hakupu - Young
Viviani, Mutalau - Bill Vakaafi; Hikutavake - Opili Talafasi; Namukulu
-Jack Willie; Makefu -Tofua Puletama; Alofi North- Va'ainga Tukuitonga.
Contested village seats (sitting member named first): Alofi South -
Robert Rex, Makamau Hekau, Puleikitama Tasmania; Tamakautoga - Peter
Funaki, Taso Tukuniu; Liku- Pokotoa Sipeli, Nogimoka Poumale; Lakepa-
John Operator

Tiakia Talitama Magatogia; Toi - Dion Taufitu, Kimray Vaha, Lilivika
Muimatagi; Tuapa- Fisa Pihigia, Henry Eveni. Any candidate has the right
to withdraw before noon April 12.

3. Ministerial Visits:

NZ Foreign Minister Phil Goff heads a delegation of MPs from across the
political spectrum, NGOs, academics and officials to Samoa and the Cook
Islands next week. The RNZAF 727 jet is scheduled to stop-off in Niue
briefly to refuel on April 13. The visit is an opportunity for New
Zealand to broaden its understanding of the Pacific and to strengthen
links with Samoa and the Cook Islands.

"The visit to Samoa will be particularly meaningful this year as it
celebrates its fortieth year of independence."It will also provide a
valuable opportunity to build on working relationships with members of
the Samoan Government following my last visit there in August 2000 for
the Forum Foreign Ministers meeting," said Mr Goff.

"The delegation will also be visiting aid projects funded through the
New Zealand Overseas Development Assistance programme. "New Zealand has
exceptionally strong family, economic, political and sporting ties with
Samoa. It is estimated that 120,000

Samoans now live in New Zealand. "The visit to the Cook Islands will be
my first opportunity to meet with the new Government and renew
acquaintances with newly appointed Cooks Prime Minister Dr Robert
Woonton."During the visit I will be opening a NZODA funded air strip on
the outer Island of Mitiaro. This facility will provide a much-needed
boost to one of the Cooks lesser developed islands," said Mr Goff.

4. Cooks Target:

Rarotonga will be the focus of government efforts to improve the
country's basic infrastructure in the 2002/2003 budget due out in July
reports the Cook Island News. According to a section on "infrastructure
development" in the budget policy statement released by Finance Minister
and Deputy Prime Minister Sir Geoffrey Henry the government will be
especially aiming to improve the island's airport, wharves, roading and
water supply. Investigating the use of wind power technology as a source
of renewable energy will be another priority. The statement says the
government will improve on infrastructure development in the 2002/2003
year by focusing on the following:

- Seeking financial assistance from donor partners to assist with the
  upgrade of the Rarotonga and Aitutaki airports with an estimated cost
  of NZ$ 25 million (US$11,030,750);

- Assisting the construction of the new courthouse with funding provided
  by China estimated at NZ$ 3.8 million (US$ 1,676,674).

- Beginning the design and construction of the Rarotonga and Aitutaki
  solid and liquid waste treatment project.

- Funding the Ministry of Works to improve and upgrade roads, drains,
  foreshores and water reticulation systems on Rarotonga. This will
  include the allocation of further funds for the maintenance of
  government buildings managed by the Cook Islands Investment

- Working closely with the CIIC and the Rarotonga Ports Authority for
  development of the seaports to accommodate the expanding needs of the
  fishing industry.

Capital expenditure for the outer islands in the current financial year
is estimated at NZ$ 2,380,000 (US$ 1,050,127). This includes harbor work
at Tukao and Tauhunu in Manihiki
- which begins next week - as well as in Rakahanga. Construction of
  Manihiki's NZ$ 400,000 (US$ 176,492) hospital is expected to begin in
  about three months' time, following the completion of work on the
  island's harbors.(CI News).


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