Good morning!

As previously mentioned, below is the current list of subscribers (sans email 
addresses) to the NFC-L eList (346 total). Hopefully, this will give everyone 
clarity in knowing who they are speaking to when posting or contributing.

That being said, not all subscribed email addresses are set to actively receive 
emails; further, there are at least three subscribed mail archive addresses 
which may broaden the reader base to a potentially larger, more anonymous 
audience of persons interested in night flight calls.

Thanks again to all readers and contributors and good night listening!

Chris T-H

Listowner, NFC-L
Ithaca, NY

PS - if you are not currently subscribed and wish to do so, please visit the 
“subscribe” link at the bottom or email me off-list.

First Name      Last Name       Date Joined
Alfred  Adamo   8/22/09
Evan    Adams   11/8/11
Josh    Adams   2/25/13
Mark    Adams   8/20/09
Wilken T.       Agster  8/26/09
Andrew  Albright        8/19/09
Danny   Allen   4/3/12
Mike    Allen   9/21/12
David   Allinson        8/26/13
Amy     Amones  8/21/09
Michael Andersen        2/18/14
Joyce   Angleberger     8/27/09
John    Arvin   1/4/12
Tom     Auer    6/26/14
Marcia  Balestri        8/20/09
Lynn    Barber  8/19/09
Olivier Barden  8/19/09
Peter   Barnes  10/20/09
Maurice Barnhill        10/28/10
Jessie  Barry   4/27/09
Keith   Bartels 8/20/09
Jason   Beason  2/3/11
Colin   Beattie 10/14/09
Jean    Beaudreault     8/19/09
Frederic        Beaudry 3/20/12
Andrew  Bernick 8/19/09
Andrew  Birch   9/6/09
The     Birding Lists Digest    7/26/12
John    Bissell 8/19/09
Steve   Blain   11/22/10
Jeff    Bolsinger       9/3/09
Brent   Bomkamp 2/6/11
Jon     Boone   8/25/09
Kevin   Brady   8/20/09
Aaron   Brees   8/19/09
Rachel  Bricklin        5/4/09
Tayler  Brooks  8/24/09
Merrilee        Brown   9/10/10
Steve   Broyles 4/28/09
Gerhard Bruins  4/21/15
Greg    Budney  8/19/09
Jeffrey Buler   9/27/11
Ben     Cacace  11/4/09
Jackie  Canterbury      8/25/09
Anne    Caramanico      5/23/10
Ed      Carlson 8/4/10
Eric    Carpenter       11/4/11
John    Cecil   8/25/09
Russ    Charif  4/24/09
Allen   Chartier        8/28/09
Harold  Cheyne  12/23/09
Steve   Chorvas 8/19/09
David   Christie        8/25/10
James   Churchill       8/24/14
J. Alan Clark   8/25/09
J.      Clayton 8/19/09
Benjamin M.     Clock   9/13/09
Caitlin Coberly 8/24/09
Joan    Collins 7/30/10
Barbara Combs   8/22/09
Jacob C.        Cooper  2/3/11
Ben     Coulter 8/19/09
Bram    Crevits 3/14/11
Ian     Cruickshank     8/31/10
Thelma  Dalmas  8/29/09
Alex    Dalton  7/15/14
Jim     Danzenbaker     4/29/09
Chuck   Davis   8/22/09
Glen    Davis   8/19/09
Andrew  Davis   4/29/09
Deanna K.       Dawson  4/27/09
Todd    Day     8/19/09
Nathan  DeBruine        4/13/12
Emma    DeLeon  9/9/10
Roseanna        Denton  8/19/09
Tom     Dietterich      8/23/09
Thomas  Dougherty       8/29/09
Diana   Doyle   12/7/11
Andrew  Dreelin 9/30/14
Paul    Driver  8/19/09
Matt    Dufort  8/25/09
Ethan   Duke    2/27/11
Simon   Duval   8/19/09
Nelson  Edwards 12/16/11
Bryan   Ehlmann 9/14/09
Mandy   Ehnes   7/2/14
Susan   Elbin   9/2/09
Jesse   Ellis   5/18/11
Bill    Elrick  10/25/11
Quinn   Emmering        9/7/16
Jody    Enck    8/19/09
Laura   Erickson        8/19/09
Nacho   Escorriola Giovannini   9/3/12
Bill    Evans   4/24/09
Harold  Eyster  10/11/11
Mike    Farmer  9/1/09
Andrew  Farnsworth      4/24/09
Mike    Feely   8/22/09
Rob     Fergus  8/20/09
Pedro   Fernandes       9/9/09
Harold  Figueroa        6/7/10
Martha  Fischer 8/25/09
Ted     Floyd   4/28/09
Jennifer        Foote   8/4/13
Jason   Forbes  3/17/10
Laurie  Foss    8/19/09
Laurent Fournier        6/7/11
Tom     Fowler  4/24/09
Charles Francis 11/2/11
Don     Freiday 9/10/12
Jonathan        Frodge  8/21/09
Marcel  Gahbauer        7/31/09
Samuel  Galick  8/19/09
Tony    Gallucci        8/19/09
Dominic Garcia-Hall     4/2/15
Martin  Garner  8/22/12
John    Garrett 9/1/09
Matt    Garvey  4/1/10
Jeffrey A.      Gerbracht       4/30/09
Matt    Goff    8/19/09
Laura C.        Gooch   9/16/10
Jeffrey Gordon  8/19/09
B. Max  Gotz    6/8/13
Thomas  Greg    9/3/09
Lewis   Grove   4/27/09
Bryan   Guarente        2/23/14
Jason   Guerard 8/31/09
Sergio  Guerrero        8/31/09
Dan     Gusset  9/23/11
Matt    Hafner  8/19/09
Joyanne Hamilton        8/25/09
Mike    Hannisian       5/23/10
Jeffrey Hanson  8/19/09
Meena   Haribal 8/13/09
Norma   Hart    9/14/11
David   Hartley 8/18/09
Rachel  Hasson  5/11/15
Dean    Hawthorne       8/22/09
Christopher M.  Heckscher       8/25/09
David   Hedeen  9/12/09
Meg     Hedeen  5/16/12
Kevin   Heist   9/17/09
Jim     Hengeveld       8/20/09
Nathan  Hentze  12/21/12
Sabrina Hepburn 10/5/13
Wil     Hershberger     9/12/12
Paul    Hertzel 8/20/09
Jeff    Holbrook        9/3/09
Andy    Horn    8/19/09
Kyle    Horton  8/25/09
Debbie  House   8/13/11
Bill    Hubick  8/20/09
Paul    Hurtado 7/23/12
Corey   Husic   5/21/13
Lawrence D.     Igl     9/3/09
Marshall J.     Iliff   4/27/09
David   Irons   6/4/09
Alvaro  Jaramillo       8/26/09
AJ      Johnson 8/7/14
Andy    Johnson 8/31/09
Oscar   Johnson 8/19/09
Tom     Johnson 4/27/09
Rodney  Johnson 4/13/10
Pat     Johnson 9/8/10
Andy    Jones   9/13/10
Timothy Judge   1/5/11
John    Kearney 2/26/12
Sara    Keen    9/13/12
Jay     Keller  8/19/09
Rudolph Keller  8/12/09
Steve   Kelling 4/27/09
Joseph  Kennedy 8/19/09
Eric    Kent    8/20/09
Nancy   Kern    8/21/09
Holger  Klinck  4/30/16
Anne    Klingensmith    4/27/09
Kasey   Klingensmith    11/3/11
Jonathan        Klizas  1/5/11
Katrina Knight  8/19/09
Gary    Kohlenberg      8/19/09
Steve   Kolbe   3/10/15
Ronnie  Kramer  2/18/14
David   La Puma 8/20/09
Josiah  LaCelle 5/19/11
Robbie  LaCelle 11/4/09
Blaine  Landsborough    5/9/15
Michael Lanzone 4/27/09
Cin-Ty  Lee     9/6/09
Marie Cecile    Lee     8/24/09
Harry   Lehto   8/19/09
Debbie  Leick   10/30/12
Jeff    Lemons  9/25/11
Tim     Lenz    4/27/09
Ernie   Lewis   9/13/14
Nadine  Litwin  1/21/14
Preston Lust    8/27/16
Jo      Lutmerding      9/26/09
Mikey   Lutmerding      9/25/09
Ann     Lyons   9/27/09
Rich    MacDonald       9/9/10
Matt    MacGillivray    6/11/12
Ray     Mack    7/30/10
The     Mail Archive    7/22/09
Geoff   Malosh  9/18/13
Rob     Mantel  8/30/09
Pete    Marchetto       8/6/09
Andy    Martin  9/12/11
David   Martin  8/20/09
Ron     Martin  7/16/09
Larry   Master  8/21/09
Brian   McAllister      8/19/09
Steve   McConnell       10/29/09
Jim     McCormac        8/19/09
Andrew  McGann  9/1/09
Jay     McGowan 8/1/12
Kevin   McGowan 8/20/09
Bob     McGuire 9/15/11
Lucy    Meng    9/9/13
Daniel J.       Mennill 8/24/11
Stephen Menzie  9/29/09
Holly   Merker  8/23/14
Ryan    Merrill 8/19/09
Miranne Merritt-Pellerin        8/20/09
Walter  Messier 8/24/09
Chris   Michener        8/19/09
Don     Miller  8/3/11
Paul    Miller  3/7/12
Harold  Mills   8/20/09
Ann     Mitchell        10/12/11
Shaibal Mitra   4/24/13
David   Mizrahi 8/25/09
Liisa   Mobley  5/22/13
Graham  Montgomery      9/19/14
Donald  Morse Jr.       9/8/10
David   Mozurkewich     8/25/09
Jenny   Murtaugh        8/21/09
Narkive Narkive 8/28/14
Colby   Neuman  4/30/09
John    Newlander       3/10/10
David   Nicosia 4/26/09
Ann     Nightingale     7/27/09
Kelley  Nunn    9/10/14
Dave    Nutter  5/8/12
John    O'Brien 8/19/09
Michael O'Brien 8/24/09
Thomas  O'Donnell       8/26/09
Brian   O'Shea  9/20/09
Linda   Orkin   8/21/09
Matt    Orsie   8/25/09
Rob     Ostrowski       10/4/11
Chuck   Otte    9/20/12
Drew    Panko   8/20/09
Carl A. Pascoe  9/11/12
Andy    Paulios 9/6/12
Anders  Peltomaa        7/26/14
Gerard  Phillips        8/4/09
Timothy Phillips        8/20/09
Anna    Pidgeon 8/27/09
Nathan  Pieplow 8/24/09
Michael Pitzrick        8/19/09
Susan   Plankis 10/5/12
Dan     Poalillo        5/23/10
Hugh    Powell  9/6/12
Mike    Powers  4/24/09
Annette Prince  3/30/10
Caleb   Putnam  9/19/11
Denis C.        Quinn   9/24/09
Buster  Raff    8/31/09
Jerald  Reb     5/9/16
Tom     Reed    1/6/10
Dan     Rhoads  3/20/10
Lane    Richter 3/2/13
Jeremy  Ridlbauer       8/25/09
Magnus  Robb    11/2/11
W. Douglas      Robinson        10/9/11
Ron     Rohrbaugh       10/13/11
John    Roosenberg II   6/2/12
Ken     Rosenberg       4/24/09
Jesse   Ross    10/26/11
Patricia        Rossi   8/26/09
Cyndi   Rossini 8/25/09
Josée   Rousseau        6/18/13
Liz     Rowland 9/7/16
Will    Russell 6/13/09
Matt    Sadowski        9/29/10
Mark    Salminen        9/27/13
Claire  Sanders 9/9/11
Matthew Sarver  8/26/09
Barbara Saunders        8/20/09
Susan   Schaezler       8/19/09
Vincent Schiappa        5/22/10
Chase   Schiefer        8/24/09
Mark    Schilling       5/18/12
Daniel  Schneider       4/1/14
Ken     Schneider       11/2/12
Tim     Schreckengost   9/10/12
Tom     Schulenberg     8/20/09
Avery   Scott   4/26/14
Luke    Seitz   3/31/10
Daniel  Sheldon 7/8/11
Nan     Shoemaker       11/1/13
Eric    Sibbald 9/28/16
Alan    Sieradzki       8/25/09
Ross    Silcock 9/16/09
Jack    Siler   9/3/09
Lee     Simpson 9/18/12
Dan     Singer  8/25/09
Nick    Sly     8/20/09
Kelly   Smith   9/20/13
Jason   Smith   8/26/09
Adam    Smith   8/26/09
Sherwood        Snyder  8/6/09
Eric    Soehren 8/4/10
Tim     Spahr   4/19/11
Noah    Strycker        6/2/13
Brian   Sullivan        4/27/09
Tao     Sun     8/4/12
Walter  Szeliga 6/5/09
Jim     Tate    8/25/09
Chris   Tessaglia-Hymes 1/13/09
John    Thaxton 10/12/10
Andrew  Thornton        9/10/09
Stuart  Tingley 9/8/10
Stephen Tirone  7/2/15
Emily   Tompkins        10/13/12
John    Trent   3/29/14
Andy    Urquhart        10/28/09
Mike    Usai    9/30/14
Benjamin        Van Doren       8/16/11
Alison  Vilag   9/17/09
Matthew Voisine 8/20/09
Rudyard Wallen  11/30/15
Ann     Warde   8/25/09
Drew    Weber   8/20/09
Stephen Welch   11/11/10
Jeff    Wells   6/14/09
Dave    Wheeler 5/11/10
Jim     White   8/29/09
Tim     White   8/19/09
Audrey  Whitlock        8/1/13
David   Williams        9/25/14
Geoffrey A.     Williamson      1/3/10
Brian H.        Wilson  3/21/13
Marcia  Wilson  7/13/10
Herb    Wilson  8/25/09
Jay     Withgott        5/5/09
Adam    Wood    8/19/09
Christopher     Wood    4/27/09
Matt    Young   8/20/09

Chris Tessaglia-Hymes
Listowner, NFC-L
Ithaca, New York<>
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