Hi, can your microphones for sale record at 24 bit?

Is it possible to have more info !?

Thank you!

Dioni Loïc Sauvé
Laval, Québec

2017-11-07 0:16 GMT-05:00 Dioni Loïc Sauvé <dioni.loic.sa...@gmail.com>:

> Hello, regarding the remaining material Old Bird 21c Micros, is it
> possible to have more info !?
> Can the microphone record at 24 bit?
> Thank you!
> Great news!
> Dioni Loïc Sauvé
> Laval, Québec
> 2017-11-06 23:55 GMT-05:00 Bill Evans <wrev...@clarityconnect.com>:
>> Greetings all,
>> I'm happy to report that the old Evans & O'Brien Flight Call CDRom
>> material is now freely accessible online at http://oldbird.org/pubs/Eva
>> nsOBrien2002.html
>> A new edition will begin to appear online in early 2018 with content
>> rolling out over the coming years.
>> Michael O’Brien and I will serve as initial editors
>> and the scope will expand to all species in North America.
>> Also wanted to let folks know that this week only I'm offering an
>> off-season discount on my remaining stock (3) of Old Bird 21c mics -- $250
>> plus shipping, first come first serve.
>> Bill Evans
>> --
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