Luke Scharf wrote:

> Robert Thurlow wrote:
>> Darren.Reed at wrote:
>>>>> add service
>>>>> set type=nfs
>>>>> end
>>>> Yes, I had a setting like this in mind, as opposed to something that
>>>> includes a path to a resource that may be shared.
>>> Are you of the opinion that the global zone shouldn't be able to limit
>>> what the local zone is able to share via NFS, within its root ?
>>> Or that this would/should be done seperately?
>> My thoughts from here are that a zone can share a slice/LUN/cXtXdXsX,
>> but not something it accesses via lofs, and if it has such an object,
>> it gets to make the decision to share.  The switch is for the global
>> zone admin to veto thr ability to share anything.
> Why not just run a userland NFS daemon in the zones -- and follow the 
> existing security model?
> That makes all of the security model questions fall away -- and it 
> also gets fault isolation.  There's a slight performance penalty, but 
> you're running a VM-ish environment anyway.

This thought did occur to me and if you take it to the logical
conclusion, there is no way to restrict which directories or
partitions a zone shares if they are accessible inside the zone.
This presupposes that root in the zone has access to software
to do this...but there have been programs around for over a
decade that are standalone NFS clients, so I can't see why
there isn't an NFS server equivalent.

With respect to performance, there isn't really any serious
performance hit at all for applications running in a local zone.
They interact directly with the kernel and disk, just like they
would if they were running in the global zone.


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