> I'm also about to ask for a code review for 6738223 Can not share a 
> single IP address 
> <http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6738223>, which is 
> quite simple to fix and we probably never would have fixed it except for:
>    1. I saw someone copying it over to the CIFS code.
>    2. We've had a couple of people ask about it on nfs-discuss at
>       OpenSolaris.
> The basic issue is that you can not share to a single IP without 
> explicitly mentioning a netmask. I go on about it in these old blog 
> entries: [Open]Solaris and sharing subnets and single machines 
> <http://blogs.sun.com/tdh/entry/open_solaris_and_sharing_subnets> and 
> Checking a host entry - some code analysis 
> <http://blogs.sun.com/tdh/entry/checking_a_host_entry_some>.


With this change, you can share like

zfs set sharenfs=...@,anon=0 pool/ws/fooper

share -F nfs -o r...@ -d "For kanigix only" /zoo/isos

instead of doing:

zfs set sharenfs=...@,anon=0 pool/ws/fooper

share -F nfs -o r...@ -d "For kanigix only" /zoo/isos

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