I've been trying to run my Sunray session on a server with my $HOME mounted 
using Secure NFS (authenticated with a Kerberos server) and things mostly work 
just fine... Only a couple of annoying things that I wonder if they might have 
been fixed in OpenSolaris (probably not but...)

xscreensaver goes catatonic sometimes when I have been away a whole weekend (so 
I only get a black windows and can't awaken the session - I have to ssh in to 
the server from another machine and kill the xscreensaver process. Workaround: 
kill xscreensaver and then run xlock manually...  Does this work better in 

thunderbird stops being able to move deleted mails to the trash folder (they 
never disappear from the inbox either). Workaround: restart thunderbird.

firefox stops being able to run new searches from the toolbar search window 
(most other things works though). Workaround: restart firefox.

I'm not 100% sure, but I attribute this all to the kerberos ticket timing out 
(and isn't being renewed since the screen is locked) so the $HOME goes "away" 
(or rather xscreensaver, thunderbird and firefox isn't allowed access to the 

It's a bit annoying but I'm a bit unsure about what the right<tm> way to solve 
this is. Ideally I'd like to start using Secure NFS more, but currently it 
feels like things aren't really well tested for wide deployment.
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