Mike Gerdts wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:44 AM, Pavel Filipensky
> <Pavel.Filipensky at sun.com> wrote:
>>> 5) default behavior:: limit action(s) to the current zone
>>> available options: -Z ...apply action(s) to all *non-global* zones
>>> So I propose to implement 5).
>> + add call of 'umountall -Z' to stop method /lib/svc/method/svc-zones
> The following:
> global# svcadm disable -t zones
> Should not cause NFS mounts in the global zone to go away.  This
> implies the need for:

5) default behavior:: limit action(s) to the current zone
available options: -Z ...apply action(s) to all *non-global* zones

-Z will apply only to *non-global* zones, so it will not cause NFS mounts
in the global zone to go away.
> umountall -z zone ...
> svc-zones currently has the following shutdown logic:
> 1) zlogin $zone init 0
> 2) zoneadm -z $zone halt
> 3) give up and print an error message
We can make it as:

1) zlogin $zone init 0
2) zoneadm -z $zone halt
2.5) umountall -Z
3) give up and print an error message


1) zlogin $zone init 0
1.5) umountall -Z
2) zoneadm -z $zone halt
3) give up and print an error message

This is an implementation detail  which should be checked with zones people.

So you basically agree with the soultion #5, or?


> It seems as though it may be useful to add 2.5 where it calls
> "umountall -z $zone", possibly followed by one more "zoneadm -z $zone
> halt" attempt.  It does seem as though it is logic that belongs in
> "zoneadm halt" rather than in service methods.
> Mike

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