Hi  Dan,

recently, I have asked you and zones-core to do a code review for 6779275.
The changes require a PSARC fast-track. Could you please sponsor the 
case for that?

I am attaching a draft for the onepager.


On 12/04/08 04:43, Rich Brown wrote:
> On 12/03/08 05:19, Frank Batschulat (Home) wrote:
>> On Tue, 02 Dec 2008 22:29:35 +0100, Pavel Filipensky <Pavel.Filipensky at 
>> sun.com> wrote:
>>> Rob and Mike,
>>> new webrev is here:  http://cr.opensolaris.org/~pavelf/6779275/
>>> Can you review that?
>> looks reasonable sane to me. though this should get the elevation
>> of a selfreview PSARC case.
> Hmm... Since this is a command line change, then it's going to need
> a PSARC fast-track.  I've already exchanged e-mail with Pavel and
> suggested that he ask Dan Price (zones guy) to sponsor this.  (I
> can do it if Dan can't/won't, but it's got to go through the zones
> team either way.)
> Also, this change means an update to the mountall(1M) man page (which
> includes umountall).  This CR needs to have the "Fix Affects Documentation"
> field set to "yes" and a man page CR needs to be submitted for the
> doc update.  (FWIW, before the RTI for this fix can be accepted, the
> corresponding man page RTI must be marked "Fix in progress".)
> I hope this helps,
>       Rich
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