On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 21:11:40 +0100, Tom Haynes <Thomas.Haynes at sun.com> wrote:

> Kyle McDonald wrote:
>> Tom Haynes wrote:
>>> Kyle McDonald wrote:
>>>> Functionally what's the difference between allowing root nfs access
>>>> with root=*, and allowing it with anon=0?
>>>> I have a JumpStart filesystem that was shared through
>>>> /etc/dfs/dfstab with '-o sec=sys,ro,anon=0'. On this file system
>>>> there are files that are owned by root and mode 600. During
>>>> jumpstart these files can be copied fine.
>>>> WHen I was converting to use sharemgr, at first I missed the fact
>>>> that it has an 'anon=0' option, and decided to used 'root=*'
>>>> instead. For some reason this broke things, those same files
>>>> couldn't be copied.
>>>> Switching back to 'anon=0' fixed things again.
>>>> Why?
>>>> The onnly difference I can see is that root= allows a list of hosts,
>>>> but when used with an * it should work the same as anon=0 right?
>>> You can't use root with a '*'.
>> Then the sharemgr man page needs updating. :)
>> It says that the syntax is root=access_list, where an access_list is
>> any of: *, hostname, netgroup, domainname.suffix, or network.
> Okay, I always go to share and not sharemgr. And I know from my
> experience with share, that root does
> not support wildcards...
> I agree that the sharemgr(1M) man page states that a '*' is allowed for
> an access_list.
> I also agree that I think it is not working.
> If also think the '*' is not working for rw:
> [root at jhereg ~]> sharemgr create mygroup
> [root at jhereg ~]> sharemgr add-share -s /tomper mygroup
> [root at jhereg ~]> sharemgr set -P nfs -S sys -p root=\*,rw=\* mygroup
> [root at jhereg ~]> share
> foo at mygroup     /tomper   sec=sys,root=*,rw=*   ""
> And:
> [root at pnfs-9-25 ~]>  mount jhereg:/tomper /tomper
> nfs mount: mount: /tomper: Permission denied
> [root at pnfs-9-25 ~]> mount -o vers=4,sec=sys jhereg:/tomper /tomper
> nfs mount: mount: /tomper: Permission denied
> If I make the change:
> [root at jhereg ~]> sharemgr set -P nfs -S sys -p root=\*,rw mygroup
> [root at jhereg ~]> share
> foo at mygroup     /tomper   sec=sys,root=*,rw   ""
> And:
> [root at pnfs-9-25 ~]> mount -o vers=4,sec=sys jhereg:/tomper /tomper
> [root at pnfs-9-25 ~]> cd /tomper
> [root at pnfs-9-25 /tomper]> touch jilted
> [root at pnfs-9-25 /tomper]> ls -la
> total 287055
> drwxrwxrwx   3 th199096 staff        512 Dec  9 14:06 .
> drwxr-xr-x  36 root     root          38 Dec  8 14:10 ..
> -rw-r--r--   1 th199096 staff      83610 Dec  8 14:21 aaaa
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root        6904 Dec  8 14:23 acl.snoop
> -rw-r--r--   1 root     root        7416 Dec  8 14:20 aclv4.snoop
> drwxr-xr-x   3 th199096 staff        512 Dec  4 03:10 archives-nightly-osol
> -rw-r--r--   1 th199096 staff      80146 Dec  8 14:24 av3
> -rw-r--r--   1 nobody   nobody         0 Dec  2 17:46 eg
> -rw-r--r--   1 th199096 staff          0 Dec  2 16:21 it
> -rw-r--r--   1 nobody   nobody         0 Dec  9 14:06 jilted
> We see that it was created with the wrong uid/gid.
> I think you should submit a bug.

I've filed

6784573 sharemgr and access_list=* do not get along

to keep track of this issue.

> IMHO, the share output should have shown something like the second
> output for the
> rw=* case.
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