Rince wrote:
> This is between Linux clients (various kernels tested between 2.6.16 and
> 2.6.24, inclusive) and the aforementioned snv_107 server - I've not got any
> Solaris clients up right now to test this behavior with them, but
> Linux<->Linux does not have this problem as far as I can tell, and I've not
> seen any reports of this happening online for the Linux clients, so I think
> this is a problem on the server-side. I'll have time to set up a Solaris
> client in a few days to test this.
> This behavior, incidentally, persists regardless of whether the clients
> mount with NFSv3 or NFSv4, TCP or UDP, and rsize/wsize explicitly specified
> or not.
> Anyone seen this?
Hmm. I've seen hangs (I recently posted about them here, but this list 
has very little traffic lately, and I haven't seen a response) mounting 
from a b103 server on rhel4u4 and rhel5u2 clients.

I hadn't thought about it, but my server also has mtu=9000 set on it's 
interfaces (e1000g.) I don't know if it matters, but I also have 4 of 
these e1000g interfaces aggregated together with LACP. I'm using a 
Linksys 2048SRW switch which also has LACP and Jumbo Frames enabled.

Like you I see no issues with other traffic only NFS.

You don't say, but for me the 'mount' protocol succeeds. It's only the 
NFS accesses that hang.

I'll try disabling the Jumbo Frames and see if the problem persists.


> - Rich

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