Is there a good book to catch up on the changes to NFS in v3 and v4 
(mostly v4)? I'm looking to catchup on the admin security stuff mainly, 
not lowlevel protocol details.

The last time I was heavily into admining this stuff, I got vary 
familiar with (through NIS+) SecureRPC keys, keylogin, etc. for 
SecureNFS. And while I've picked up on some of the performance related 
changes with v3, I have totally missed learning aobut the new security 
features Liek how Kerberos fits in?). And I've got no clue what changes 
NFS v4 and v4.1 include.

I read Hal Stern's (I think he was co-author, but the other name escapes 
me) O'Reilly NFS book back then and found it useful. O'Reilly replied to 
my questions that there was no update planned to cover NFS v4.

Can anyone suggest anything similiar and more up to date?


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